Clayton's Public House

541 S Spring St
Los Angeles CA 90013
(213) 863-4327
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 7:00pm
About Clayton's Public House

With its home in the historic Spring Arcade Building in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles’ Historic Core, Clayton’s Public House is a creative collage of a forgotten time, a light-hearted, fun, tongue-in-cheek, artistic rendering of what entertained the Victorians of the 1880s while also paying homage to the Turn of The Century through the 1920s.

Offering 32 craft beers on tap featuring many local breweries, rare international beers, signature by-gone-era cocktails by master mixologist and sommelier, Krisi Jensen, and elevated gastropub cuisine, Clayton’s has something for everyone, much like the time period it celebrates.


Mon Feb 18 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

Another evening, another ROUSING night of trivia in the books. There was a bit of controversy tonight as the short-staffed Arcadians and that guy were down some of their "guys." Thus, this left the opportunistic Ugly Red Heads to swoop in with their red and ugly heads to end the Arcadian streak of first place wins.

When asked after, the Red Heads had this to say: "We didn't even know this existed. We'll be back."

The Arcadians only had one comment: "Come see us next week when we're operating at MAXIMUM POWER."

The seeds for a new rivalry? We shall see. Tune in next week!

Other highlights:

-I convinced the crowd that Ernie from Sesame Street was responsible for the chart topping hit, "Like A Virgin."

-The trivia category "Pitt of Despair" wins best title.

-It was my birthday at midnight!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Ugly Red Heads 43 4 1.000
2 17789 Arcadians w/o those guys 37 3 0.750
3 The Katie Homies 32 2 0.500
4 Publius 19 1 0.250
5 Angry Tom 18 0 0.000


Mon Feb 11 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

The legend of Clayton's continues to grow every week. As the word gets out on this sweet location, more and more eager trivia-goers are starting to attend.

After a whopping 20-point double or nothing round, Arcadians and that guy left everyone in the dust, finishing with 61 total points. They are the back-to-back-to-probably-future-back champs. If anyone can dethrone them, I will reward you with the first place prize.

Here's this week's highlights:

-The only person who took advantage of me DJ-ing was an actual baby who wanted me to play the song "Baby Shark." So guess what? We played the whole darn song.

-Tom Cruise makes a lot of money, but Win Butler is 6'4''. That's 9 inches taller than Tom Cruise, who is 5'7''. That wasn't a question, just information you need to know.

-I highly encouraged team One is Enough to find love on Valentine's day. Whether he takes me up on this is still pending.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17789 Arcadians and that guy 61 5 1.000
2 12663 Eagleton Sucks 48 4 0.800
3 One Is Enough 39 3 0.600
4 100 lbs of Hamster Bones 31 2 0.400
5 Cloak and Dagger 20 1 0.200
6 Top Chefs 16 0 0.000


Mon Feb 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

The inaugural session of King Trivia at Clayton's did not disappoint. Four eager teams took to the quiz-pads this evening in what shaped out to be a pretty good competition.

Some worthy highlights:

--> After a question about Kanye West and Jay-Z's Watch The Throne, one team member asked "Am I allowed to write the title of the song?" Lucky for him, that song was not the answer!

--> Speaking of Kanye West, team Vimalakit had two big Kanye West fans. They were a couple from Finland (their team name meant "Swimming Hats"), and even had a book about Kanye West with them. I guess February is Yeezy season.

--> There were some technical malfunctions with the microphone, so the Trivia Night was instead performed "classical" style. As in the days of Shakespeare, our trivia host stood in the back of the bar and recited questions acapella like some fine Victorian-era prose. That's the rub.

Great first session, see you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17789 Arcadians and that guy 66 3 1.000
2 The Flaming Moes 61 2 0.667
3 Beyond a Reasonable Stout 45 1 0.333
4 Vimalakit 31 0 0.000