Rock & Reilly's Irish Pub

8911 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood CA 90069
(310) 360-1400


Tue Aug 9 2016
| by Quizmaster Susan Light

So much fun as always!!  A tight race for first place with a few successful and few unsuccessful double or nothing attempts.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10161 Those Bastards! 62 3 1.000
2 10184 Quizlamic State 58 2 0.667
3 10183 Tater tots for tots 37 1 0.333
4 10127 Funky Monkeys 30 0 0.000


Tue Aug 2 2016
| by Quizmaster Susan Light

We had a lot of fun!!  Top prize a bottle of Stolen Rum!!!  The winning team successfully doubled three rounds!!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10183 Tater tots for tots 79 4 1.000
2 10184 Quizlamic State 65 3 0.750
3 10161 Those Bastards! 64 2 0.500
4 10127 Funky Monkeys 56 1 0.250
5 10159 Degenerates 52 0 0.000