Clayton's Public House

541 S Spring St
Los Angeles CA 90013
(213) 863-4327
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 7:00pm
About Clayton's Public House

With its home in the historic Spring Arcade Building in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles’ Historic Core, Clayton’s Public House is a creative collage of a forgotten time, a light-hearted, fun, tongue-in-cheek, artistic rendering of what entertained the Victorians of the 1880s while also paying homage to the Turn of The Century through the 1920s.

Offering 32 craft beers on tap featuring many local breweries, rare international beers, signature by-gone-era cocktails by master mixologist and sommelier, Krisi Jensen, and elevated gastropub cuisine, Clayton’s has something for everyone, much like the time period it celebrates.


Mon Nov 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

Great googly woogly! What an absolute UNIT of a trivia night!

Congrats to Where is my money, Dracula? for bringing the brains and the memes. We stan.

"Face/Off" is NOT called "Prison Fight: A Nic Cage Story", but it should be. If that doesn't make sense, ya had to be there.

Shout out to the 8 cops who showed up to the trivia game, and totally NOT to arrest me!

See y'all next week! Or in prison!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 21639 Where is my money, Dracula? 72 7 1.000
2 20934 Ssshhh 66 6 0.857
3 17789 Starcadians 59 5 0.714
4 12663 Eagleton Sucks 58 4 0.571
5 21753 Nein Nine Nein 57 3 0.429
6 Anita Mann 55 2 0.286
7 18597 3rd Place 52 1 0.143
8 18369 The Flaming Moe's 47 0 0.000


Mon Oct 28 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

Tonight's trivia match was intense, it was dramatic, it was elegant--it was theater in the highest form, so enticing even John Wilkes Booth would have bought a ticket.

Congrats to STARcadians + that guy for bringing home the bacon, and to 3rd Place and Remy Boiz for bringing home lesser forms of swine (still delicious).

See y'all next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17789 Starcadians + that guy 65 9 1.000
2 Remy Boiz 64 8 0.889
3 18597 3rd Place 54 7 0.778
4 OH WOW 51 6 0.667
5 20934 Ssshhh 46 5 0.556
6 21798 mEmorys 35 4 0.444
7 21753 Nein Nine Nein 34 3 0.333
8 Across the Pond 33 2 0.222
9 Star Hoez 32 1 0.111
10 Eagleton Sucks 29 0 0.000


Mon Oct 21 2019
| by Quizmaster Ian Salazar

It was a nefarious affair tonight at Clayton's. People quizzed, people danced, Fiddler on the Roof might have been played. Congrats to SSSHHH for continuing your tyrant reign of trivia terror. Please don't go into politics or WE'RE DONE FOR.

See y'all next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 20934 Ssshhh 67 10 1.000
2 12663 Eagleton Sucks 47 9 0.900
3 17789 Arcadians and that guy 45 8 0.800
4 10635 Otis 44 7 0.700
5 WilBil 40 6 0.600
6 CUNTZ 38 5 0.500
7 Analbum Cover 37 4 0.400
8 Guy in Hawaiian Shirt 23 3 0.300
9 Jim Shoes 11 2 0.200
10 Chicken & Awfuls 9 1 0.100
11 Copper did you eat all your treats 5 0 0.000