Barney's Beanery - Redondo Beach

100 Fisherman\\\\\\\'s Wharf
Redondo Beach CA 90277
(424) 275-4820
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed May 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Kevin Kretzer

Tonight was Barney's first night at 9 pm. We had some dedicated teams who still showed up to give it their all. In the end it was a new time but same result. What's Our Team Name ended up in first followed by Freebird in second. Special Ed plays every week, always puts up a good fight but can't quite get in the top 3. Well that all changed tonight with a successful double or nothing in round 6 (the MLS Jersey might have helped) and they took home third!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11138 What's our team name 87 10 1.000
2 11642 FreebirdCA 67 9 0.900
3 12422 Special Ed 50 8 0.800
4 16978 Gently, gently, gently...nice 45 7 0.700
5 12080 Out Shit 37 6 0.600
6 16939 We found our lost asian 33 5 0.500
7 20180 Team titan 23 4 0.400
8 Winners 21 3 0.300
9 10610 Saving Ryan’s Privates 19 2 0.200
10 13111 Sherlock Homies 7 0 0.050
10 The cheese stands alone 7 0 0.050


Wed May 22 2019
| by Quizmaster Kevin Kretzer

It was the last night of 8 o'clock trivia at Barney's Beanery. From now on we'll be at 9 pm! As always Barney's Beanery was packed with eager and excited trivia players! In the end Daddy Told Me Not to Touch took home first with 94 points, Roll Tide eeked out a 2nd place victory with 88 points beating out Gently Gently Gently Nice who got third with 87 points!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17756 Fuuuckin Cucks 94 18 1.000
2 11138 Roll Tide 88 17 0.944
3 16978 Gently, gently, gently...nice 87 16 0.889
4 Tequila Mockingbird 85 15 0.833
5 Bend over and spell Run 84 14 0.778
6 17829 The Office 74 13 0.722
7 10785 Threat level midnight 64 12 0.667
8 11642 FreebirdCA 62 11 0.611
9 18098 Tipsy McStaggers 52 9 0.528
9 16939 King Trivia at 8 52 9 0.528
11 Too much Shaft for you 51 8 0.444
12 12422 Special Ed 50 7 0.389
13 Most Ambitious Least Successful Trivia Team 45 6 0.333
14 Bubbles Galactica 43 5 0.278
15 10071 I love Myrtle Beach 37 4 0.222
16 Balls 30 3 0.167
17 Flying Hogs 19 2 0.111
18 Nachos 15 1 0.056
19 2 Geminis and a Twat 10 0 0.000


Wed May 15 2019
| by Quizmaster Kevin Kretzer

I know I say it every week, but what a night of trivia at Barney's Beanery! All the big guns we're out today and teams were in it to win it. Texafornia got third with a whopping 81 points, Harder, Kevin, Harder got second with 89 points. However the headline of the night is Suck My Coccyx getting first with a surreal 101 points! To put it into perspective this is how high they scored.

They scored more points than the Raptors did last night (sadly for this Toronto fan.)

They had more points than dollars on their first prize gift card (which is impressive considering Barney's first place prize is $100)

They had as many points as Disney has Dalmatians

They had more points than Nick Lachey's old boy band had degrees

They had as many points as number of runs scored by every MLB team playing Wednesday night

They had more points than Jay-Z has problems



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11138 Suck My Coccyx 101 17 1.000
2 17756 Fuuuckin Cucks 89 16 0.941
3 12476 Texafornia 81 15 0.882
4 16978 Gently, gently, gently...nice 76 14 0.824
5 12422 Special Ed 59 12 0.735
5 16437 Team Chilis 59 12 0.735
7 Kirachi Kids 58 11 0.647
8 13183 Titty Titty Gang Bang 51 9 0.559
8 18098 Tipsy McStaggers 51 9 0.559
10 17829 The Office 47 7 0.441
10 11642 FreebirdCA 47 7 0.441
12 16939 Steaks and Weights 43 6 0.353
13 12080 SpaceX-ey 34 5 0.294
14 10785 Suck my Uterus Alabama 30 4 0.235
15 2 People Flaked on us 28 3 0.176
16 16661 Mr. Poopybutthole 24 2 0.118
17 19718 Trapezoid 15 1 0.059
18 RRD 5 0 0.000