Hyperion Public - Silver Lake

2538 Hyperion Ave
Los Angeles CA 90027
(323) 761-6440
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 8:00pm
About Hyperion Public - Silver Lake

We are your local neighborhood restaurant and bar where everyone is welcome hence the word "Public" in our name. Our restaurant has a rough luxe decor serving quality food and cocktails, a mix of craft and traditional beers, along with a good selection of wines, in a communal atmosphere. Hidden in the back of the restaurant is our upstairs bar and lounge also serving food and cocktails, that has a jukebox, dartboard, piano, mic, and TVs for sports (Sunday NFL Ticket).


Mon Oct 14 2019
| by Quizmaster Max Sopkin

A bit of an odd night, but certainly not an off night, at Hyperion Public on Monday. The football game threw a bit of a wrench in our start, but after getting the two handouts out of the way (and very loud, very enthusiastic Packers fans, as well) trivia kicked into high gear, with The Crescent Rolls scoring round after round of perfect doubles. They eventually crossed the 100 point threshold with a bonus point given for a truly terrible Axel Foley laugh impression, but kudos were due for getting up and doing it at all. The heated battle between LLUA and Carter Zeroes ended with CZ taking it by a single point. Quiztian Rock took home a coveted drinking round, with a rather large team too, and Fifth Place or Bust magically landed in fifth place! On top of that, the Packers won but who really cares about that anyway?

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17585 The Crescent Rolls 101 12 1.000
2 Carter Zeroes 92 11 0.917
3 10012 LIttle Lebowski's Urban Achievers 91 10 0.833
4 21941 Pickle Party 71 9 0.750
5 16007 Fifth Place or Bust 69 8 0.667
6 12500 Dead Weight 64 7 0.583
7 Quiztian Rock 59 5 0.458
7 10370 The Late Comers 59 5 0.458
9 11890 Backyard Yurt 58 4 0.333
10 11088 Trying My Best 55 3 0.250
11 11081 Periodic Table Dancers 50 2 0.167
12 Table 201 42 1 0.083
13 Traveddie 18 0 0.000


Mon Oct 7 2019
| by Quizmaster Max Sopkin

Good to be back at Hyperion Public after a brief leave of absence. It's flattering to have people frantically texting you, "WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!?," and only a tiny bit concerning. The flattery outweighs the concern.

Last night all teams showed up with game faces on to take home the gold. Little Lebowski's Urban Achievers wore their home jerseys, something they haven't done in many weeks, as they had been hiding behind pseudonyms to protect their identities. They throw of their cloak of security though, and ran straight for the finish line with heads held high. Three solidly placed doubles did the trick for them, and their victory was met with tepid applause and a smattering of boos. The Beautiful Young Boys - so young, so beautiful - zipped up second place handily. And The Beverly Chillbillies snatched the drinking round out of the clutches of Periodic Table Dancers with a tie-breaker finish. All around, a great night was had. So young, so beautiful.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10012 Little Lebowski's Urban Achievers 83 12 1.000
2 Beautiful Young Boys 69 11 0.917
3 11890 Backyard Yurt 63 10 0.833
4 11620 How Many Days Until Halloween? 62 9 0.750
5 11081 Periodic Table Dancers 53 8 0.667
6 21941 Pickle Party 50 7 0.583
7 The Ginger Baker Tribute/Apology Tour 48 6 0.500
8 22993 The Beverly Chillbillies 47 5 0.417
9 I mean...we're here anyway 42 4 0.333
10 Slippery Slopes 32 3 0.250
11 We're Here by Accident 30 2 0.167
12 The Six-Demon Bags 25 1 0.083
13 Sweet & Sour 12 0 0.000


Mon Sep 30 2019
| by Quizmaster Maddie Torosian

We had an exciting evening at Hyperion Public this week! It all culminated in an unprecedented final round in which all but one team doubled unsuccessfully.

Congratulations to our winners, Off the Record and the Beverly Chill Billies! And a big thank you to all the players and the kind staff at Hyperion Public for making me feel so welcome. It was a pleasure serving as your quizmaster this week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 22304 Off the Record 78 11 1.000
2 Beverly Chill Billies 63 10 0.909
3 16007 Fifth Place or Bust 55 9 0.818
4 Quiztain Rock 52 8 0.727
5 12500 All Sports Questions, Please 51 6 0.591
5 18373 The Maxxxonistas 51 6 0.591
7 The Homosexu-ales 38 5 0.455
8 11081 Periodic Table Dancers 30 4 0.364
9 21941 Pickle Party 28 3 0.273
10 Cheese Lardz 27 2 0.182
11 The Elemeno Pea 26 1 0.091
12 22992 The Old Gray Mares 19 0 0.000