Liberation Brewing Co

3630 Atlantic Ave
Long Beach CA 90807
(562) 349-0133
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm
About Liberation Brewing Co

Greetings, partisans! Like you, we heard the siren song, girded our loins, and joined the cause. The cause of absolute devotion to local craft beer. Three former mild mannered chaps born and raised in Long Beach, CA. became brewing zealots, howling at the heavens:


Our brewery, forged from equal parts Mos Eisley cantina and a Tom Waits fever dream, is a mighty 5 barrel production facility with tasting room. A safe haven for workers, story tellers, shamans, down-n-out detectives, street samurai, graffiti artists, revolutionaries, punks, drunks, con artists, and pirates. Sit for a pint and a tale… or three. Cheers!


Thu Feb 20 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

What's more fun than the start of another season of Major League Baseball? Why, King Trivia at Liberation Brewing, of course. While Cody Bellinger couldn't join us tonight, your humble quizmaster was still able to good cheer and much knowledge to the assembled crowd. Tonight, we were able to welcome three new teams doing their first night of King Trivia. Welcome, Imagine Wagons, Let's Get Quizical and Most Player.

Round 1, as always, was the General Knowledge round. And, as always, all the teams generally knew most of the answers. Only three points separated all the teams after this round, with new regulars Rose Between Thorns taking the early lead.

Round 2, the Picture Round, asked players to remember some of our nation's historical Presidents based on pictures of people or places who share the same name. While most teams were able to get six to seven answers correct, most struggled with one specific picture. Only one team was able to correctly identify the President associated with Picture #3. Most teams thought the blond moppet in the picture was Aaron Carter, which is understandable since there was a President Carter. New team Imagine Wagons successfully doubled their point total and took a commanding lead.

Round 3 had to do with coffee. COFFEE!


Did you know Hugh Jackman has his own line of coffee? I did, and it's quite good actually. Only half the teams did, and only one team was able to successfully identify which coffee company has their Store Number 1 inside the CIA Headquarters. And while this would be Imagine Wagons' lesser rounds of the evening, they were still able to keep their sizeable lead over the other teams.

Round 4, the Guess Who? round, saw several teams make an educated guess on the ten-point clue. They were on the right track, but went with the more obvious (but still incorrect) answer. But all the teams had their answers in by the six-point clue, which had never happened to the host, either as a quizmaster or a player. One team even had their six-point answer in my hand while I was still reading the clue. Imagine Dragons and Risk It 4 the Biscuit would be tied at the end of the round.

Round 5, Find the Connection, was fun and exciting for most teams, who were able to figure out the connection very quickly. I had one new team ready to turn in their answer page after three questions, they were so excited to figure it out lickety-split. Imagine Dragons would take a one-point lead over Biscuit at the end of the round.

Round 6 asked teams to match the author to their autobiography or subject to their biography. And frankly, it was nice to see as many women as men represented, and a couple non-caucasian and non-Americans to boot. And Imagine Wagons would maintain their one-point lead over Biscuit going in to the final round.

Round 7 asked two questions with five possible answers. Since one of the questions was about the German language, and several previous questions were about or alluded to The Beatles, your humble quizmaster threw on the two songs they re-recorded in German for their fans in Germany, Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand and Sie Liebt Dich, while players grasped with the fundamental questions of life, taste buds and the Germanic languages. Rose Between Thorns made a successful double down on the final round, literally doubling their score for the night in just one round, but it was not enough to overtake our top two teams of the evening, Risk It 4 The Biscuit and Imagine Wagons.

Congratulations to all the teams for a good trivia run tonight, and I hope to see you all again next week.

Quizmaster Havens out!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 25435 Imagine Wagons 48 7 1.000
2 25284 Risk it 4 Da Biscuit 42 6 0.857
3 24563 Rose Between Thorns 41 5 0.714
4 25283 Luchadores 39 4 0.571
5 25430 Let’s Get Quizical 30 3 0.429
6 21140 Tequila Mockingbird 16 2 0.286
7 25438 Most player 12 1 0.143
8 Rattlesnakes 8 0 0.000


Thu Feb 13 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

Did we mention we love dogs? This little mini-labradoodle joined us tonight, and we'd love to see you bring your dog too! Some week, maybe I'll bring mine.

Tonight, on Valentine's Day Eve, good friends enjoy some fine beer and food along with their trivia. There was not a hungry heart to be seen. And we were full of love for the two new teams that joined the King Trivia family tonight: Luchadores, and The Penguins.

Round 1 was, as always, our General Knowledge round. We learned who was singing the new Bond theme (which, incidentally, dropped this very evening), which state was the last to be added to the contiguous United States, and which President is featured on the front of a specific piece of currency. All teams did well this round, with Quid Pro Paleo taking the early lead.

Round 2, our Picture Round, asked players to identify the movies based on the breakup scene depicted. Five of the eight teams got at least six of the eight movies correct, and one of the teams successfully doubled down. Dean Lockwood would take a commanding lead.

