Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm
About Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

Answer Submission Form for Pineapple Hill (Wednesday)

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill is the locals' destination for enjoying a refreshing beer, gathering with friends, or watching the game.


Wed Mar 7 2018
| by Quizmaster Brendan Milove

These. Teams. Came. To. Play. Several of our teams hit it big with some good double or nothings but 3 of our top teams lost their double or nothing by guessing Lincoln Logs instead of Tinker Toys in our "Ink" themed find the connection round. Popcorn Boys won a round of free drinks by being able to name all 6 teams in Legends of the Hidden Temple, and multiple teams did very generous drawings of the Quizmaster. In the end, a two person team, Just The Tip, took home our grand prize of a $25 gift card to Pineapple Hill!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13903 Just The Tip 63 7 1.000
2 We Try 57 6 0.857
3 6TL 54 5 0.714
4 10065 Gazpacho 47 4 0.571
5 The Popcorn Boys 46 3 0.429
6 12017 I Was Told There Would Be Pineapple 44 2 0.286
7 Notorious B.O.D. 41 1 0.143
8 Team Frenchies 34 0 0.000


Wed Feb 28 2018
| by Quizmaster Brendan Milove

What a night for the budding, fresh faced, rookie quizmaster that I am! The entire night was neck and neck with ALL 5 of my beautiful quiz teams in the running all the way through round 7. The Frenchies won a round of free drinks by accurately guessing 4 flips of a coin in our "Heads or Tails" drinking round, and by the end of the game we had a tie for first place AND a tie for third place. Double or Nothing and Something Clever both had closer guesses at Alice in Wonderland's run time than their tie buddies and walked away with some great prizes from Pineapple Hill!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Something Clever 46 3 0.875
1* Topshelf 46 3 0.875
3* Double or Nothing 42 1 0.375
3 Danger Force 5 42 1 0.375
5 The Frenchies 39 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Feb 21 2018
| by Quizmaster Rebekah Fear

Tonight was a fun game of trivia at Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill!

Gazpacho, We Try, and Gave Up Losing for Lent (My favorite name of the evening) all started off strong with doubles in the first round.

Gazpacho furthered their lead with a double in the 2nd round. Danger Force jumped to second place with a double.

Everyone did a stellar job in Round 4. Danger Force guessed the Who Am I - Angelina Jolie - on the 10 point clue while every other team guessed it at 8.

More Popcorn doubled Round 5, catapulting them into 2nd place.

For the drinking round, we attempted to go around and name the Monopoly board game properties in order, but when no one could get passed Baltic Ave (the 2nd property) I nixed that and instead asked them to guess what year the Star Spangled Banner was written (1814). Two teams tied for that, so then I asked them when it became the national anthem (1931). One of a Kind guessed 1930 and earned themselves free drinks.

Round 6 was doubled by Gazpacho, We Call BS, Gave Up Losing for Lent, and More Popcorn. Danger Force should have doubled.

For the final round, even though they didn't have to Gazpacho doubled successfully, securing their first place win by a wide margin. More Popcorn stayed in second and Gave Up Losing for Lent came in third.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10065 Gazpacho 95 5 1.000
2 10274 More popcorn 76 4 0.800
3 We Call BS 60 2 0.500
3 Danger Force 60 2 0.500
5 We Try 46 1 0.200
6 One of a Kind 43 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker