
35058 Yucaipa Blvd
Yucaipa CA 92399
(909) 797-2337
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
About Brewcaipa

Answer Submission Form

Brewcaipa Brewing Co. is Yucaipa's only Brewery located in historic uptown Yucaipa.


Wed Sep 6 2017
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

Brewcaipa Wednesdays at 630pm where Pirate's go to win prizes like a $50 BEER TAB! That's right Dread Pirate Roberts was our winner Wednesday and they were so confident they didn't even arrive until the 2nd round. They were given a run for their money by a pair of regular trivia experts Thrillhouse who placed 2nd earning them a $35 beer tab. And 3rd but 1st place in adorable pics is Baby Free Beses who won a $15 beer tab! In the middle of it all beer pong was played for a round of beers, and everyone felt a little younger and more collegiate as a result.

See you next week! Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12470 Dread Pirate Roberts 40 7 1.000
2 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 39 6 0.857
3 12464 Baby Free Besses 34 5 0.714
4 12212 Code Brown 32 3 0.500
4 Pubic Enemy #1 32 3 0.500
6 12465 Morty & Armothy 28 2 0.286
7 12463 Bad news beers 10 1 0.143
8 Mico 5 0 0.000


Wed Aug 30 2017
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

Brewcaipa a most excellent brewery full of even more excellent trivia-ers. Have I mentioned the prizes here are EPIC, the air conditioning strong and the tacos are delicious. It was a 3 way tie breaker kind of night as Too Hot Too Trot, Thrillhouse and Team Jerey Smith all finished the 7th round with 36 points. There are 2.3 million stones in the pyramid of Giza and no one had any clue! But Too Hot guessed closest winning them first, followed by Thrillhouse and a 3rd place finish for Team Jerey Smith.

Bucket 'O' Fries came back in an attempt to win more beer but missed out, it would be Beer Honkeys that would win the free beer quarter fantastic beer round. And Watermelon Hef, they are there every week, refuse to register but always make me laugh! The Hellcatz you almost did it even without Papa Z!

See You Next Week! Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 11680 Too Hot Too Trot 36 11 0.923
1* 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 36 11 0.923
1 12407 TEAM JEREY SMITH 36 11 0.923
4 12406 Bucket O' Fry's 32 9 0.731
4 12412 BTC 32 9 0.731
6 11999 Brewsual Suspects 29 8 0.615
7 We Want Watermelon Hef Back & Rebel 26 7 0.538
8 12404 Koa 23 5 0.423
8 12064 The Hellcatz 23 5 0.423
10 JMFB's 12 4 0.308
11 12410 Charles and rachel 11 3 0.231
12 12413 Beer Honkeys 10 2 0.154
13 The Kylers 9 1 0.077
14 Jameson Ray 5 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Aug 23 2017
| by Quizmaster Brooke Walters

Brewcaipa Land of Epic Prizes, and The Stephen Hawkings School of Dance! As you visit, I urge you to sip a beer, try the grape soda and root beer, and make a visit to Uncle Touchy's Basement Bonanza, it's a Hoot, and everyone there is great at trivia they get firsts! Also make sure to take a peek at Papa Z and the Hellcatz who played this past Wednesday on the 2nd Stage. And you may have heard of the song Horse With No Name but here in Brewcaipa we have A Team Has No Name this team is the 3rd must see stop on our Brewcaipa Tour. If you have time make sure to check out the Schrodinger's Cat Exhibit, the Thrillhouse, actually an exhilierating experience, and the 6G's they come and visit from a land called Redlands every so often!

It was awesome seeing everyone who came out, especially those who came out from other shows! Impatient 4 Impeachment, I didn't forget you! You guys are awesome and I love you too! I don't care what the kids at school say trivia is AWESOME! Awesome Awesome Awesome!

Until next time! Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12351 Uncle touchy's basement bonanza 61 13 1.000
2 12064 Papa Z and The Hellcatz 47 12 0.923
3 12352 A Team Has No Name 44 11 0.846
4 Schrodingers Cat 43 10 0.769
5 11999 Brewsual Suspects 38 9 0.692
6 11680 6G's 37 7 0.577
6 12332 Impatient 4 impeachment 37 7 0.577
8 12209 Super Nintendo Chalmers 36 6 0.462
9 Stephen Hawkings School of Dance 34 5 0.385
10 12353 Kittens 33 4 0.308
11 12350 The Stantons 27 3 0.231
12 12137 Our name is mud 23 2 0.154
13 Cathy's Crew 18 1 0.077
14 12354 Gold Team 9 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker