Barnacles Bar & Grill

837 Hermosa Ave.
Hermosa Beach CA 90254
(310) 798-9064


Sun May 6 2018
| by Quizmaster Arash Ghanavatian

Post-Cinco De Mayo


Sunday May 6th was a true test to see who was the King of Trivia over at Barnacles. After a Cinco De Mayo Weekend, only the true King would emerge putting there last few remaining brain cells to the test. We had a total of 7 teams start but early on two teams dropped out, as you know this game isn't for the weak, it's for royalty. The Buckeyes shot out strong in the first round maximizing every point possible, being a registered team and doubling up. Michelle's Last stand was not far off either until Round 4, where the Buckeyes extended an un- catchable lead. Big Butts All Day had a night full of distractions but they still managed to end the night in third.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14702 Buckeyes 61 3 1.000
2 14703 Michelle’s last stand 33 2 0.667
3 Big Butts All Day 32 1 0.333
4 Where in the World is Dan Bunevato 3 0 0.000


Sun Apr 29 2018
| by Quizmaster Arash Ghanavatian



Crazy night at Barnacles, we started out with 5 teams but the kitchen got a little too hot for some. The main three teas that took over dominated the night. More Like Meek Mill jumped off too an early start doubling up their points in round 1. In round 2 Kellyanne Kanye tried to keep up closing the lead by 6 points after round 2, closing out with a total of 12 points. Meanwhile Ushi is Life and What Has 9 toes and Likes to Fuck were going back and forth point by point in rounds 3, & 4. In round 5 W.H.9.T.A.L.T.F solidified third place by taking and mainting the lead through out the rest of the night. However at the battle for the crown "More Like Weak Mill" reigned the champ as the King of Trivia for the night.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 More Like "Weake Mill" 73 3 1.000
2 Kellyanne Kanye 60 2 0.667
3 What has 9 Toes & Likes to Fuck 36 1 0.333
4 Ushi is Life 7 0 0.000


Sun Apr 22 2018
| by Quizmaster Lauren Parker

Looks like Weekend 2 of Coachella got the best of us, but we still prevailed! We started with 3 teams and jumped to 4 after the second round, with everyone fighting for the top prize of the evening. Congrats to "Avicii's Last Drop" for having not only the best team name (too soon?) but also for winning the game.

We rocked out to Elvis' greatest hits, we sang along to 80s smash hits, and we poured one out for Avicii. Thanks for coming out, see you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Avicii's Last Drop 63 3 1.000
2 HQuties 43 2 0.667
3 Wind and Soup 24 1 0.333
4 Yoga Promises 5 0 0.000