King Trivia Live

  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About King Trivia Live

Stuck at home? Begging your friends and family until they read you some Trivia Pursuit®* cards? Well, not to fear!

King Trivia is proud to announce King Trivia Live! We've got a live Quizmaster, a raffle, and, most importantly, all the high-quality King Trivia you crave!

So tune in and play along with us every Sunday and Wednesday at 7PM pacific time!

*Trivial Pursuit® is a registered trademark of Horn Abbot LTD. and Horn Abbot International LTD.


Mon Jun 29 2020
| by Quizmaster Ashley Menzel

Quizmaster David stunned us. Absolutely stunned us with that amazing opening, proving tonight was going to be a magical musical masterpiece!

We had guest Quizmasters joining us to celebrate musicals!

Thank you to all our players who joined us for a truly celebrating musical theater.

Final Scores


Sun Jun 28 2020
| by Quizmaster Ashley Menzel

We celebrated Pride with a very special guest Quizmaster for our themed round, Brooke Hashem! She was magical and we are so grateful for her presence during a round of "Queen Trivia!"

Thank you to everyone who played!

Final Scores

Join us tomorrow for our Musical Theme Trivia at 7 PM on Twitch!


Wed Jun 24 2020
| by Quizmaster Ashley Menzel

A great night for trivia and pets on King Trivia Live!

Quizmaster David kept your minds hard at work deciphering the clues and questions of the night.

Thank you for playing and don't forget to brush up on your musicals for King Trivia! The Musical! on the 29th of June!

Final Scores