Schilling Cider House

708 N 34th St
Seattle WA 98103
(206) 420-7088
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 7:00pm
About Schilling Cider House

Seattle's only 100% craft cider tap house, with 8 dedicated Schilling cider taps, 24 rotating taps, 2 of which are on Nitro. We feature predominately PacNW ciders, but frequently have craft ciders from England, France, Spain and of course the rest of the USA. We specialize in "you call it" flights of 6 ciders, but have 10oz and pint pours of course!

We have zero corkage on bottles and are the perfect place to get a growler fill of your favorite cider below 7% ABV. We don't have food, but you can bring in whatever food you like to pair with your cider and we host monthly potlucks.

Free Wi-Fi and games are available, so pull a stool up to our big shared tables and make a new friend!


Mon Mar 9 2020
| by Quizmaster Nolan Chapa

A busy, lively, cider filled night of trivia at Schilling Cider House. Some may be deterred from trivia by the growing public health concerns, but the the intrepid contestants here at Schilling, still out in full force and ready to claim a victory.

The picture round saw Erin Go Virus jump out to an early lead with a successful double or nothing attempt. Seems they knew their Super Bowl MVP's. Team Go Virus managed to hold on to that lead throughout the game, becoming our eventual champion.

Zillow Listing, and My Long Lost Appendix jockey for the second place position back and forth all evening. Team Appendix was 1 point away from a tie at 2nd place. But they managed to name just enough periodic elements in the final round to eek out second place for the evening.

This was the type of game a quizmaster dreams of, a packed house, with engaged competitors who battle it out to the end regardless of point totals. Bravo to you Schilling trivia contestants, I tip my proverbial cap to you.

Bonus shoutout to team name of the evening: Trivia Newton John

They didn't have the most points, but their team name was the most fun to say.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 22104 Erin Go Virus 60 8 1.000
2 Zillow Listing 45 7 0.875
3 21049 My Long Lost Appendix 44 6 0.750
4 Hungry Thots 34 5 0.625
5 RossCon 30 4 0.500
6 CCTB 25 2 0.312
6 Trivia Newton John 25 2 0.312
8 Shartnado 16 1 0.125
9 Just Schilling 10 0 0.000


Mon Mar 2 2020
| by Quizmaster Erin Angelini

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 24217 Jigglypuff Puff Pass 61 9 1.000
2 22104 The Goggles They do Nothing 58 8 0.889
3 24515 Cancelled Study Abroad 50 7 0.778
4 20589 Why is all the frozen chicken gone at QFC? 45 6 0.667
5 Go-hio 40 5 0.556
6 Trivia Newton John 39 4 0.444
7 25468 Jay Dobbs Memorial Fund 36 2 0.278
7 21049 My Long-lost Appendix 36 2 0.278
9 Terrible Twos 30 1 0.111
10 Team #93 17 0 0.000


Mon Feb 24 2020
| by Quizmaster Erin Angelini

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 22104 Satan for the Win 64 3 1.000
2* 21049 My Long-lost Appendix 54 1 0.500
2 Jessica's Angels 54 1 0.500
4 Jay Dobbs Memorial Fund 37 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next »