Snakes & Lattes

20 W 6th St
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 361-6644
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Snakes & Lattes

Answer Submission Form for Snakes and Lattes

Snakes & Lattes Tempe is the first US location of the same concept from Toronto, Canada. We have 800 games and 12 delicious craft beer taps. Game on!


Tue Oct 6 2020
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

We had a very unique question set for our 6 teams on October 6th at Snakes & Lattes! Our teams for the evening were the Bolshevik Baddies, Doc101, Ghoul Gang, Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones, Elle & Kaylee, and Bananas.

Right off the bat in Round 1 Elle & Kaylee came out swinging and finished the round in first place with 5 points (thanks to those 2 free points for that registered team number)! Coming in second was Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones with 4 points, Bolshevik Baddies in third with 3 points. Ghoul Gang currently in fourth place with 2 points. Doc101 had 1 point in with Bananas in sixth place with 0 points.

Round 2 not only hit them with nostalgia but asked them to name the cartoon villains from some of our favorite Saturday morning cartoons. Some of the most commonly misidentified villains were Boris and Natasha from Rocky & Bullwinkle, Shredder from TMNT, and Gargamel from The Smurfs. Ghoul Gang had decided to play their Double or Nothing for this round, and after getting all 8 answers correct they swiftly jumped their way from fourth place to first place with 18 points!

Round 3 was an interesting challenge in which the questions were each a haiku that described a famous song featuring names in the titles. The haiku that received the most correct answers was, "Red Sox baseball team; singing about the springtime; reach out and touch me". If you think you know the answer, read to the bottom to find out if you're right too!

By this point in the game Ghoul Gang remained in first place, with 19 points. In second were the Bolshevik Baddies with 10 points, behind them in third with 8 points were Elle & Kaylee and directly behind them with 7 points were the Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones. In fifth with 4 points we had Bananas and in sixth place was Doc101; who at the end of Round 3 had dropped out of the game.

This week's Round 4 was a mythical, mystical Guess Who. With clues such as being the topic of aspects in pop culture, guardians and goddesses to lands all across the ancient worlds, and its most famous depiction as that of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Ghoul Gang, Bananas, and Raccoon Shapes Pine Cones were each able to guess that it was a Sphinx with them receiving 8, 6, and 2 points respectively to each of their teams.

Round 5's Find the Connection this week centered around things that are associated with Superman. Unfortunately no one was quite able to guess that as the connection but our teams still did well answering the questions! The one question all of our teams got correct was, "The Iron Man 2 (Soundtrack) is a compilation album by what rock band?" (Read below to see if you know too!)

Round 6 asked our teams to match up the streaming services to their original show. Such as Shudder to Creepshow and Disney+ to Diary of a Future President. The most amount of points earned in this round were 5 points to both Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones and Bananas.

Our final round asked the teams to name 10 of the 12 states that brew the most craft beer per capita of people ages 21+. Our teams did pretty well this round! The most common answers that were incorrect were California and Washington each with 4, while the most common correct answers were Oregon with 5 and Colorado with 4.

In the end the scores went as follows: Doc101-sixth place 2 points, Elle & Kaylee- fifth place 15 points, Bolshevik Baddies- fourth place 20 points, Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones- third place 24 points, Bananas- second place 26 points, and finally, in first place with 44 points total was Ghoul Gang!

Join us next Tuesday, 7PM at Snakes & Lattes!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Ghoul Gang 44 5 1.000
2 Bananas 26 4 0.800
3 Raccoon Shaped Pine Cones 24 3 0.600
4 Bolshevik Baddies 20 2 0.400
5 26150 Elle & Kaylee 15 1 0.200
6 Doc101 2 0 0.000


Tue Sep 29 2020
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Tuesday night at Snakes & Lattes 5 teams faced off for an evening of trivia! Our competitors were Snakes & Lattes Unofficial, Moose on the Loose, Meow I'm a Kangaroo, First Date, and Three Amigos!

After our first round of general knowledge Moose on the Loose took off with first after getting all of the questions right as well as having the sweet +2 points bonus for having a registered team! Snakes & Lattes Unofficial and First Date began the game off with a tie of 4 points each. Behind them with 3 points was Three Amigos and in last place with 1 point we had Meow I'm a Kangaroo.

The Picture Round this week asked our teams to identify the flowers shown in the images on the handout. Moose on the Loose was able to guess every single flower correctly with First Date also getting the majority correct and had only missed a single answer!

Round 3's questions and answers all were related to snaps or snapping. This round seemed to have a majority of our teams a bit stuck as the most points earned in this round were 4 points to Snakes & Lattes Unofficial. By this point in the game Moose on the Loose was still in first place with 18 points. Behind them was First Date with 14 points and just a point lower with 13 was Snakes & Lattes Unofficial. In fourth place was Three Amigos with 6 points, and in fifth place with 5 points we had Meow I'm a Kangaroo.

This week's Round 4 was a Guess Who. Three Amigos made a guess after our first clue, but unfortunately they did not correctly guess the mystery person. Snakes & Lattes Unofficial as well as Moose on the Loose both guessed correctly after our second clue, which gave both of their teams an extra 8 points total! Meow I'm a Kangaroo and First Date also were unable to guess our mystery person correctly, and so all 3 of those teams lost a point each. In the end the man we were looking for was Pete Davidson.

The theme for this weeks Find the Connection was that each of the answers were related to laundry. Some of the answers were things such as "The Tide Is High", Robert Downey Jr., and washer. Surprisingly though the only team that was able to identify the commonality was Moose on the Loose!

In Round 6 our teams were asked to match up airlines to their home countries. Moose on the Loose chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round and while they left one answer blank the 9 answers they did submit were correct which allowed them to earn 18 points for their team! Snakes & Lattes Unofficial also got all of their answers correct in this round, however they did not apply their Double or Nothing and so earned 10 points for their one man band.

The final round for our game last night focused on the NHL by asking questions about the 1967 expansion as well as the 4 divisions that make up the NHL. By the end of the game places 3-5 had been clearly determined, but we were left with a tie between Snakes & Lattes Unofficial and Moose on the Loose. Our tie-breaking question last night asked what year the Nintendo 64 was first released in Japan. Snakes & Lattes Unofficial had placed 1989 as their answer while Moose on the Loose put in 1997 as their answer. In the end the correct answer was 1996 so the first place winner was Moose on the Loose as they were closest to the correct answer!

Check in next week to see who will be the King Trivia at Snakes & Lattes!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 24108 Moose on the Loose 50 4 1.000
2 Snakes & Lattes Unofficial 49 3 0.750
3 First Date 23 2 0.500
4 Three Amigos 17 1 0.250
5 Meow I'm a Kangaroo 15 0 0.000


Tue Sep 22 2020
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Tuesday evening at Snakes & Lattes 5 teams joined us for an evening of trivia. Our teams for the night were Claire's Passport, MELI & the Minions, Dumb and Dumber, Terry's, and Crunchy Soup Hat.

Our first round of general knowledge asked our teams questions about The Phoenix Suns, Halley's Comet, and even about the fall equinox! Which coincidentally was the same evening as our trivia! After our first round Claire's Passport had the most points at a total of 5. The Terry's and Crunchy Soup Hats began tied in second place with 3 points, behind them in fourth was Dumb and Dumber with 1 point and MELI & the Minions in last place so far with 0 points.

Round 2 challenged our teams by asking them to identify the name of a game show based on the hosts that were shown in the images. This round broke the tie between Crunchy Soup Hats and the Terry's putting the Terry's in second place just a single point behind Claire's Passport who stood in first with a total of 9 points.

The theme for Round 3 was that all of the questions this round related to things that are soft. For example one question asked about which civilization created the first marshmallows and who knitted Mr. Rogers' sweaters in the early years of his show. By this point in the game Terry's had taken the lead with a total of 12 points, behind them with 11 points we had Claire's Passport. These teams seemed to be playing a bit of leap frog together. Dumb and Dumber slid their way into third place with 8 points due to Crunchy Soup Hats having played a Double or Nothing, hoping for the double but instead getting the nothing leaving them in fourth place with 6 points. Still chugging along and fighting their hardest was MELI & the Minions in fifth place still with 0 points.

Round 4 challenged our players to identify a mystery location this week. The first clue identified a name ancient Romans had for this location as well as what kind of rock formations could be found in the area. Other clues went on the comment on the wildlife in this area and even that it is used as the company logo for Prudential Financial. Crunchy Soup Hats were able to guess correctly after our second clue giving their team 8 extra points. Claire's Passport got it on our third clue giving them 6 points and the Terry's got it correct on the following clue giving them 4 more points. Unfortunately MELI & the Minions as well as Dumb and Dumber were not able to guess correctly and each had a point removed from their scores.

Round 5 is our Find the Connection round in which the teams must identify the commonality between the answers of questions 1 through 9 in order to correctly answer question number 10. The commonality for this week's questions was that each of the answers contained a different type of ice cream flavor! Crunchy Soup Hats made their way into first place thanks to getting all of the questions correct in this round leaving their total score at 24 points! Still playing leap frog, just behind them in second with 23 points was the Terry's. In third we had Claire's Passport still clinging to those top slots with 22 points! Close indeed! In fourth was Dumb and Dumber with 11 points and MELI & the Minions were in fifth with 7 points!

Round 6 this week would've put my theatre degree to the test had I been a player and not the quizmaster! Our teams were asked to match the lead characters to the musicals that they are from. Still coming in hot with the answers was team Crunchy Soup Hats with another full 10 points this round for being able to correctly match up each lead to their show!

The final round asked our teams to think back to the classic board game Monopoly by naming at least 10 of the 12 spaces that can be purchased for less than and not equal to $200.

In the end Dumb and Dumber were in fifth place with 11 points, ahead of them with 12 points was MELI & the Minions. In third with 31 points we had the Terry's. Second went to Claire's Passport who had a total of 31 points, and in first we had Crunchy Soup Hats with 41 points.

Join us again next week at Snakes & Lattes Tuesdays at 7PM!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 26128 Crunchy Soup Hats 41 4 1.000
2 Claire's Passport 36 3 0.750
3 Terry's 31 2 0.500
4 MELI & the Minions 12 1 0.250
5 Dumb and Dumber 11 0 0.000