Round 3, our themed round, asked players to correctly identify the novel in question from the first line of each book and the last name of the author. Your quizmaster would have gotten a big fat zero in this round if he were playing (although he has seen the movie adaptation of four of these novels), but most teams were able to identify at least half of the books in question. At the end of the round, the leaders of Round 1 and of Round 2 would be tied for the top spot.

Round 4 this week was not a Guess Who or a Guess What but a Guess Where. Your humbled quizmaster had trouble saying "archipelago" no less than six times, but that didn't stop three teams from being able to guess the answer correctly at the eight-point level. Two of those teams, Dean Lockwood and Quid Pro Paleo, would remain tied for first place.

Round 5 was a good Find the Connection round. Most teams did not dwell on what the first nine answers had in common, and Dean Lockwood would take a one-point lead from Quid Pro Paleo.

Round 6, our pick and choose round, asked players to match the 2010s love song with the artist/group who performed it. If I were playing, I would have only gotten two of the ten answers correct (as evident in this evening's playlist, which had no songs from the 21st Century), but no less than four teams were able to identify all ten correctly. But only one team went for a Double or Nothing here, and that gutsy move would catapult Tequila Mockingbird from fifth place all the way to the top, one point ahead of Quid Pro Paleo.

Our final round of the evening asked about everyone's favorite Valentine's Day gift: chocolate. All but one team was able to successfully guess at least seven of the answers correctly, and in the end, Tequila Mockingbird would hold off Quid Pro Paleo, maintaining that one-point lead to the end. Maybe it was that extra help from that cute little mini-doodle.

I hope all our players have a fantastic Valentine's Day, and we'll see you at Liberation Brewing next Thursday night for more King Trivia.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 21140 Tequila Mockingbird 49 7 1.000
2 13573 Quid pro paleo 48 6 0.857
3 25284 Risk it 4 Da Biscuit 44 5 0.714
4 Dean Lockwood 43 4 0.571
5 E squared 41 3 0.429
6 Team Carl 34 2 0.286
7 25283 Luchadores 33 1 0.143
8 Smarty Pins 28 0 0.000


Thu Feb 6 2020
| by Quizmaster Edward Havens

While a number of our regular teams took the week off, we were able to welcome three new teams to King Trivia at Liberation Brewing on Thursday night: Kernie, Meet at 12, and Shyla's Angels.

Round 1, General Knowledge, showed that many of the teams were quite versed in their good witches and Fleetwood Mac members. New team Kernie took the early lead.

Round 2, the Picture Round, was another round where every team excelled. They knew their fictional Presidents well. Pop Culture Idiots got all eight answers correct and took a slim lead over three other teams.

Round 3, where all questions and answers referenced the decade that just ended, was a little tougher than the previous two rounds. Teams mistook their Kardashians, couldn't remember who the Cubs beat in the World Series, or weren't aware just how popular Imagine Dragons was. (Can't blame them on the last one.) New team Meet at 12 was able to get the most answers in this round correct, and took their first-ever lead.

Round 4 this time was not a Guess Who? but a Guess What? The morning before, Quizmaster Edward tests his wife on the questions, and we didn't figure out the answer until we were at the four-point clue. But both Meet at 12 and Squid Pole Pollywig were able to Guess What? on the ten-point clue, and Meet at 12 was able to open their lead.

Round 5, Find the Connection, was probably the hardest round this Quizmaster has ever seen, as a player or a Quizmaster. Several teams were able to get the majority of the answers, but no team was able to make the connection. Truth be told, if I didn't have the answers, I wouldn't have gotten it either. Shyla's Angels made a strong advance towards first place, but Meet at 12 would still maintain a decent lead.

Round 6, matching musical numbers to the sports or competition, was another toughie for everyone involved. Frankly, I didn't know there had been a Rocky musical, or a musical about hockey. Rose Before Thorns got the most answers correct this round, while Meet at 12 was still able to hold on to the top spot.

Round 7 asked about Miss America and which states the most winners came from. While most teams were able to pick correct and probably obvious answers like California and New York, most teams guessed states like Hawai'i, which you'd think might have produced several Miss Americas over the years but not enough to qualify as an answer here. And at the end, Meet at 12 was able to hold off all contenders to take first place, while Rose Between Thorns came in second. And because, even in competition, we're all friends, the two teams were able to come together for a victory photo.

Thank you to everyone who came out for King Trivia at Liberation Brewing this week, and we hope you'll join us again soon.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 25177 Meet at 12 44 5 1.000
2 24563 Rose Between Thorns 39 4 0.800
3 25179 Shyla's Angels 38 3 0.600
4 Squid Pole Pollywig 32 1 0.300
4 22405 Pop Culture Idiots 32 1 0.300
6 25178 Kernie 26 0 0.000