Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

44 W Green St
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 765-6810
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 9:00pm
About Rocco's Tavern - Pasadena

The newest addition to the Rocco's family, located in Pasadena, California.


Mon Mar 26 2018
| by Quizmaster Joe Martone

We tried something new at Rocco's Tavern- SILENT NIGHT! Due to a technical difficulty, teams now received questions via text. It didn't hinder our players for a moment, they came ready to slay.

Our teams came in with a ton of confidence. Despite many people floundering in Round 2, by Round 3 multiple teams attempted to double or nothing, with several succeeding.  Round 4 was a little more challenging- only two teams were able to identify our mysterious Guess Who? subject, with the rest all taking a hit.

With plenty of new teams tonight, most of them played valiantly. Newcomers Team Exxxtra got their first third place, and I Have A Magic Johnson were strong contenders despite missing Round 1 but unfortunately flubbed the double in the finale, giving LA Kings Rule the inch they needed to squeeze past them. Better luck next time guys.

Congratulations to our reigning champs Those People and to my favorite silver team One Stormy Night for reclaiming their rightful second place. See you next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13502 Those People 67 4 1.000
2 12937 One Stormy Night 55 3 0.750
3 14102 Team Exxxtra 48 2 0.500
4 LA Kings Rule 30 1 0.250
5 14103 I Have a Magic Johnson 28 0 0.000


Mon Mar 19 2018
| by Quizmaster Joe Martone

Sometimes, there’s just no fighting City Hall- or in this case, Those People. They came in hot, doubling quickly, repeatedly, and efficiently. It ultimately became a race for second and third- with newcomers The No-Brainers taking their silver and forcing Perpetually 2nd Place into an identity crisis.

Depsite a difficult game and drinking round (three teams declined to answer!), everyone stuck it out and had a wonderful time. Quizmaster included.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13502 Those people 68 5 1.000
2 14022 The No-Brainers 52 4 0.800
3 12937 Perpetually 2nd place 40 3 0.600
4 Man Tree Quiz 32 2 0.400
5 Salty Dogs 30 1 0.200
6 Venmo Me 28 0 0.000


Mon Mar 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Joe Martone

One of Rocco's most crowded nights was a tough one- only three teams submitted a guess for our Guess Who? round and only two of them got it right. Round 5 even decimated the competition with multiple teams attempting a double or nothing and only ONE succeeding, giving Those People such a clear victory that they declined to properly participate in the final round. Thanks for the...whimsical doodle you submitted instead, gentlemen.

Tonight was also a big first for King Trivia at Rocco's Tavern- Team Blue was caught cheating during our Guess Who? round, and they were disqualified immediately. Trivia is fun you guys, but it's only fun if everyone plays fair.

For the teams that stuck it out, thank you for playing and see you next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13502 Those People 57 7 1.000
2 12937 Perpetually 2nd Place 44 6 0.857
3 10644 Tide Pods- The Forbidden Fruit 38 5 0.714
4 Salty Dogs 30 4 0.571
5 B'Day King 22 3 0.429
6 Team Blue 10 2 0.286
7 Kris 9 1 0.143
8 O.H.- Dime 6 0 0.000