Snakes & Lattes

20 W 6th St
Tempe AZ 85281
(480) 361-6644
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
About Snakes & Lattes

Answer Submission Form for Snakes and Lattes

Snakes & Lattes Tempe is the first US location of the same concept from Toronto, Canada. We have 800 games and 12 delicious craft beer taps. Game on!


Tue Oct 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Tuesday evening at Snakes & Lattes 5 teams challenged their Halloween themed wits as the holiday slowly approaches. Our teams for the evening included; Moose on the Loose, Too Spooky, JG, We Thought This Was Kickball, and We Told Them This Was Kickball.

Our general knowledge for Round 1 kicked off the spooky theme of the night. After adding the points for registered teams We Thought This Was Kickball was in first place with a total of 7 points. In a tie for second with 6 points each was Moose on the Loose and Too Spooky. In third was We Told Them This Was Kickball with 4 points, and in fourth place was JG with 2 points after having joined the game a smidge late.

Round 2 asked our teams to identify the movies/TV shows featuring the spiders shown in the images. Everyone did fairly well this round with the most amount of points earned being 6 out of the 8. Though no one was able to identify Scroop from Treasure Planet and instead thought he belonged to the Antz film.

Round 3 focused on Google's "top costumes" of 2018. We Told Them This Was Kickball chose to play their Double or Nothing for this round, and they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for that meddling question number 2! By this point in the game Moose on the Loose brought themselves up to first place with 18 points with We Thought This Was Kickball just a few points behind at 16. In third was Too Spooky with 14 points, JG in fourth with 11 points and We Told Them This Was Kickball at fifth place with 9 points.

In Round 4 this week the theme was Guess What? Our players had to identify the mystery film being described by the clues. Too Spooky and JG had both assumed the film was The Exorcist, however this was incorrect resulting in a point being lost by each team. Moose on the Loose and We Thought This Was Kickball were able to correctly guess the film after our fourth clue, which means both teams were able to earn 4 extra points for their teams. We Told Them This Was Kickball were able to get the correct answer after our final clue, meaning they earned 2 points. In the end we were looking for Young Frankenstein.

Round 5 was our find the connection round. The majority of our teams did fairly well in this round and We Thought This Was Kickball even chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round. They were able to get all of their written answers correct-and even got the connecting theme of hockey correct! This resulted in their team earning an additional 16 points towards their score! After the use of their Double or Nothing play We Thought This Was Kickball had brought themselves into first place with a total of 36 points. Behind them in second was Moose on the Loose with 30 points. We Told Them This Was Kickball was in third with 19 points, JG in fourth with 16 points, and behind them in fifth was Too Spooky with 15 points.

We took a brief recess from our regularly scheduled program to play King Trivia's new Survey Slam! These questions generally seemed to focus on the Halloween theme. In the end Too Spooky won our Survey Slam with a total of 12 points!

Our theme for Round 6 asked the players to match each haunted location to the country it belongs in. JG played their Double or Nothing this round and were able to match all 10 answers correctly meaning their team was able to earn 20 additional points!

Our final question for the evening for Round 7 asked the teams to name 10 of the 14 songs from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Our teams didn't do quite so hot in this round, but efforts were made all around! Moose on the Loose even played their Double or Nothing! However, they incorrectly named "Over at the Frankenstein Place" as "There's a Light" resulting in no additional points for this final round.

In the end, Too Spooky was in fifth place with 22 points. In fourth, We Told Them This Was Kickball with 30 points. Third place went to JG with a total of 39 points. In second place we had Moose on the Loose with a total score of 42 points. And finally, in first place with 47 total points was We Thought This Was Kickball.

Thank you to all the teams that came out, and join us again next week Tuesday at 7 o'clock!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23331 We thought this was kickball 47 4 1.000
2 Moose on the Loose 42 3 0.750
3 JG 39 2 0.500
4 We Told Them This Was Kickball 30 1 0.250
5 Too Spooky 22 0 0.000


Tue Oct 22 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

Tuesday evening Snakes & Lattes was quite eventful as 11 teams challenged their skills.

In Round 1 We Thought This Was Kickball started out strong with 7 points while the rest of our teams were tied at either 6 or 5 points.

Round 2 asked our players to identify the fictional characters shown in the images of staues from around the country. Our most commonly missed image was of Dick Tracy in Naperville, IL who was mistaken for many characters such as Clark Kent, Inspector Gadget, and Roger Rabbit.

Round 3 challenged how saucy our teams for the evening were by referencing various types of sauces. The most amount of points earned in this round was 5 points, to Blame It On The Goose and Milhouse, meaning they had only missed 1 point.

This week's Round 4 was a Guess Where. 2 of our teams made their bold guesses after just the first clue, but unfortunately did not guess correctly resulting in a loss of 1 point to each team. 2 of our other teams guessed correctly after the second clue, giving them 8 additional points for their teams, while the rest guessed correctly after our fourth clue giving each of their teams 4 points.

Personally I was impressed with how many of our teams correctly guessed the connecting factor to the questions in Round 5, mostly because I know for a fact I wouldn't have gotten it! Let's Get Quizzical and We Thought This Was Kickball both chose to play their Double or Nothing for this round but unfortunately each of their teams missed just a single question meaning neither were able to earn extra points for this round. The commonality in the answers was that they all contained nicknames for Android OS.

Round 6 asked our players to match up the boy/girl bands to their signature songs! U-Kraniums and The Par-Tay played their Double or Nothing for this musical round. This benefited the U-Kraniums who were able to earn 20 additional points for their teams, while The Par-Tay missed just 1 of their match-ups leading to them earning no new points for the round.

Finally for our final round, the teams were asked to name the 5 Prime Ministers of the UK during the 21st Century as well as who the 5 tennis players were that had won all 4 Singles glad slam tournaments in the same year. This round seemed to stump our teams but a fair majority were at least able to name a few of the Prime Ministers! At the end of the night U-Karniums were able to walk away in first place with a total of 53 points!

Join us again next Tuesday to see who our winner is!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 23346 U-Kraniums 53 10 1.000
2 Sharpies Are Markers 48 9 0.900
3 Moose on the Loose 46 8 0.800
4 23335 We’re here so we don’t get fined 40 7 0.700
5 23338 Lil Pickles 35 4 0.500
5 23331 We thought this was kickball 35 4 0.500
5 23334 Milhouse 35 4 0.500
8 22559 Let's Get Quizzical 33 3 0.300
9 23343 The Par-Tay 29 2 0.200
10 Lone Wolf 16 1 0.100
11 Team Poutine 14 0 0.000


Tue Oct 15 2019
| by Quizmaster Katherine Reid

We had 14 teams join us for trivia Tuesday evening at Snakes & Lattes. Energy was high as we all gathered to begin with our first round.

In our General Knowledge themed Round 1 our teams had various responses to the questions. In the end We Thought This Was Kickball completed the round with the most amount of points at a total of 8 (after having added points for the team number).

Round 2 asked our teams to identify books that had been banned just based on an image of the cover. If You Got It Flaunt It decided to play their Double or Nothing for this round and was able to earn 14 additional points for their team! This use of the Double or Nothing also brought them up to first place with a total of 20 points! Just 6 points ahead of the second place team, which at this time was Stardust Crusaders.

Round 3 was filled with references to secretaries of all sorts! Personally I had never known that a secretary was a style of desk prior to this game. Rock 'Em Sock 'Em was one of the only teams to get all of the answers correct in this round.

Round 4 this week was a Guess Who theme. A majority of our teams were able to correctly guess our mystery man, but The Best and Rock 'Em Sock 'Em were the teams to get the answer before everyone else allowing their teams to earn 8 additional points in this round. The person we were searching for was Bryan Cranston. My personal favorite incorrect answer this round was Michael Fassbender.

Our teams struggled a bit in Round 5 as they sought out the common theme in the answers. Stardust Crusaders boldly chose to play their Double or Nothing in this round, and lucky for them it paid off nicely as they left the round with 18 extra points. The Stardust Crusaders and If You Got It Flaunt It were the only 2 teams to correctly identify the commonality as being from the Bill & Ted movies.

Round 6 was a tasty round this week as our teams had to match each fictional food/drink to the fantasy world they exist in. Our most commonly mismatched item was the viameatavegamin which many thought was from Doctor Who, but is actually from I Love Lucy. Moose on the Loose and Sharpies Are Markers both played their Double or Nothing for this round. For Moose on the Loose this paid off and allowed them to leave the round with 20 extra points! While Sharpies Are Markers missed just 1 of their answers and were unable to earn any points for this round.

Finally in Round 7 our teams were asked to name the countires that are the top 10 producers of coconuts. We Thought This Was Kickball played their Double or Nothing for this round and unfortunately missed 1 of their answers.

In a surprise twist we had a tie for first place between Moose on the Loose and Stardust Crusaders. In order to break the tie they had to answer (as closely as possible) 'in millions, what is the population of the United Kingdom?" The StarDust Crusaders answered 38 million, while Moose on The Loose answered 60 million. The correct answer was 67.59 million, so the winning point went to Moose on the Loose!

Thank you for joining us this week! Check out Snakes & Lattes every Tuesday night at 7 for King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Moose on the Loose 59 13 1.000
2 23235 Stardust Crusaders 58 12 0.923
3 23237 If You Got It, Flaunt It 55 11 0.846
4 Rock 'Em Sock 'Em 48 10 0.769
5 23238 Da Best 43 9 0.692
6 23331 We thought this was kickball 33 8 0.615
7 Children of the Crow 32 7 0.538
8 Alaskant's 28 6 0.462
9 Too Old For This 27 5 0.385
10 Sharpies Are Markers 23 4 0.308
11 Kaylee's B Team 18 3 0.231
12 23239 Fearless 15 2 0.154
13 Yahtzee 14 1 0.077
14 Tater Tots 12 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker