Winchester's Grill & Saloon

632 E Main St
Ventura CA 93001
(805) 653-7446
About Winchester's Grill & Saloon

Located in the heart of downtown Ventura at 632 Main Street, Winchester’s has been feeding appetites and wetting whistles for nearly 20 years.


Whether it’s one of the cozy booths under the watchful eye of ‘The Duke’ or facing Main Street on one of the two large heated patios, or even ‘bellied-up’ to the 40-foot mahogany bar, there’s not a bad saddle – oops, we mean “seat” – in the house.


Great steaks, chicken, fresh seafood, hearty salads, and what some have called the ‘best damn burgers in the tri-counties’ are just some of the temptations from the reasonably priced menu.  Daily specials are available, and Happy Hour food and drink specials can be enjoyed throughout the restaurant Monday thru Friday from 4 pm – 6:30 pm.


Add that to our full service bar with over 45 whiskeys and one of the largest selections of draft beer between Los Angeles and San Francisco, and you’ve got the makings of a truly memorable experience.


Mon Nov 21 2016
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Our largest crowd yet turned out to Winchester's on this brisk autumn evening. Em & the Kevs continued their onslaught of terror, taking first place with 65 points. Simpsons Did It, if by "it" you mean scoring 58 points for second place. Hannah and Her Hunks won the tie breaker for 3rd place, but gave their prize to Yacht Ta Ta's in a magnanimous show of holiday cheer! Winchester's will be dark next Monday, so join us in two weeks for more King Trivia.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10261 Em + The Kevs 65 5 1.000
2 Simpsons Did It 58 4 0.800
3 Hannah & Her Hunks 48 3 0.600
4 Yacht Ta Ta's 47 2 0.400
5 In the back of a VW 34 1 0.200
6 Let's pLay Doctor 27 0 0.000


Mon Nov 14 2016
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Em & The Kevs continued their winning streak, but the competition is getting fiercer at Winchester's. Karl's Kuties in the back of a Subi are threatening to break the streak next week, and several other teams are planning to challenge as well. Maybe your team can take them down.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10261 Em + The Kevs 56 3 1.000
2 Karl's Kuties in The Back of a Subí 37 2 0.667
3 It's the End of the World and I Feel Fine 35 1 0.333
4 Partial Recall 34 0 0.000


Mon Nov 7 2016
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Darkness comes earlier nowadays, but Kev and the Kev lit up the competition on this Monday night, beating The Virgos 39-25. Come next week and see if you can usurp their power!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10261 Kev and The Kev 39 1 1.000
2 The Virgos 25 0 0.000