Barney's Beanery - Westwood

1037 Broxton St.
Westwood CA 90024
(310) 443-7777
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 9:00pm


Wed Feb 1 2017
| by Quizmaster Tim Barkas

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," right!?
That's what they say, right?

For the THIRD week in a row, the fine folks of Make Batman Keaton Again have tried, tried again. And once again they got that close to the brass ring, but couldn't quite get there, finishing in second place...AGAIN!...behind the meanly named Tomi Lahren Sux. Better luck next week, MBKA. (and give Tomi a break, TLS. She's just misunderstood.)

As for disappointments, I believe the Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis gang is in for one, bigly. One of their members stopped by the official quizmaster control room (my little table down by the kitchen) to remind me that Donald Trump is gonna "Make America Great Again!" And as far as the BB$3.50DE is concerned, "America CAN not - WILL  not - be great again until reasonably priced Dos Equis is available throughout the land!"

So lift a glass to the dreamers of BB$3.50DE, and anyone anywhere who loves freedom and reasonably priced beer!

See y'all next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Tomi Lahren Sux 87 28 1.000
2 Make Batman Keaton Again 85 27 0.964
3 Lonzo's Balls 76 26 0.929
4 The glass is ⅔ Full 69 25 0.893
5 Stranger Thongs 67 24 0.857
6 Quizteam-a Aguilera 61 22 0.804
6 10064 Streets of Rage 61 22 0.804
8 Just Bowled a 231 59 20 0.732
8 Ribalet Surprise 59 20 0.732
10 Senior Discount 55 19 0.679
11 Negative 52 18 0.643
12 10423 Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis 50 17 0.607
13 Nasty Women 43 16 0.571
14 Sappy Seniors 42 14 0.518
14 Flamingos 42 14 0.518
16 Team Shrek 40 13 0.464
17 I.C. Weiners 37 12 0.429
18 Destiny's Children 36 11 0.393
19 STELLA!! 35 10 0.357
20 3 LOL 31 9 0.321
21 Lower Your Expectations 29 7 0.268
21 Just Here For The Beer 29 7 0.268
23 Her-mobies Hos 27 6 0.214
24 El Jefe 25 4 0.161
24 There's no Such Thing As a Wrong Answer, RIght? 25 4 0.161
26 Whoracle 24 3 0.107
27 The Wrong Stuff 23 2 0.071
28 Sparkle Motion 19 1 0.036
29 Tig Biddies 17 0 0.000


Wed Jan 25 2017
| by Quizmaster Tim Barkas

Another GREAT night at Barney's Westwood.  As usual, the SRO crowd really brought the brain power, and the competition was HOT!

Speaking of competition, the big Season 7, $10,000 tournament was a sold-out smashing success, and plans are already underway for Season 8.

You don't want to miss the trivia event of the new year. If you haven't registered you team, you really ought to do it soon. It don' cost nuthin', and you'll be all set for the big gala coming soon!

Register today, and use your new team number at Barney's Westwood next week! See ya then!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 tR@PQu33N$ 84 32 1.000
2 Make Batman Keaton Again 81 31 0.969
3 10423 Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis 62 30 0.938
4 FuckSC 58 29 0.906
5 Mary Tyler Less 56 28 0.875
6 10657 That's a pretty nice calzone you have there 52 27 0.844
7 #OscarsSoDiverse 49 26 0.812
8 Bunch Hall Crew 45 25 0.781
9 Corinne From The Bachelor 41 22 0.719
9 Felicity 41 22 0.719
9 Interpretive Dancers 41 22 0.719
12 JaDavis <3 38 21 0.656
13 Heywood Jablome 37 19 0.609
13 Holden M'Groin 37 19 0.609
15 EPA's Declassified World Survival Guide 34 18 0.562
16 Parth is Stupid 30 17 0.531
17 Barney's Friends 29 15 0.484
17 Sit Down, I Can't Hear! 29 15 0.484
19 Lower Your Expectations 27 14 0.438
20 Alternative Facts 26 13 0.406
21 Paralegally Blonde 25 9 0.328
21 Carlos Delgado 25 9 0.328
21 Free Katie Rich 25 9 0.328
21 PB&J 25 9 0.328
25 Barbecue Talent 23 8 0.250
26 UCLA Archery 21 6 0.203
26 Just Here For The Beer 21 6 0.203
28 Promethian 20 5 0.156
29 Harambe Was Innocent! 17 4 0.125
30 Cuban Sushi 14 3 0.094
31 Clephany 13 2 0.062
32 FUSC 12 0 0.016
32 C.I.A. 12 0 0.016


Wed Jan 18 2017
| by Quizmaster Tim Barkas

Oh, Barney's! You NEVER disappoint!

Your faithful Quizmaster Tim has been doing his QM thing for a long time, in a lotta places. I've seen some things. Oh my yes, I've seen a few things. But there is nothing to compare to the singular spectacle of Barney's Westwood in full Trivia Quiz mode on a Wednesday night!

And last night was no exception!  To our winners, Dude, You're Getting Adele!, I'd just like to say, uhm, no! You guys are out of control, and you've just GOT to learn to control Christie! She's trouble, that one!

To quiz regulars Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis: ain't gonna happen. Dos Equis is never gonna be that cheap again. Sorry.

To TBD: Choose a team name, wouldja!? I mean, even Unagi and UGH came up with something!!

See ya next week, friends.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Dude, You're Getting Adele! 82 24 1.000
2 Make Batman Keaton Again 80 23 0.958
3 Ribalet Surprise 77 22 0.917
4 Win or Lose, We Still Booze 73 21 0.875
5 10191 Trivia Newton John 71 20 0.833
6 Hi Tim!! 70 19 0.792
7 10423 Bring Back $3.50 Dos Equis 67 18 0.750
8 Unagi 62 17 0.708
9 NTAF (Never Trust a Fart) 60 16 0.667
10 Quiz in My Pants 54 15 0.625
11 Suna Despalorp 52 13 0.562
11 Wishbone Trivia Troop 52 13 0.562
13 Running Glissandros 50 12 0.500
14 Quiz Khalifan 49 11 0.458
15 TBD 46 10 0.417
16 Lower Your Expectations 43 9 0.375
17 My Little Dutch Potatoes 42 8 0.333
18 Business School Dropouts 37 7 0.292
19 Don't Hate Us Cuz We're Beautiful 33 6 0.250
20 Sluts on Sunset 31 4 0.188
20 Hot Bitchez 31 4 0.188
22 Don't Tell Me I Can't Trivia! 29 3 0.125
23 Young Blood 18 2 0.083
24 Trivia Rookies 14 1 0.042
25 UGH 11 0 0.000