The Recess Room was full of King Trivia players here to root for the Nationals in Game 1 tonight! Okay, maybe there were SOME Astros fans, but kept quiet out of fear of having points taken away for their vocal support... man, I love Rule #3!
Boardwalk 11 and Baby Cheeses trickled in a few minutes late, which may have sealed their fate in losing the third place prize to Knock On Wood. The loss was especially painful for Boardwalk 11, who had one hell of a comeback, but still missed out on $10 by ONE point!
Newbies Team Fresh came in an hour late, so even they knew there was very little hope for them. But they did great putting their heads together, and I hope they come back for more trivia fun!
Knock On Wood excelled in their general knowledge, and even though they missed out on a double-down opportunity on their statues, and lacked quite a bit of sauciness, it was still enough to place.
Thirsty Pretzels had a rough Round 1, but did so well on their statues, Alcatraz knowledge, and pop band songs that even a failed double down on Shakespeare tragedies couldn't stop them from winning $20 and scoring a free Recess Room appetizer.
Highway Stars doubled down on general knowledge and statues, scored 10/10 on pop band songs, and with the Home Team carrying the weight of the team by knowing Android OS nicknames, they achieved a $40 victory!