Rock & Reilly's Irish Pub

8911 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood CA 90069
(310) 360-1400


Tue Oct 11 2016
| by Quizmaster Scotty Altizer

It was Elvis night at Rock & Reilly's Tuesday, as I filled in for Susan, who had to go somewhere, a wedding, I think, somebody said...

Quizlamic State inches out Those Bastards! for a 3 point win.  Funky Monkeys were the proud winners of the last place prize, a can of Axe body spray.  And to round things off, Those Bastards! win the drinking round, so everyone was a winner tonight!  Hooray!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Quizlamic State 51 3 1.000
2 10161 Those Bastards! 48 2 0.667
3 10127 Funky Monkeys 27 1 0.333
4 The House 26 0 0.000


Tue Oct 4 2016
| by Quizmaster Susan Light

We had a wild game of doubles and could have doubled!!  Tapioca Pudding came out strong and never let go of first place!!!  And Those Bastards! won the drinking round by guessing the busser Mario's birthday!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Tapioca Pudding 65 6 1.000
2 Let's Get Quizzical 61 5 0.833
3* 10161 Those Bastards! 53 3 0.583
3 10127 Funky Monkeys 53 3 0.583
5 10533 Can't Host, Can't Travel 42 2 0.333
6 Beverly Hills Bratz 24 1 0.167
7 Rg 22 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Sep 27 2016
| by Quizmaster Susan Light

Small group tonight but still fun!!  The Funky Monkeys showed up to play and got out their brains against each other!! A fun rivalry erupted with a back and forth lead and some well timed double downs!!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10127 Funky Monkeys 39 2 1.000
2 Screaming Pelicans 38 1 0.500
3 Chunky Monkeys 35 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker