Alosta Brewing Co.

692 Arrow Grand Circle
Covina CA 91722
(626) 470-7897
About Alosta Brewing Co.

At Alosta Brewing Co., we believe in a strong sense of community and bringing people together. We believe in embracing change while holding on to tradition. We have a passion for craft beer, and we want to share our passion with you.


Thu Feb 15 2018
| by Quizmaster Austin F

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 10340 Beer Me, Bitch 50 11 0.958
1 11298 Jen'll Tell Ya! 50 11 0.958
3 Djagwire 45 10 0.833
4 10740 Pale Ale Monorail 43 9 0.750
5 10899 Average Joes 42 7 0.625
5 Didja Hear the One About the Fella of the Polish Persuasion? 42 7 0.625
7 Of a Certain Age 40 6 0.500
8 12022 Team Hindenberg 39 5 0.417
9 10306 Cheers! 35 4 0.333
10 Los Gatos Borrachos 27 3 0.250
11 Carpetbaggers 25 2 0.167
12 Pinky & the Brain 21 1 0.083
13 P-Squared 19 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Feb 8 2018
| by Quizmaster Austin F

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12425 Goon squad 63 16 1.000
2 10764 Charming Devils 62 15 0.938
3 Just Wesley, No Crushers 60 14 0.875
4 Steven Hawking's School of Dance 56 13 0.812
5 12369 Ship of Fools 54 12 0.750
6 10740 Pale Ale Monorail 53 11 0.688
7 11298 Jen'll Tell Ya! 52 10 0.625
8 10340 Beer Me, Bitch 44 9 0.562
9 Little Sleezers 43 8 0.500
10 10306 Cheers! 41 7 0.438
11 Stacy's Friends 40 6 0.375
12 12775 Six of One 37 5 0.312
13 10899 Average Joes 32 4 0.250
14 The I.T. Crowd 29 3 0.188
15 Los Gatos Borrachos 28 1 0.094
15 11057 Samson! It's Sheila. Mama Fell! 28 1 0.094
17 Team Vacation 12 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Feb 1 2018
| by Quizmaster Austin F

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11057 Cockring Warehouse 55 16 1.000
2 11298 Jen'll Tell Ya! 54 15 0.938
3 Blind Squirrel Finding Nuts 53 14 0.875
4 12369 Ship of Fools 41 13 0.812
5 Clean Pipes Initiative 40 12 0.750
6 10740 Pale Ale Monorail 37 8 0.594
6 10340 Beer Me, Bitch 37 8 0.594
6 10764 Charming Devils 37 8 0.594
6 Dobby's Avengers 37 8 0.594
10 10899 Average Joes 32 7 0.438
11 Big Lebrewskis 29 6 0.375
12 10306 Cheers! 28 5 0.312
13 Los Gatos Borrachos 24 4 0.250
14 12775 Six of One 21 2 0.156
14 12022 Know nothings 21 2 0.156
16 CM2 11 1 0.062
17 OG Thursday Crew 4 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker