The Recess Room

18380 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley CA 92708
(714) 377-0398
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About The Recess Room

Answer Submission Form for The Recess Room

One fateful day three decades ago, five boys picked up a game of handball during school recess on a Fountain Valley playground. They grew up together, became life-long friends and pursued their own ambitions. But they shared a deep love for their hometown and dreamed of one day opening a restaurant together where they could share good food, good drinks and reminisce about good times. The Recess Room is their childhood dream come to life.


Tue Oct 29 2019
| by Quizmaster Charlotte Knight

So many new, old, and practically-new-because-they-haven't-been-to-the-Recess-Room-in-a-while faces joined Quizmaster Dodgers Fan (I lost a bet to The Implication, it's a long story) for a fun night of delightful trivia, spooky tunes, and watching the Nationals kick names and take ass.

Thirsty Pretzels weren't wild about the evening's spooky theme from the get go, but had they not screwed up their general knowledge, top costume, and haunted location double downs, would've at least placed second. Don't give in to doubt! You can do all the things!

Jesus is King and Voldemort's Engaged to a Cyclops Nugget joined us at the Recess Room for the first time, and scored really well for first timers. And when the worst case scenario when you have absolutely no clue on some of the answers, is to try and butter your Quizmaster up with love notes!

Highway Stars said "You've got to brie kidding me!" when they just barely lost third place to Baby Cheeses. The floss dance experts also went home with a free appetizer for being the first team to guess "Young Frankenstein" was our Guess What? of the week. Way to go, Cheeses!

The most wonderfulest, handsomest, smartest team in the whole wide world (at least for tonight) The Implication finally showed up when the guilt of their disloyalty to Quizmaster Dodgers Fan became too overbearing... and because showing up to see me rave about how amazing the Dodgers were was TOTALLY worth it. And it wasn't for nothing -- they took home second place, and guaranteed an eventual return!

Ava's Minions took home the gold at the end of the evening, being the only team confident enough in their hockey connections to double down, which, in addition to a double down on their general knowledge, was all they ended up needing to succeed.

And under the threat of severe point loss, there wasn't a single team that missed "Charlotte's Web" in Round 2! HOORAY! And if that wasn't good enough for Quizmaster Dodgers Fan, all teams also spelled "Charlotte" correctly! Y'all gotta come with me on my next Starbucks run, because there's SEVERAL baristas out there that could learn a thing or two from you awesome kids.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 20136 Ava’s Minions 64 6 1.000
2 16043 The Implication 53 5 0.833
3 20782 Baby Cheeses 43 4 0.667
4 12170 Highway Stars 42 3 0.500
5 Voldemort's Engaged to a Cyclops Nugget 38 2 0.333
6 Jesus is King 26 1 0.167
7 12876 Thirsty Pretzels 20 0 0.000


Tue Oct 22 2019
| by Quizmaster Charlotte Knight

The Recess Room was full of King Trivia players here to root for the Nationals in Game 1 tonight! Okay, maybe there were SOME Astros fans, but kept quiet out of fear of having points taken away for their vocal support... man, I love Rule #3!

Boardwalk 11 and Baby Cheeses trickled in a few minutes late, which may have sealed their fate in losing the third place prize to Knock On Wood. The loss was especially painful for Boardwalk 11, who had one hell of a comeback, but still missed out on $10 by ONE point! 🙁 Newbies Team Fresh came in an hour late, so even they knew there was very little hope for them. But they did great putting their heads together, and I hope they come back for more trivia fun!

Knock On Wood excelled in their general knowledge, and even though they missed out on a double-down opportunity on their statues, and lacked quite a bit of sauciness, it was still enough to place.

Thirsty Pretzels had a rough Round 1, but did so well on their statues, Alcatraz knowledge, and pop band songs that even a failed double down on Shakespeare tragedies couldn't stop them from winning $20 and scoring a free Recess Room appetizer.

Highway Stars doubled down on general knowledge and statues, scored 10/10 on pop band songs, and with the Home Team carrying the weight of the team by knowing Android OS nicknames, they achieved a $40 victory!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12170 Highway Stars 64 4 1.000
2 12876 Thirsty Pretzels 49 3 0.750
3 13022 Knock on Wood! 41 2 0.500
4 22505 Boardwalk 11 40 1 0.250
5 20782 Baby Cheeses 30 0 0.000


Tue Oct 15 2019
| by Quizmaster Charlotte Knight

If you knew your banned books and fictional foods, it was a great day to play King Trivia at the Recess Room!

Moms, Dads, And No Parents showed their faces after a zillion-week hiatus, and although the newcomers on the team had fun, they were a little rusty from all the time they took off. Baby Cheeses left a smidge early to deal with homeowner issues (ugh, ew), but they still enjoyed their second evening with all of us. Boardwalk 11 was so close to a shot at third place, but they were just shy of knowing ALL their fictional foods and Bill & Ted references.

Ava's Minions started off strong, but had a tough time figuring out Bryan Cranston, and were too afraid to double down on fictional foods. And yet, they still fared better than Thirsty Pretzels, who were too afraid to double down on either banned books or anything secretarial. Highway Stars reigned supreme with a successful Bill & Ted double down, AND a free appetizer for their Guess Who? knowledge (OF COURSE Power Rangers and Street Fighter gave it away).

Another great week! You all make me proud! <3

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12170 Highway Stars 63 5 1.000
2 20136 Ava’s Minions 59 4 0.800
3 12876 Thirsty Pretzels 49 3 0.600
4 22505 Boardwalk 11 45 2 0.400
5 20782 Baby Cheeses 33 1 0.200
6 16956 Moms, Dads, And No Parents 28 0 0.000