Hyperion Public - Silver Lake

2538 Hyperion Ave
Los Angeles CA 90027
(323) 761-6440
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm
About Hyperion Public - Silver Lake

We are your local neighborhood restaurant and bar where everyone is welcome hence the word "Public" in our name. Our restaurant has a rough luxe decor serving quality food and cocktails, a mix of craft and traditional beers, along with a good selection of wines, in a communal atmosphere. Hidden in the back of the restaurant is our upstairs bar and lounge also serving food and cocktails, that has a jukebox, dartboard, piano, mic, and TVs for sports (Sunday NFL Ticket).


Mon Nov 26 2018
| by Quizmaster Max Sopkin

Despite being drugged up on tryptophan and familial tsuris, we had a solid turnout of trivia players at Hyperion Public on Monday night. Ol' Little Lebowski's were in disguise as Ancient Astronaut Theorists, taking first place and all the applause at the end of the night. Dead Weighting for Guffman were a deserving silver, not just for their knowledge but for their beautiful, shining faces as well.

For the drinking round, I asked the teams to come up with a limerick in just a few short minutes, and I would pick the winner. I like this challenge because it forces the players to think outside the trivia box for just a bit, and open up their minds to more creative pursuits. Here are the top three.

In third place, Oooo...chicken nuggets:

He's the fella who's filled with the facts

Who ladies will flock to in packs

We trust he has knowledge

Since his shirt says college

And that birthday boy is named Max

In second place, Blowie and the Hootfish:

For a while there, our prospects were stable,

We scored just as much as we're able.

Larry David did us in,

So in the chance that we win

Give our drinks to the next closest table!

And in first place was It's Still Not Maggie's Birthday, with a reference to another team's lurid name:

I'm tired of coming in 12th.

I'd like to be proud of myself!

It'd be nice to be first,

(or maybe not worst)

But at least I'm not fucking an elf!

ISNMB handily won the drinking round with a poem that was profound and profane! Congrats!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10012 Ancient Astronaut Theorists 83 10 1.000
2 12500 Dead Weighing for Guffman 73 9 0.900
3 16173 My Name is Max and for my birthday I want to have sexual relations with an Elf on a Shelf 63 8 0.800
4 16007 It's Still not Maggie's Birthday 59 7 0.700
5 11620 339 Days Until Halloween 53 6 0.600
6 11088 Oooo...chicken nuggets 44 4 0.450
6 Beach Week 44 4 0.450
8 12369 Ship of Fools 32 3 0.300
9 Instagram Butts 30 2 0.200
10 P&B 27 1 0.100
11 11465 Blowie and the Hoot Fish 14 0 0.000


Mon Nov 19 2018
| by Quizmaster Max Sopkin

Just before the Thanksgiving holiday we had fifteen teams come to throw down at Hyperion Public on Monday night. As always, the cream rises to the top, and the creamiest this week was Ship of Fools, with doubles in rounds 5 and 6. Squeezing just by Dead Weight for a solid second was 6 Dope Queens, who have not shown up on the leaderboards for some time. It was nice to see them smiling again.

For the drinking round, I decided to veer away from our usual musical drinking round and try something more fitting for the holiday. I wrote every team's names on a piece of paper and had a random person draw one from a hat. The team was Wayne Brady Bunch and they sent up team member Katherine. I instructed Katherine, in the spirit of altruism and giving that really defines Thanksgiving, that she would be the person to pick the winning drinking round team. Just like that, she'd select a group of strangers to get free drinks. She made her way around the room and eventually settled on future victors Ship of Fools (who at the time weren't winning yet), because they were so friendly to her as she walked by. They even offered to buy WBB an appetizer, too! It's not much, but we got to experience just a little bit of human kindness at the tail end of a two week period that has been rife with insanity. So go out there and be good, and do good.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12369 Ship of Fools 67 14 1.000
2 11539 6 Dope Queens 59 13 0.929
3 12500 Dead Weight Tell no Tales 58 12 0.857
4 14558 Wayne Brady Bunch 55 11 0.786
5 16007 It's Not Maggie's Birthday 53 10 0.714
6 Clever Girl 52 9 0.643
7 17008 Nooks 'n' Crannies 51 7 0.536
7 11088 Oooo...chicken nuggets 51 7 0.536
9 She Had Two Babies 45 6 0.429
10 10012 My Name is Max and I Eat Puppies 41 5 0.357
11 Gurley Mon 37 3 0.250
11 12957 Sex Quiztols 37 3 0.250
13 11081 Periodic Table Dancers 36 2 0.143
14 Sting Trivia 29 1 0.071
15 T by R 22 0 0.000


Mon Nov 12 2018
| by Quizmaster Max Sopkin

A small but spirited group of contenders showed up to battle it out at Hyperion Public on Monday night, and as the fires rage around Los Angeles, so do the fires in the hearts of our competitors. In the end, Maggie's Birthday eked out the win by a solitary point, with Oooo...chicken nuggets seriously right behind. Major props go to My Name is Max and this is my last night as host, for causing a lot of confusion among the teams. Everyone came up to me after round 2 and was very concerned that I might be leaving, which I then had to repeatedly deny for the rest of the night. So that was fun. Good to see that I'm cherished and valued at least.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16007 Maggie's Birthday 62 6 1.000
2 11088 Oooo...chicken nuggets 61 5 0.833
3 10012 My Name is Max and this is my last night as trivia host 58 4 0.667
4 16500 Tom Cruise's Daddy Issues 35 3 0.500
5 13758 Zero Days Thirty 34 2 0.333
6 11081 Henry Fondle is a sex robot and should not be the CEO of anything 28 1 0.167
7 Libby & Her Bitches 25 0 0.000