Winchester's Grill & Saloon

632 E Main St
Ventura CA 93001
(805) 653-7446
About Winchester's Grill & Saloon

Located in the heart of downtown Ventura at 632 Main Street, Winchester’s has been feeding appetites and wetting whistles for nearly 20 years.


Whether it’s one of the cozy booths under the watchful eye of ‘The Duke’ or facing Main Street on one of the two large heated patios, or even ‘bellied-up’ to the 40-foot mahogany bar, there’s not a bad saddle – oops, we mean “seat” – in the house.


Great steaks, chicken, fresh seafood, hearty salads, and what some have called the ‘best damn burgers in the tri-counties’ are just some of the temptations from the reasonably priced menu.  Daily specials are available, and Happy Hour food and drink specials can be enjoyed throughout the restaurant Monday thru Friday from 4 pm – 6:30 pm.


Add that to our full service bar with over 45 whiskeys and one of the largest selections of draft beer between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and you’ve got the makings of a truly memorable experience.


Mon Mar 6 2017
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Bears with Sticks won the tiebreaker question to edge out Jalapeño Poopers, 42-41, and earned their second straight win at Winchester's. Piña Coladaberg were not far behind, with 38 in third place. Will the Bears make it 3 weeks in a row, or will your team be the ones to take them down? Tune in next Monday night at 7!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 10707 Bears With Sticks 42 5 1.000
2 Jalapeño Poopers 41 4 0.800
3 Piña Coladaberg 38 3 0.600
4 Moloko Plus 30 2 0.400
5 The Long Tims 27 1 0.200
6 Ventourists 13 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Mon Feb 27 2017
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Monday night saw our biggest King Trivia crowd yet at Winchester's. First timers Bears with Sticks took home the King's crown and first place, with 54 points. The duo called There is No Cloud finished second with 52, and RiP Coconut Pete came in third with 48. Come next week, try a bison burger, and see if your team can usurp this week's champ!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Bears with Sticks 54 6 1.000
2 There is No Cloud 52 5 0.833
3 RiP Coconut Pete 48 4 0.667
4 10286 Beer 4 Breakfast Club 44 3 0.500
5 10261 i Believe You Have My Stapler 34 2 0.333
6 Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem 33 1 0.167
7 Ted Talks 11 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Mon Feb 20 2017
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

A cold and stormy Monday couldn't keep 5 intrepid trivia teams down tonight. Hale the Trapper won the tiebreaker to edge out Beatts Me for first place, 31-30. The Glendale Five, visiting from the U.K., finished third with 27 points. Come join us next week for more quiztastic King Trivia and delicious eats from Winchester's Grill.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Hale the Trapper 31 4 1.000
2 Beatts Me 30 3 0.750
3 The Glendale Five 27 2 0.500
4 S & M^2 25 0 0.125
4 The Detroit Tigers 25 0 0.125
* Won Tiebreaker