Scuttlebutt Taproom & Brewery

3310 Cedar Street
Everett WA 98201
(425) 252-2829
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Scuttlebutt Taproom & Brewery

Answer Submission Form

Founded by Phil and Cynthia “Scuttle” Bannan in 1996, the idea started as a homebrewing kit for Father’s Day 1990. As thoughtful as the gift was, it was also a source of strife – Scuttle wanted to use the kitchen for preparing meals for the family while Phil was crowding her out in favor of homemade beer. To maintain marital bliss we decided to move out of the kitchen and into a larger operation. A business plan was established in 1995 and we grew our operation from 5 gallon buckets to a 20 barrel system.


We brewed our first beer on July 4, 1996 with a 20 barrel system in the brew house, two 20 barrel fermenters and one 20 barrel bright tank. We brewed three styles of beer and finished out that first year with 170 barrels sold. Since then our capacity has grown and we have broadened our product line to include more than 20 styles of hand-crafted ales and lagers.


After more than 20 years Scuttlebutt Brewing Company remains family owned and independent.


Tue Aug 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Mike Duehning

Tonight was a packed house at Scuttlebutt on this beautiful Tuesday night. Standing room only. We had nine teams trying to take home the title tonight. who would it be.

Round 1 - It's Never Sunny took an early lead with a perfect score but played it safe and did not double.

Round 2 - This was a touch picture round. Naming the fictional bovines threw everybody for a loop.

Round 3 - It's Never Sunny flexed their muscle and doubled up. Giving them a commanding lead. Bar Tops, Brew Clues, PDRoE and Espresso Petronans would be playing for second.

round 4 - It was a difficult Who Am I with most teams getting 4 or 6 points.

Round 5 - Our leaders continued to pull away, but coming from the nowhere was Michael J Fox's Socks scoring a double and jumping into second place.

Round 6 - I was surprised we did not have any perfect scores for this round. A couple teams (Brews Clues and Espresso Patronan) tried to double up but were unsuccessful. The top 3 teams remained the same.

Round 7 - Was about Subway restaurants and without knowing I had eaten as Subway at lunch. All teams did a good job of naming the countries with the most Subways. In the end, It's Never Sunny won by a big margin, Michael J Fox's Socks squeaked out second by 1 point over The Bar Tops. If Espresso Patronan had just marked that little "x" in the upper right hand corner they would have come in second by a point. Oh well, maybe next week.

Thank you to the new teams that came out this week. This place is rocking on Tuesday nights. I hope to see everybody next week. Keep on coming out and bringing more friends.



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 21605 It's never sunny 63 8 1.000
2 Michael J Fox's Socks 49 7 0.875
3 18037 BarTops 48 6 0.750
4 Espresso Petronan 40 5 0.625
5 16208 People’s Democratic Republic of Everett (PDRoE) 35 4 0.500
6 3 Newbies 34 3 0.375
7 The Rockets 33 2 0.250
8 22306 Brews Clues 26 1 0.125
9 Eddy 24 0 0.000


Tue Aug 20 2019
| by Quizmaster Mike Duehning

What a fabulous night of trivia. The electricity on the room was overwhelming. We had a couple new teams join the melee.

Espresso Patronan thought they were going to run away withe the belt tonight after scoring a perfect score in round 1.

Round 2 had everybody doubling the score.

After the fourth round all seven teams were within 4 points of each other.

Bar Tops and Espresso Patronan both doubled up in round five which separated them from the pack. It's Never Sunny tried but Pete Weiss was not the bassist for Fall Out Boy.

Round six had the Bar Tops pull a little further ahead with another perfect round. They know their desserts.

After it was all said and done Bar Tops took home the trophy with Esprresso Patronan taking home the silver and My Couch Pulls Out coming in third.

I want to thank everybody who continues to come out and make this game as fun as it is. Keep bringing your friends. We will see everybody next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 18037 BarTops 72 6 1.000
2 Espresso Petronan 68 5 0.833
3 16749 My couch pulls out but I don’t 63 4 0.667
4 Booby Tuesdays 59 3 0.500
5 Better Late Than Pregnant 57 2 0.333
6 55 1 0.167
7 21605 It's never sunny 38 0 0.000


Tue Aug 13 2019
| by Quizmaster Mike Duehning

The taproom was alive and kicking tonight with a full house. Would It's Never Sunny make it a three-peat was the question of the night.

Round 1 had Suck it Trebek and PDRoE jump on top with 5 spots and the rest of the crowd scored 3.

Round 2 Suck it Trebek nipped their way into the lead but not by much.

Round 3 the top 4 teams started to pull away from the pack with Suck it Trebek and PDRoE tied on top.

Round 4 - not a lot would change. 5 of the 7 teams guessed The Matterhorn for 8 points.

Round 5 - PDRoE and It's Never Sunny jumped out on top. Suck it Trebek went for the kill shot and tried doubling but finding out The Three Amigos and The Three Caballeros are two different groups. Don't sleep on The Bar Tops or Double Trouble. are within striking distance.

Round 6 - PDRoE and It's Never Sunny are still tied on top. Suck it Trebek scored a perfect round but chose not to double.

Round 7 - This was a hard round. Name the seven Strong Acids. It has been awhile since everybody has taken a chemistry class but in the end winning by a single point was PDRoE. It's Never Sunny was the bridesmaid this week.

These are the nights I love hosting trivia. A full house with lots of energy and close scores. I hope everybody has a great week and we will do this again next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 18167 7 1.000
2 16208 People’s Democratic Republic of Everett (PDRoE) 45 6 0.857
3 21605 It's never sunny 44 5 0.714
4 18045 Suck it, Trebek! 41 4 0.571
5 18037 BarTops 38 3 0.429
6 Double Trouble 37 2 0.286
7 The Rockets 23 1 0.143
8 18167 I'd hit that 18 0 0.000