College Bar & Grill

502 S College Ave Ste 103
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 699-6363
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About College Bar & Grill

Located across the street from the iconic ‘A’ Mountain and Sun Devil Stadium and a quick walk from Wells Fargo Arena, College Bar & Grill is your home for the best local craft beer, delicious creative cocktails, tasty food and Tempe’s best atmosphere for Arizona State Athletics.


Wed Jul 24 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

We had quite the challenging game of trivia last night at College Bar & Grill! Our teams competing for the evening included Mouthful of Muffins, Pitter Patter, Clawdio, 2 D's + A V, Mom Beards, Mega Desk, and Mark Wahlberg's.

Our general knowledge for the first round left us with everyone in ties for first, second, and third place! In first we had a tie for 6 points between Pitter Patter and Mom Beards. Second was a tie for 5 points between 2 D's + A V, Mega Desk, and Mark Wahlberg's. In third we had a tie for 4 points between Mouthful of Muffins and Clawdio. A very close start all across the board, truly it could be anyone's game.

Round 2 asked our teams to identify the pixel art of classic characters. 5 of our 7 teams chose to use their Double or Nothing plays in this round. Those teams were 2 D's + A V, Clawdio, Mouthful of Muffins, Pitter Patter, and Mega Desk. Each of them were able to earn their teams an additional 16 points!

Round 3 seemed to be a bit more challenging for some teams than others. 2 D's + A V and Clawdio were each able to get all of the questions correct in this round while the Mark Wahlberg's only got 1 correct. By this point in the game there was a tie for first between Pitter Patter and 2 D's + A V who each had 27 points. In second, another tie for 26 points between Clawdio and Mega Desk. Third, Mouthful of Muffins with 25 points. Fourth was the Mom Beards with 16 points. And in fifth we had Mark Wahlberg's with 12 points.

Our Guess Who in Round 4 really had people stumped this week! No one was able to correctly guess our mystery person until our 4 point clue, to which Mark Wahlberg's, Clawdio, Mom Beards, Pitter Patter, and Mouthful of Muffins each earned those points for their teams. Mega Desk was only able to correctly identify the person in our final clue earning their team just 2 points. While 2 D's + A V had instead written Idina Menzel when we were looking for the character she played in Frozen, Elsa, meaning their team lost a point.

In Round 5 our teams were searching not only for the answer to life, but the answer to the commonality of the answers in this round. 4 our the teams correctly were able to identify the commonality as being related to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; those teams were Mouthful of Muffins, Marh Wahlberg's, 2 D's + A V, and Mega Desk. Of those teams though Mouthful of Muffins was the only team to get all of the answers correct in this round! By this point in the game we still had a tie for first place of 39 points, however it was now between Mouthful of Muffins and Clawdio. In second with 38 points was Pitter Patter. In third with 37 points we had Mega Desk. Fourth with 35 points we had 2 D's + A V. In fifth was Mom Beards with 25 points, while Mark Wahlberg's were in sixth with 23 points.

Round 6 asked our teams to match the dog breed to their country of origin. Mouthful of Muffins, Pitter Patter, and Mega Desk were each able to match all 10 of the answers correctly! Clawdio was able to get 8 correct, Mark Wahlberg's had 7 correct, 2 D's + A V guessed 6 correctly, and Mom Beards had 5 correct answers.

Our final round asked our teams to name the NFL teams that do not include the letters N, F, or L in their team nicknames. To my personal surprise every single team got all of the answers in this round correct!

By the end of the game Mark Wahlberg's were in seventh place with 35 points. Sixth went to Mom Beards with 52 points. Just above them in fifth was 2 D's + A V with 53 points. In fourth we had Clawdio with 59 points. Third went to Pitter Patter with 60 points. And after whipping out our tie breaker, as both Mega Desk and Mouthful of Muffins each had 61 points, our first place spot went to Mega Desk.

Join us again next week to see who will triumph in the game of trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 21502 Mega desk 61 5 0.917
1 21497 Mouthful of Muffins 61 5 0.917
3 Pitter Patter 60 4 0.667
4 Clawdio 59 3 0.500
5 2 D's + A V 53 2 0.333
6 21491 Mom Beards 52 1 0.167
7 Mark Whalbergs 35 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jul 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

At College Bar & Grill on Wednesday evening 5 teams played King Trivia. We had The G.O.A.T.S., Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill, Bippus Too, Th4nd3r C4tz, and There Are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws (AKA No Laws=Clawz, No Claws=Laws, Some Laws=Four Loko, No Clawz=Bad Time, Claw Gawd, and Claudio).

In Round 1 our teams tested their general knowledge, and it seems that generally people knew things! After adding points for teams that were registered we had Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill in first place with 6 points, in second Th4nd3r C4tz with 5, third went to The G.O.A.T.S. with 4 points and in a tie for fourth each with 3 points were Bippus Too and There Are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws.

Round 2 asked our teams to identify celebrities with one-letter surnames. Th4nd3r C4tz chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round and were able to win 10 additional points for their team! The G.O.A.T.S. and Bippus Too each earned 6 points for their teams. Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill earned 5 points and There Are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws.

