Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

Answer Submission Form for Pineapple Hill (Wednesday)

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill is the locals' destination for enjoying a refreshing beer, gathering with friends, or watching the game.


Wed Jul 31 2019
| by Quizmaster Rebekah Fear

Wednesday night fun was had!

Gazpacho started off strong with a double, but Coles Holes and More Popcorn? doubled in Round 2 and took the lead.

Whiskey Flamingoes and Oxypopcorn got the "Guess Where" round on 10 points, which helped them both tremendously.

An unsuccessful double brought More Popcorn down from their pedestal. And a successful double is what propelled Gazpacho and New Balls please into first and second place.

A surprise double from GTL on round 6 brought them up to be tied for 2nd place.

In the end, Gazpacho finished in 1st place, and a tie breaker lead to New Balls Please coming in 2nd and GTL in 3rd.

For the drinking round, in honor of King Trivia's new game called Survey Slam, we did our own mini version of the game. GTL won the drinking round by answering the most survey questions correctly.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10065 Gazpacho 73 8 1.000
2* 21634 New Balls Please 66 6 0.812
2 14252 GTL 66 6 0.812
4 Coles Holes 58 5 0.625
5 10063 the oxymorons 47 4 0.500
6 10708 Whiskey Flamingoes 46 3 0.375
7 14259 More Popcorn? 44 2 0.250
8 21459 Three Cool Boys 40 1 0.125
9 Ted Danson's Good Place 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jul 24 2019
| by Quizmaster Rebekah Fear

We had a full house on Wednesday night!

Four teams started off strong with doubles, and in round 2 we had 5 more doubles. 9/8 Central was the only team to successfully double round 3, bringing them into the lead by at least 6 points.

However, round 4 threw everyone for a loop when they didn't realize the person we were looking for was Elsa (tricksy clue masters!). There were a lot of -1's that round, and the highest anyone got was 4 points.

In Round 5, 9/8 Central was the only team that should have doubled, and because they didn't they lost their lead in round 6 when Touchy Feely did double and mjumped ahead. That's also when Gazpacho made their move into 3rd place.

The final round saw 8 doubles, and 2 O's (Chiefs has an F in it, people!) keeping the scores relatively consistent towards the end.

Touchy Feely came in first, with 9/8 central and Gazpacho not far behind.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11320 Touchy feely 91 11 1.000
2 10260 9 8 Central 82 10 0.909
3 10065 Gazpacho 78 9 0.818
4 13915 We try 73 8 0.727
5 Coles Holes 69 7 0.636
6 10063 Oxypopcorn 65 6 0.545
7 Anonymous 51 5 0.455
8 13489 Car Pie 38 3 0.318
8 14252 GTL 38 3 0.318
10 pineapples 36 2 0.182
11 17544 Ceviche 31 1 0.091
12 The Fun Ghouls 28 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jul 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Rebekah Fear

Fun times were had on Wednesday!

GTL had a significant lead up until round 5 when they should have doubled, but didn't. Gazpacho did double, and then took the lead in round 5, putting GTL in second.

Coles Holes doubled a few rounds and were solidly in 3rd/4th place throughout the whole game. One-man-team Sweaty Breakfast was also vying for 3rd/4th place. In the end, Cole's Holes took 3rd.

For the drinking round, we did a round-robin where people had to name countries in Africa within a few seconds without any repetitions. Gazpacho took the drinking round.

We had a lot of teams on Wednesday, and I hope to see everyone back next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10065 Gazpacho 83 10 1.000
2 14252 GTL 80 9 0.900
3 Cole's Holes 73 8 0.800
4 Sweaty Breakfast 68 7 0.700
5 Hawkins Mad Scientists 66 6 0.600
6 Chocolate Thunda 50 5 0.500
7 Can't Get Blonder 48 4 0.400
8 I'm Hungry for Pad Thai 43 3 0.300
9 The Periodic Table Dancers 42 2 0.200
10 14259 More Popcorn? 37 1 0.100
11 17714 Loudermilk 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker