Lost Winds Brewing Company

924 Calle Negocio, STE C
San Clemente CA 92673
(949) 361-5922
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Lost Winds Brewing Company

San Clemente locals Tim Thralls, Andrew Mack and Tim Burke, founded Lost Winds Brewing Company on the idea that thoughtfully made craft beer can appeal to the masses – from casual beer drinkers that enjoy lighter ales to craft beer enthusiasts seeking hoppy IPAs, sours, stouts, saisons, and barrel-aged beers. We are excited to introduce you to our line-up with a focus on Belgian style beers.


Lost Winds Brewing Company is located halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, in a small beach town known as "the Spanish Village by the Sea". San Clemente has long been an idyllic place to surf world class breaks and hit the beach with friends. Tim Thralls, our managing partner and award winning home brewer, together with Brandon Winneker, our classically trained head brewer and Seahawks Junky are now helping to make San Clemente a world-class craft beer destination as well. [MEET THE CREW]




The ocean and the history of our California beach community are central components of Lost Winds Brewing Company. Our brewery is named after a local surf break and beach, Lost Winds, which many don't realize is named after a loose pronunciation of the street that leads to the staircase to Lost Winds Beach, “Calle Lasuen". Lost Winds, LW, Lasuens... all the same beach. Padre Fermin Francisco de Lasuen himself was a Franciscan Priest and successor of Saint Junipero Serra. He founded nine of the iconic missions up and down the coast of California; and he is even responsible for introducing the classic Spanish adobe style ubiquitous around town and at all California missions.


Good surf, a classic beach community, a little bit of California history, and now great beer. We love where we live and can’t wait to see you at Lost Winds Brewing Company!


Tue Nov 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

Well, look at that, your Quizmaster Jeff comes back after a week off and all equipment works just fine, lol. Figures.

Congratulations to "I Play With Myself" for winning the night with a scorching 66 points!

"Risky Dingo" took second with 43 points and "Tsiom" (our "Moist" team - love the name this week guys) came in third with 40.

Special shout out to Amy, who celebrated her birthday with us this week and whose team ( "Tsiom") brought the most AMAZING cupcakes we've had in years, possibly ever. Happy birthday, Amy!

Another congrats is also in order for "Tsiom." You guys won our new Free Beer Round, titled "What's in Your Wallet?" See, aren't you glad you keep random car dealership business cards, old student ID's, and Capital One cards in your wallet?

We always like to thank the team that, despite seeing their chance of winning decline, still see it through to the end. So, thank you to "We Cum First," for sticking it out to the end. 🙂

We missed having "Your mom" this week, so guessing school is getting a little hectic right now, but we know you'll be back.

See you guys next week for more Tacos and Trivia!

Your QM'S, Jeff and Kelly

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23009 I Play With Myself 66 5 1.000
2 Risky Dingo 43 4 0.800
3 12865 Tsiom 40 3 0.600
4 14204 Short Stack Sucks! 36 2 0.400
5 We Cum First 27 1 0.200
6 Emman & Ruby 11 0 0.000


Tue Nov 5 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

Oh, what a night!

"Moist Def" stayed in the lead up until round 7 when "I Play With Myself" decided to double down putting him in first with 89 points!

We've never had two teams with such similar names before, (Jabroni & Jabronies) so that was interesting. Coincidence?

Super big thanks to my friends who helped us get the sound working! I wasn't sure we were going to be able to have a show with no microphone! You guys are awesome.

Thanks for coming to play and we will see you again next week.



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23009 I Play With Myself 89 8 1.000
2 12865 Moist Def 77 7 0.875
3 14204 Short Stack Sucks! 63 6 0.750
4 13749 Your Mom 57 5 0.625
5 20970 Team #Us 49 4 0.500
6 23581 Team Cream 46 2 0.312
6 Struggle Bus 46 2 0.312
8 23580 Jabroni 20 1 0.125
9 Jabronies 16 0 0.000


Tue Oct 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Kelly Sparks

What a game! "I Play With Myself" stole the night by doubling down in both rounds 5 & 6, putting him in the lead and winning the show with 71 points!

Behind him in 2nd & 3rd were "See You Next Tuesday" and "Your Mom," respectively. Both teams successfully gambled with a Double or Nothing in the 1st round but were apprehensive in rounds 5 & 6 where the big points are. That said, their reservation was warranted as they would've gained "Zero" from those one or two missed answers.

We recommend throwing caution to the wind for any team looking to catch up to these titans to grab a win.

Thanks to all the new teams, we hope you enjoyed yourself. Get yourselves registered and come back next week!

Thanks again to everyone for the feedback and a warm welcome for our return. I know you were all stoked to have the slides up and running again. All for maybe the Nationals fans that moved upstairs to watch the rest of the World Series... congrats on their win! Now on to Game 7.

Sincerely Your Quizmasters, Jeff & Kelly

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23009 I Play With Myself 71 12 1.000
2 14204 Short Stack Sucks! 56 11 0.917
3 13749 Your Mom 53 10 0.833
4 12865 A Good Day to Moist Hard 43 8 0.708
4 Upper Cuts 43 8 0.708
6 Jungle Love 35 6 0.542
6 17131 Thunder Egg 35 6 0.542
8 We're A Team 34 4 0.375
8 It's Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus 34 4 0.375
10 Hocus Pocus 29 3 0.250
11 Probably Last Place 18 2 0.167
12 Sabai 15 1 0.083
13 White Water Realty 14 0 0.000