The Press Restaurant

129 Harvard Ave.
Claremont CA 91711
(909) 625-4808
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:30pm


Tue Apr 23 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at The Press...

We may have only had 8 teams, started with 10 but 2 had to leave early but we had a great time none the less.

We had few teams that doubled down and didnt like the outcome of the answers lol but they kept on going getting a couple correct double downs. The picture round definitely showed the age ranges in the room and some of the answers were awesome "some old guy group" "the ones who stick their tongues out".

For a beer round this week we did "Cookie Face" and let me just say, the winner did it in like 5secs. The object of the game is start with an oreo on your forehead and move it to your mouth with put dropping it or using your hands, not an easy task to most.

Rich Bitch 5 and Suhh Dudes took 1st and 2nd this week. RB5 wanted the score of Suhh Dudes but didnt want to give up 1st place so they kept 71 a s Suhh Dudes 69!

Great week all and all and I was grateful for the birthday wishes from the staff and regulars.

Until Next week The Press


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16453 Rich Bitch 5: She is Risen 71 7 1.000
2 13642 Suhhh Dudes 69 6 0.857
3 19517 Dirty Filthy Scores 57 5 0.714
4 13537 Direwolf Tales From the Crypt 54 4 0.571
5 Less is More 38 3 0.429
6 18084 Scooter Lobby 35 2 0.286
7 I don't Know 34 1 0.143
8 16961 Drinkin' and Thinkin' 27 0 0.000