Hollingshead's Delicatessan

368 S Main St
Orange CA 92868
(714) 978-9467
About Hollingshead's Delicatessan

Hollingshead’s Delicatessen is a family business open since 1963. We proudly offer more than 500 types of bottled beer. We also proudly feature 22 beers on tap each day. Our speciality is hard-to-find German, Belgium and American micro-beers. We offer a wide selection of delicious sandwiches, salads and deli treats. Check out our Jacqueline & Ken Specials and our catering menu.


Fri Mar 9 2018
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

Good evening sports fans!

A wonderful day in orange for King Trivia!

17 teams! No room for ushers in this packed up ballpark!

in the early innings, we had a few teams mash some double down Homers and take and early lead,

In the seventh inning we had the beer round, won by the ladies of Twinning!

Bottom of the ninth, two out, bases loaded, and it was The Calm Before the Stormy Daniels Hitting a Grand Slam to win the game!!!

See you next week sports fans!



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13567 The calm before the stormy daniels 84 16 1.000
2 Our couch pulls out but we don’t. 72 15 0.938
3 12574 Bees???? 67 14 0.875
4 Rivers Cuomo Is here! 63 13 0.812
5 13736 I bless the rains down in Africa 59 12 0.750
6 Monkey Sluts 56 11 0.688
7 Periodic Table Dancers. 54 10 0.625
8 Flush Twice 47 8 0.531
8 Pigs In a Blanket 47 8 0.531
10 We’re totally 21 46 7 0.438
11 Baseballs back 44 6 0.375
12 Grizmaster Quam 42 5 0.312
13 13022 Got Wood? 41 4 0.250
14 Tequila Mockingbird 36 3 0.188
15 Twinning 32 0 0.062
15 Quiz in my Pants 32 0 0.062
15 Devil’s Threesome 32 0 0.062


Fri Mar 2 2018
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

Quizmaster’s log: Stardate 24601.64.over9000!

My quest to have a sandwich named after me has reached a new peak.

For tonights’ beer Round, I had the players design the perfect Graham Sandwich, with a catch:

they couldn’t use any ingredients I wouldn’t eat, and all of the ingredients had to be available at Hollinsghead. One wonky ingredient, and no beer for you. This is particularly tricky for me, as I don’t like a lot of things, including Mayo, Avocado, pepperonchinis, American or Swiss cheese...

In the end, “cut twice, measure once” proved to be the sandwich artists of my dreams, crafting a sandwich consisting of Ham, provolone, mustard, lettuce, and onions on a french roll.

Here’s hoping that one day, this sandwich will find its way to the board, with the name “Quizmaster!”

Graham, out.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Blame it on the rain 55 19 1.000
2 Mike and the Mysterians 53 18 0.947
3 Green Day Snackers 52 17 0.895
4 #thehashtag 50 16 0.842
5 Skol Vikings 48 15 0.789
6 More sad sax 47 14 0.737
7 Oof 44 13 0.684
8 Just the Tap 43 11 0.605
8 13567 Dil’donts 43 11 0.605
10 Snykin 42 10 0.526
11 Beer Is the best blanket 36 9 0.474
12 Flavorful foursome 35 8 0.421
13 Elbow Fatigue 31 7 0.368
14 Cilantro Boys 29 6 0.316
15 10209 Good To Be King 27 5 0.263
16 11951 Irish wristwatch 26 4 0.211
17 ¡Trivia ea Bueno! 25 2 0.132
17 My Harry Potter has hogwarts 25 2 0.132
19 A Duh 16 1 0.053
20 Cut twice, Measure Once 15 0 0.000


Fri Feb 23 2018
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

Fun Crowd tonight, braving the OC chill for a good night out! Lots of good beers on draft, and lots of people drinking good beers.

Tanya’s club sweeper the win AND the beer round, a rousing game of Hi-Lo.

Next week, more trivia and more fun!



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13567 Tanya’s Club 80 9 1.000
2 13022 Knock on Wood 50 8 0.889
3 12574 MouseRat 37 7 0.778
4 Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore 36 6 0.667
5 International Players 34 5 0.556
6 Two Brown Eyes are better than One 27 4 0.444
7 Absinthe Minded 26 3 0.333
8 None of us are smart 24 2 0.222
9 Baseball is Back! 21 1 0.111
10 The Never Nudes 19 0 0.000