
400 W Disney Way Ste 212
Anaheim CA 92802
(657) 201-3924
About McFadden's

McFadden's Anaheim will feature an oversized outdoor patio, tons of HD TVs for the ultimate sports viewing experience, and a delectable food menu featuring authentic Irish fare and American comfort food like gourmet burgers and appetizers. Known for its lively party music and enthusiastic, strikingly good-looking staff McFadden's is the #1 spot for birthday and bachelorette parties. McFadden's promises an unrivaled good time with a mouth-watering drink menu, featuring famous Fishbowl drinks, and live DJ entertainment.


Tue Aug 16 2016
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

My Camera was on the fritz tonight, so sadly I have only one photos to post.

Just know that tonight's game was a lot of fun.

Tried a New Drinking Round using really easy questions and had people run the answers to me, Kinda like a Trivia Hunger Games, if you will. Jack and Friends won that one and lifted a fishbowl of alcohol high for their prize!

Alpha Cue Up Dominated the pack en route to a nearly 20 point victory! Nicely done!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10442 Alpha Cue Up 72 5 1.000
2 Graham I Am 54 4 0.800
3 It needs more cheese 51 3 0.600
4 10148 Jacae and Friends 44 2 0.400
5 10146 Rico's Roughnecks 42 1 0.200
6 Buzzed Lightbeer 35 0 0.000


Tue Aug 9 2016
| by Quizmaster graham beightol

The "Quizmaster Graham is Back" train rolls on, This time to Mcfadden's in Anaheim!  The place was hopping, with a convention in town on the patio... we even managed to persuade a few conventioneers to come inside and play! (One of said groups even got second place, Huzzah!)

Tonight saw the first ever first place finish for Rico's Roughnecks, who gave a hearty Roughneck salute after their victory!

Good Times were had by all!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10146 Rico's Roughnecks 56 5 1.000
2 Hot Pistols, PHD 53 4 0.800
3 10148 ...And Friends 49 3 0.600
4 I Made An Effort 38 2 0.400
5 Fugio United 34 1 0.200
6 4 Inches Collectively 27 0 0.000


Tue Aug 2 2016
| by Quizmaster Austin F

  • First night of league play at McFadden's!  Austin (aka "Not Graham) led the quiz tonight, with a group of great teams hungry for trivia and thirsty for beer.  Rico's Roughnecks genuinely startled me with their chants twice during the night.  Two teams had names that were too fun for me to pronounce correctly (Tintinambulation and Jucae & Friends).  At the end of the night, "Is it Hot in Here" walked away with the coveted Double-Whammy of both winning the drink round AND scoring first place in tonight's quiz.  That's a productive night and one hell of a way to start off league play.  Graham should be back next week, folks.  Tell him Austin was slightly more charming.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10186 Silence of the Grahams 58 7 1.000
2 Mob Owner 50 6 0.857
3 A Fabulous Array of Fruit 42 5 0.714
4 10146 Rico's Roughnecks 40 3 0.500
4 10152 The Backside of Water 40 3 0.500
6 10147 Samurai Jac 33 2 0.286
7 10148 Jacae and Friends 30 1 0.143
8 10145 Tintinabulation 25 0 0.000