Chuy's - Rosedale

8660 Rosedale Hwy
Bakersfield CA 93312
(661) 587-5750
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Aug 2 2016
| by Quizmaster Tony Toone

Everyone thought it was a two horse race all evening. Team Luke vs Team Chad were the clear front runners all night. That is until Blues Clues goes Double or Nothing in Round 7 and nails it to swoop in a steal the 2nd place prize. Nothing but tears for Team Luke as they fall to 3rd place for the evening. Well tears and a 5$ gift card.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10139 Team Chad 70 10 1.000
2 10117 Blues Clues 61 9 0.900
3 10122 Team Luke 59 8 0.800
4 10121 Lock her up 41 7 0.700
5 10126 Truffle butter 39 6 0.600
6 10120 This microphone smells like a weiner 36 5 0.500
7 10116 Team Norm 35 4 0.400
8 Snowbirds 26 3 0.300
9 10118 Disgruntled Farmers 21 2 0.200
10 10111 Team sauce 13 0 0.050
10 10123 Drunks 13 0 0.050