Underdogs Sports Bar

156 S Brand Blvd
Glendale CA 91210
(818) 484-7677
About Underdogs Sports Bar

An awesome sports bar in Glendale!


Wed Apr 10 2019
| by Quizmaster Joe Martone

So this game a had a WILD range of difficulty tonight. Round 1 had four out of six teams doubling successfully...only for all of them to struggle with two or three point max in round 3. This was a wild night.

Thankfully, we got smart cookies here at Underdogs and they got the hang of it quickly. Ginkgo 1997 doubled their way to an impressive 70 points in the final round, with the Number of Homeless Dude Sean has Blown is 69! (Yes, I enjoyed that way too much).

Well done guys! See you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14126 Ginko 1997 70 5 1.000
2 10194 The Number of Homeless Dudes Sean Has Blown Is... 69 4 0.800
3 17413 Almost Okay 58 3 0.600
4 16414 Dream Team 54 1 0.300
4 Brasileros 54 1 0.300
6 The Sharks 52 0 0.000