The Press Restaurant

129 Harvard Ave.
Claremont CA 91711
(909) 625-4808
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:30pm


Tue Mar 5 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at The Press we had Oliver who is training to be a quizmaster join in and help me and I have got to say he did a pretty good job.

The trivia this week seemed to be a bit harder for all, as it wasnt as high of scores as normal. There wasnt too many double downs but let me tell you we had a LOT of Lord of the Ring fans who doubled down correctly. We had super fan who had and elvish tattoo on her arm.

This week we had Even Less is More take first and Full Court Press with a close second. We had some new teams join in and have a great time and getting excited when they knew an answer. I love to see when new and returning teams get excited and have a great time.

Until Next week


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Even Less is More 69 13 1.000
2 Full Court Press 66 12 0.923
3 13537 Direwolf Season 8 63 11 0.846
4 16453 Two Young College Studs 58 10 0.769
5 13642 Suhhh Dudes 56 9 0.692
6 Rocketman 55 7 0.577
6 11071 The Zambonis 55 7 0.577
8 Quiz in my Pants 51 6 0.462
9 E.T. Extra Testicles 35 5 0.385
10 The Best Team 34 4 0.308
11 18423 Girl Daddies 29 2 0.192
11 Team Bellas Dad 29 2 0.192
13 Hug Life 25 1 0.077
14 Marji and the Rats 19 0 0.000


Tue Feb 26 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at The Press, we had 15 teams battling it out for the top 2. Elizabeth War and Peace came in 1st with a very impressive score of 99 and Direwolf in 2nd with 91. These 2 teams are the definitely the teams to beat as they have shown the past couple of weeks.

We did "cheesy" pick up lines for our beer round this week and let me just they were very cheesy. Direfolf won with "I'd hate to see you go but I do love watching your ASIAGO by"

A lot of teams were made as they doubled down in the theme round as they doubled down incorrectly with with Paul McCartney instead of Paul Simon, some did not get the "Art" reference but some did and said that was a dead giveaway.

As always it was a great night with great food from The Press. **Pictured are the nachos and Vegetarian Chili**

Until Next Week


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Elizabeth War and Peace 99 14 1.000
2 13537 Direwolf 91 13 0.929
3 16453 Multiple Scoregasms 78 12 0.857
4 13642 Suhhh Dudes 60 11 0.786
5 Evenless is More 59 10 0.714
6 18190 VerTrivia 57 9 0.643
7 The Tasty Tortilla 47 8 0.571
8 18195 Mustakitty 42 7 0.500
9 No Names 39 6 0.429
10 Tequila Mocking Bird 38 5 0.357
11 Hoppy Gals 37 4 0.286
12 We Don't Even Go Here 35 3 0.214
13 Mike Hawk 34 2 0.143
14 18192 Wino-saurus 33 1 0.071
15 That One Guy 18 0 0.000


Tue Feb 19 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at the Press it was a full house as always. Couple new teams that came together but split into 2 and went head to head and kept taunting each other.

I may have had to talk to all about the safety of drinking and driving since we had a couple who were trying to cause trouble for the bartenders, but thank goodness they were not playing King Trivia.

The Press is always a great time and great people. Until next week.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Elizabeth War and Peace 73 9 1.000
2 16453 Multiple Scoregasms 66 8 0.889
3 13537 Direwold Too Many Friends 59 7 0.778
4 Less is More 57 6 0.667
5 Big Chungus 56 5 0.556
6 Full court Press 44 4 0.444
7 13642 Suhhh Dudes 42 3 0.333
8 Dire wolf 41 2 0.222
9 Silent but Deadly 23 1 0.111
10 Come back Kids 14 0 0.000