Clayton's Public House

541 S Spring St
Los Angeles CA 90013
(213) 863-4327
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 7:00pm
About Clayton's Public House

With its home in the historic Spring Arcade Building in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles’ Historic Core, Clayton’s Public House is a creative collage of a forgotten time, a light-hearted, fun, tongue-in-cheek, artistic rendering of what entertained the Victorians of the 1880s while also paying homage to the Turn of The Century through the 1920s.

Offering 32 craft beers on tap featuring many local breweries, rare international beers, signature by-gone-era cocktails by master mixologist and sommelier, Krisi Jensen, and elevated gastropub cuisine, Clayton’s has something for everyone, much like the time period it celebrates.


Mon Mar 11 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

A fun, casual evening of trivia at Clayton's tonight. There was a relaxed quality in the room, almost as if everyone who had strolled into the bar that night had done so by happy accident, and every question sheet that got turned in was an expression of gratitude for this chance social gathering.

Anyway apparently Barack Obama used all the words to a Black Eyed Peas song in a speech and I'm still recovering. Here's your highlights:

-Congrats to Arcadians and that guy for bringing back that guy to the team, and taking home the W.

-Congrats to Steven (Stephen? I guess I don't know how to spell your name) for noticing my haircut.

-Congrats to the slow cooked beef at Clayton's for being so damn tasty. The fried onions really tie the dish together without overwhelming the palette.

-If you're feeling under the weather, don't drink.

See y'all next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17789 Arcadians and that guy 51 4 1.000
2 12663 Eagleton Sucks 47 3 0.750
3 Fred & Tash 32 2 0.500
4 Tiny Rick!!! 29 1 0.250
5 Indistinct Arguing 26 0 0.000


Mon Mar 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

A fun evening of trivia at Clayton's this week. Congrats to team Obnox taking the crown!

Here's some highlights:

-Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the song "Holding out for a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler

-Perhaps even more people enjoyed making impressions of the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

-Ian got a haircut and no one noticed :,)


See y'all next week!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12730 Obnox 71 6 1.000
2 17789 Arcadians and that guy 59 5 0.833
3 18369 The Flaming Moe's 57 4 0.667
4 One is Enough 51 3 0.500
5 Compton Scatterers 50 2 0.333
6 12663 Eagleton Sucks 44 1 0.167
7 Bonnie & Clyde 42 0 0.000


Mon Feb 25 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

Another splendid week of trivia festivities. Arcadians and that guy followed up on their promise of returning to first-place form, and promptly dominated the game. Well done.

It was overall a very competitive and fun night of trivia, and there were some entertaining questions. The Oscar for best trivia night goes to Clayton's.

Here's some highlights:

-The quality of the movie Battleship was discussed for far longer than it should have been.

-Jerry Springer apparently was in the Navy.

-Eagleton Sucks has really good handwriting.

See y'all next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17789 Arcadians and That Guy 80 8 1.000
2 18145 Sch-root Farmz 63 7 0.875
3 MF Thin Mints 62 6 0.750
4 The Chaps 59 5 0.625
5 The Katie Homies 54 4 0.500
6 Frigid & Rigid 45 3 0.375
7 Maria Aruinte 43 2 0.250
8 12663 Eagleton Sucks 39 1 0.125
9 Scissor Emoji 13 0 0.000