The Press Restaurant

129 Harvard Ave.
Claremont CA 91711
(909) 625-4808
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:30pm


Tue May 7 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This Week at The Press...

Welcome to college finals week, a lot of team members came in to destress from the studying for finals. The stress on theis faces when they came in and the smiles when they left were awesome.

This week had some ver difficult rounds but no one gave up and left. With a score of 67 Multiple Scoregasms took the win and Direwolf in 2nd with a score of 54. Multiple Scoregasms is definitely the team to beat at The Press, they show up to win and win they do.

12 teams this week with some new teams who were excited to find out there was trivia every Tuesday night at the Press and promised to be back. I learned there "Garlic Cheese Fries" here and let me just say if you want to ward of a vampire or a first date these things are AMAZING!! The flavor is so good but you will be breathing garlic for days.

Until Next Week...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16453 Oscar the Groucho Marxist 67 11 1.000
2 13537 Pet the Damn Direwolf 54 10 0.909
3 Never 2 Late 50 9 0.818
4 Team Thanos 48 8 0.727
5 Yonic Drip 45 7 0.636
6 19517 The Graduates 42 6 0.545
7 Adam and the Beanstock 37 5 0.455
8 Benny's and the Kets 36 4 0.364
9 13642 Suhhh Dudes 35 3 0.273
10 Quiz on my Face 34 2 0.182
11 Three's Company 32 1 0.091
12 BoBoddy 29 0 0.000