Liberation Brewing Co

3630 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach CA 90807
(562) 349-0133
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm
About Liberation Brewing Co

Greetings, partisans! Like you, we heard the siren song, girded our loins, and joined the cause. The cause of absolute devotion to local craft beer. Three former mild mannered chaps born and raised in Long Beach, CA. became brewing zealots, howling at the heavens:


Our brewery, forged from equal parts Mos Eisley cantina and a Tom Waits fever dream, is a mighty 5 barrel production facility with tasting room. A safe haven for workers, story tellers, shamans, down-n-out detectives, street samurai, graffiti artists, revolutionaries, punks, drunks, con artists, and pirates. Sit for a pint and a tale… or three. Cheers!


Thu Mar 12 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

Hello, fellow quizzers. It was slower than usual this week, but we still had quite a game and I wish you all could have been there.

It was a tight race between Electric Boogaloo, Tater Tots and Luchadores for most of the game, with this quizmaster's first-ever tie at the end of the match. Thanks to Susan Lucci, we were able to declare a winner with Electric Boogaloo.

I hope you're all staying safe, and I hope to see you all next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Electric Boogaloo 34 2 0.833
1 11954 Tater tots 34 2 0.833
3 25283 Luchadores 28 1 0.333
4 Best (Our Moms Think So) 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Mar 5 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

Greetings and Salutations, my trivial friends. It's time for another episode of the King Trivia recap show. This week, six teams including one new registered team, played for the top prizes.

Our first round, the General Knowledge round, asked about the US Army's Phonetic Alphabet, who will be the next actress to play Queen Elizabeth on a popular Netflix show, and a popular online broadcasting format. Two teams, Tater Tots and new team For Scores! and 7 Beers, successfully doubled on the first round, and shared the early lead.

Round 2, our Picture Round, asked players to identify real and fictional military figures. Everyone knew who Zapp Brannigan was, but not one team was able to identify the first African-American to rise to the rank of Brigadier General in the U.S. military. After two rounds, For Scores! would hold a slight lead over Tater Tots.

Round 3, Cut From the Same Pattern, asked players to identify people involved, directly or tangibly, with the fashion industry. From Ralph Lauren's daughter's sweet business to the dress that helped to launch Google Images, most teams this quite well this time around. However, For Scores! gained a larger lead over the other teams.

Round 4, the Guess Who round, focused on someone who could truly be called America's Sweetheart, actress Reese Witherspoon. One team player from For Scores! started to yell out her name from a clue unrelated to acting, she was so excited to know who it was. They were the only team to get the Oscar-winner from the eight-point clue, which means they gained an even larger lead on the competition.

Round 5, as always, was to Find the Connection. And while many teams were able to answer many of the clues, only one team was able to properly make the connection of Paris. And For Scores! would continue to outpace the other teams.

Round 6 sought to match famous archipelagos to one of their islands. Most teams were able to get six to eight of the matches, with one team (can you guess which one?) gaining yet another point over the others.

Round 7 asked players to name the ten countries with the highest GDP in 2019. Most teams got seven or eight of the countries, but one team, Tater Tots, was able to successfully name all ten. Sadly, they did not double this time, which would have forced your humble quizmaster to use the tie-breaker question for the first time. And our winners this week would be the entire country of Lichtenstein, For Scores! And 7 Beers.

Thank you to everyone who came out to play King Trivia this week, and we hope to see you all again next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 25719 For scores! And 7 beers 59 4 1.000
2 11954 Tater tots 49 3 0.750
3 25283 Luchadores 36 2 0.500
4 Trotsky Jetski 34 1 0.250
5 Where I Am Whats Happening 24 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Feb 27 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

It was another fantastic fun night of trivia at Liberation Brewery. We welcomed friends old and new, and two new teams signed up on the King Trivia website. Welcome aboard, Smell Ya Later and Something Fishy.

The first round, as always, was General Knowledge. If you knew about Canadian football, who has hosted The Price is Right, or the name of a horror movie that opened in movie theatres tonight, you may have done well on this round. One team, Quid Pro Paleo, got all the answers correct, as well as the two bonus points for signing in for tonight's game. But would that help them win another game?

One question in the second round, our Picture Round, stumped everyone including your humble quizmaster on the final photo. Do you know what your 18th Century Scottish heroes look like? All teams did well this round, but none had a perfect score. Quid Pro Paleo kept the lead, but two teams, Smell Ya Later and Not Ken Jennings, were but one point behind.

Round 3, was a little difficult-ish. Half the teams confused A.C. Slater with Zack Morris, and some didn't know who Yu Darvish was, let alone who he pitches for now. When the dust settled, we had a new team atop the leaderboard, with Not Ken Jennings taking a one-point lead over Smell Ya Later.

Round 4, our Guess Who round, was trickier than your quizmaster expected, who expected everyone to know who played He Who Shall Not Be Named. But, alas, one team was not able to get the answer at all. Quid Pro Paleo would retake the lead, with Smell Ya Later and Not Ken Jennings one and two points behind, respectively.

The reaction to Round 5, the Find the Connection round, was... well, I was trying to come up with a good chemistry pun, but all the good ones argon. Because, you know, the connection was chemistry-related. Hey, what do you do with a dead chemist? Barium. Anyway, the back and forth between Quid Pro Paleo, Not Ken Jennings and Smell Ya Later continued. with QPP taking a razor-thin lead.

Round Six involved matching someone who was Time's Person of the Year with the decade they were named to that distinct honor. There was one ringer of a potential answer, one that every team took, but Princess Di was never named as a Time Person of the Year. With one round remaining, Smell Ya Later would take a one-point lead over Quid Pro Paleo.

Do you remember your Shakespeare tragedies? If you do, you would have done quite well with our final round: The Play's the Thing... That Isn't Funny. 12 possible answers, and one team was able to name nine of them. And with that top score in this round, our first-time team Smell Ya Later would take the top prize over perennial top finishers Quid Pro Paleo.

We had a great time with some great trivia, and I hope we see all of you again next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 25567 Smell ya Later 45 5 1.000
2 13573 Quid pro paleo 40 4 0.800
3 Not Ken Jennings 36 3 0.600
4 Marmoset 19 2 0.400
5 25573 Something Fishy 16 1 0.200
6 Cact 8 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker
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