In Round 3 the theme was homonyms and asked the teams to identify the word that fit two separate definitions. Our players crushed this round! Two teams chose to play their Double or Nothing's in this round. Those teams were Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill and There Are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws who each earned 12 additional points for their teams! by this point in the game Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill was still in first but now had 23 points. In second we had a tie between Th4nd3r C4tz and There Are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws each with 19 points. And in third we had a tie between The G.O.A.T.S. and Bippus Too who both had 15 points.

Our teams were attempting to solve our mystery 'Guess Who' person in Round 4. There are No Laws, When You Are Drinking Claws was able to correctly identify our mystery man after just 1 clue! That means they were able to win 10 points for this round! Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill was able to guess correctly after our fourth clue, so they brought in 4 points for their team. Bippus Too and Th4nd3r C4tz were only able to get it after our final clue, which meant they each got 2 points for their teams. The G.O.A.T.S. incorrectly identified the mystery man meaning they lost a point. Our teams were trying to identify King Arthur.

At the end of Round 4 Th4nd3r C4tz chose to step out from the game leaving just 4 teams carried on to our final 3 round. In Round 5 our teams were asked to find the connection between the first 9 answers and identify the commonality for question 10. We had 2 teams play their Double or Nothings in this round, those were The G.O.A.T.S and Bippus Too. Each were able to get their answers correct but The G.O.A.T.S. earned 18 additional points while Bippus Too earned 14, due to the difference in how many correct written answers they had. There Are No Laws, While You Are Drinking Claws earned 9 points and Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill earned 8.

In Round 6 our teams matched the Leonardo DiCaprio film character to its corresponding film. The G.O.A.T.S. and There Are No Laws, While You Are Drinking Claws got all of their answers correct for this round! Bippus Too matched 6 correctly and Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill matched 5 correctly.

And finally, for our last round of the evening, our teams were asked to name 10 out of the 11 countries that exported the most coffee in 2018. The majority of our teams were able to identify at least a handful of correctly. But by the end of the game the scores were as follows: in fifth with 23 points was Th4nd3r C4tz, in fourth with 43 points was Bippus Too, third went to Rachel Ray Romano's Macaroni Grill with 48 points, just ahead with 49 points was The G.O.A.T.S., and in first place with 58 was There Are No Laws, While You Are Drinking Claws.

Thank you to all the teams, and thanks to College Bar & Grill! See you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 There Are No Laws. When You Are Drinking Claws 58 4 1.000
2 The G.O.A.T.S. 49 3 0.750
3 21324 Rachel Ray Romano’s Macaroni Grill 48 2 0.500
4 Bippus Too 43 1 0.250
5 19947 Thund3rC4tz 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jul 10 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Wednesday evening at College Bar & Grill 5 teams came to test their skills at trivia. Our teams were Dad Jokes, Team Bippus, Uncertainty Principle, ThunderCatz, and Claws>Laws.

In Round 1 every team except for Uncertainty Principle was in a tie for first place with 4 points each! Uncertainty Principle was in second place with 1 point.

Round 2 tested everyone's political awareness by asking them to identify pictures of the Democratic presidential hopefuls. ThunderCatz decided to play their Double or Nothing this round and was able to earn 14 additional points for their team bringing their total up to 18 points. In second place we had a tie between Dad Jokes and Team Bippus who each had 11 points total. In third was Claws>Laws with 8 and in fourth place was Uncertainty Principle with 3 points.

Our teams did fairly well in the third round. Uncertainty Principle and Claws>Laws each earned 2 points for their teams. Dad Jokes, Team Bippus, and ThunderCatz got 5 points for their teams.

The Guess Who Round 4 was a bit tricky for these teams. Dad Jokes was able to guess the mystery person after our second clue which meant they got 8 extra points for their team. Claws>Laws got the answer after our third clue meaning they earned 6 points for their team. ThunderCatz and Uncertainty Principle got the answer after our final clue so they each got 2 points for their teams. Team Bippus unfortunately did not get the answer correct so they lost 1 point for their team. The mystery person we were looking for was Karen Gillan.

In Round 5 our teams were looking to find the connection in our answers. Dad Jokes chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round and thankfully for them it worked out! They were also our only team to get the connection correct. At this point in the game Dad Jokes were in first place with 42 points. In second we had ThunderCatz with 31 points. Third place was Claws>Laws with 20 points and just a point lower was Team Bippus and in fifth place was Uncertainty Principle with 11 points.

Round 6 asked our teams to match the shades to their colors. Claws>Laws earned the most amount of points in this round and were able to match 9 of the answers correctly.

Our final round tested our teams knowledge of the Spice Girls. Claws>Laws continued their hot streak and were able to get all of the answers correct, they even chose to play their Double or Nothing in this final round giving them 20 additional points to end the game with. Team Bippus also chose to play their Double or Nothing and were able to earn 14 extra points.

By the end of the game we had Uncertainty Principle in fifth place with 20 points. In fourth we had Team Bippus with 41 points. In third was ThunderCatz with 47 points. Second place went to Claws>Laws with 51 points and in first place we had Dad Jokes with a total of 56 points. Thank you to everyone for coming out, join us again next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Dad Jokes 56 4 1.000
2 Claws>Laws 51 3 0.750
3 ThunderCatz 47 2 0.500
4 Team Bippus 41 1 0.250
5 Uncertainty Principle 20 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker