Chuy's - New Stine Rd.

2500 New Stine Rd.
Bakersfield CA 93309
(661) 833-3469
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Wed May 23 2018
| by Quizmaster Dave Rezac

Everything went pretty smoothly this week. No one threw any glassware. Nobody karate chopped anyone else in the throat. And, everyone seemed to have a good time.

Alternative Facts doubled their way into third place in the final round with 53. Lords of Winterfell got 68 points for second place. With 73 points in first, Flaming Toxic Trivia Monkeys clawed their way to the top.

Wear your tin foil hats next week because the CIA is trying to steal your answers!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13483 Flaming Toxic Trivia Monkeys 73 5 1.000
2 12903 Lords of Winterfell 68 4 0.800
3 10122 Alternative facts 53 3 0.600
4 12895 Beer Googles 51 2 0.400
5 14658 Late Comers 44 1 0.200
6 12900 Team unicorn 23 0 0.000


Wed May 16 2018
| by Quizmaster Dave Rezac

Some people don't come to play trivia; they come to dominate it. Battle was fierce at the top, and only two points separated the top two spots. I mean *I * knew all the answers, but that's because I'm a veritable badass.

Lords of Winterfell went home with 48 points and third place. 32 points ahead of them, Christine Says Holla only managed second place after scoring 80 points. With two more points, Alcoholocaust pulled it out with 82 points for first.

Next week, everybody bring 5 friends. If you don't have that many friends, bring 5 strangers. If you can't find 5 strangers, bring in your 30 cats.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10210 Alcoholocaust 82 6 1.000
2 12902 Christine Says Holla! 80 5 0.833
3 12903 Lords of Winterfell 48 4 0.667
4 12895 Beer Googles 38 3 0.500
5 13904 SaZu 37 2 0.333
6 12900 Team unicorn 19 1 0.167
7 14843 LCC 6 0 0.000


Wed May 9 2018
| by Quizmaster Dave Rezac

Like a bat out of hell, I came flying in, late again. I'd have been there sooner if it weren't for all those stupid cars and stoplights. Thanks for putting up with me.

Late Comers and Lords of Winterfell tied for second at 48, with LC taking the tiebreaker and LoW getting third. Flaming Toxic Trivia Monkeys post another win with 58 points.

Let's see if I can make it on time next week. Place your bets!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13483 Flaming Toxic Trivia Monkeys 58 6 1.000
2* 14658 Late Comers 48 4 0.750
2* 12903 Lords of Winterfell 48 4 0.750
4 12895 Beer Googles 41 3 0.500
5 13281 Skirts and Jerks 36 2 0.333
6 10229 Hot For Teacher 35 1 0.167
7 12900 Team unicorn 29 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker