Lost Winds Brewing Company

924 Calle Negocio, STE C
San Clemente CA 92673
(949) 361-5922
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Lost Winds Brewing Company

San Clemente locals Tim Thralls, Andrew Mack and Tim Burke, founded Lost Winds Brewing Company on the idea that thoughtfully made craft beer can appeal to the masses – from casual beer drinkers that enjoy lighter ales to craft beer enthusiasts seeking hoppy IPAs, sours, stouts, saisons, and barrel-aged beers. We are excited to introduce you to our line-up with a focus on Belgian style beers.


Lost Winds Brewing Company is located halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, in a small beach town known as "the Spanish Village by the Sea". San Clemente has long been an idyllic place to surf world class breaks and hit the beach with friends. Tim Thralls, our managing partner and award winning home brewer, together with Brandon Winneker, our classically trained head brewer and Seahawks Junky are now helping to make San Clemente a world-class craft beer destination as well. [MEET THE CREW]




The ocean and the history of our California beach community are central components of Lost Winds Brewing Company. Our brewery is named after a local surf break and beach, Lost Winds, which many don't realize is named after a loose pronunciation of the street that leads to the staircase to Lost Winds Beach, “Calle Lasuen". Lost Winds, LW, Lasuens... all the same beach. Padre Fermin Francisco de Lasuen himself was a Franciscan Priest and successor of Saint Junipero Serra. He founded nine of the iconic missions up and down the coast of California; and he is even responsible for introducing the classic Spanish adobe style ubiquitous around town and at all California missions.


Good surf, a classic beach community, a little bit of California history, and now great beer. We love where we live and can’t wait to see you at Lost Winds Brewing Company!


Tue Jun 18 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

Last night's Trivia was off the chain! We had a total of 12 teams, 9 of which are registered King Trivia players, and 64 players in all! That's a lot of competition, but as always you guys kept it fun, friendly, and silly.

Congratulations to "Moist 2 Men" for taking first place with freaking 84 points! Our runner up was "Your Mom" with an impressive 80 points.

One of our favorite highlights of the evening were all of the successful "Double or Nothing" attempts! Ten out of twelve teams achieved "Double or Nothing" in one round! Another highlight was Jeff's last-man-standing free beer round with this week's theme being "How Well Do You Know Your Beer Slogans." Congratulations to Harvey from "See You Next Tuesday" for winning for your team, you really know your beer ads! 🙂

Keep up the great work, everyone! This summer's going to be great.

Your Quizmasters, Jeff and Kelly

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12865 Moist 2 Men 84 11 1.000
2 13749 Your Mom 80 10 0.909
3 14204 See You Next Tuesday 63 8 0.773
3 13361 Little Lebowski Urban Achievers 63 8 0.773
5 14195 Blue Barracudas 56 7 0.636
6 13168 Liquid Bread 53 6 0.545
7 20629 Apple-Pig 47 5 0.455
8 16205 Cabbage 46 4 0.364
9 DILFS of Disneyland 41 3 0.273
10 Matt Sucks 39 2 0.182
11 20640 The Bloody Morons 32 1 0.091
12 The Gang Does Trivia 23 0 0.000


Tue Jun 11 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

Congratulations to the "Wooly Caterpillars" who leaped into first by doubling down on round 6, winning the night with 65 points! "See You Next Tuesday" was our runner up finishing with 52 points and was also the winner of our free beer round.

You guys are so fun to host, thanks for coming to play week after week!

Your Quizmasters, Jelly

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12446 Wooly Caterpillar 65 4 1.000
2 14204 See You Next Tuesday 52 3 0.750
3 12865 The Hunchback of Moister Dame 46 2 0.500
4 Smitty 32 1 0.250
5 Scranton City 7 0 0.000


Tue Jun 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

Congratulations to "See You Next Tuesday" for taking first place with 59 points, way to use Double or Nothing on the first round catapulting yourselves to the top! Taking second place with 57 points, "Your Mom," killed it in the final round by also using Double or Nothing. Good job, guys!

We had a lot of good laughs last night, especially thanks to "The Gang Does Trivia." Next time bring your boyfriend so you can master those D&D questions? =-D

Note, whoever took over the Sonos to play Baby Got Back... how did you know that was our favorite song? Also, thanks for the giggles and eventually giving us back control of our sound system. 😉

Thanks for participating in our Free Beer Round too! Y'all killed it! Next week we'll do it again, but only fate will be able to decide who gets those delicious craft brews.

See you again next week!

Your Quizmasters, Jelly

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14204 See You Next Tuesday 59 7 1.000
2 13749 Your Mom 57 6 0.857
3 Blood, Bath, and Beyond 36 5 0.714
4 20289 Beer Goggles 34 4 0.571
5 14195 Blue Barracudas 33 3 0.429
6 Dr. Henry Wu-Tang Clan 32 2 0.286
7 The Gang Does Trivia 25 1 0.143
8 West Coast Rockers 16 0 0.000