Mannheim Social Club

561 1st St
Brentwood CA 94513
(925) 513-2300
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm
About Mannheim Social Club

Mannheim Social club has 24 rotating taps & 300+ bottles to choose from! Great craft beers & wine! Live blues! Tap room & bottle shop!


Thu Mar 29 2018
| by Quizmaster Natalie Horn

Thank you King Trivia's Joey Sanchez for training me last week and all of the teams that came to play last night at the Mannheim Social Club!

Joey began his first Thursday night of much needed relaxation with his team mates to form We Drink & Forget Things and to battle against the Social Club's very own rival teams Prestige Worldwide and The Jerkoffz. Everyone gave a warmed welcome and a cold beer to a new team, Wicked SMRT.

It was a slow start due to a tricky Round #2 that cost a couple teams the Double or Nothing's big payout. However, when all was said and done We Drink & Forget Things didn't show much forgetfulness in tonight's game, pulling through with a massive score of 63!

The rivalry continues with a close second and third place for the relentless teams, and although Wicked SMRT came in last, we here with King Trivia and myself personally, hope to see all teams back next week and possibly a couple more with an interest in taking a crack at next Thursday's King Trivia here at Mannheim Social Club!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14094 We Drink & Forget Things 63 3 1.000
2 12537 Los Jerkoffz 49 2 0.667
3 13347 Prestige world wide 41 1 0.333
4 Wicked SMRT 38 0 0.000


Thu Mar 22 2018
| by Quizmaster Joey Sanchez

We had a HUGE turnout at the Mannheim Social Club tonight for King Trivia! Six teams and THIRTY ONE players packed the bar!!

The Mannheim rivalry continued as The Jerkoffz returned to go head to head with Prestige World Wide. The Dixie TrixJust For FunDunder Mifflin joined the game and Team Wellman registered tonight and played their first game. Also doing her first game was Quizmaster Natalie!!

The game went back and forth with double or nothings and big point totals. When the dust settled it was The Jerkoffz taking the free round of drinks and the bragging rights with a big win!!

Thanks for all the love Mannheim, Quizmaster Joey is taking some must needed rest and relaxation. You guys are an awesome crowd and I enjoyed all of our time together. I’m handing the reigns to Quizmaster Natalie!!!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12537 Los Jerkoffz 76 5 1.000
2 13347 Prestige world wide 68 4 0.800
3 13348 Just for fun 57 3 0.600
4 14077 Wellman 42 2 0.400
5 13353 DUNDER MIFFLIN 36 1 0.200
6 13481 Dixie Trix 26 0 0.000


Thu Mar 15 2018
| by Quizmaster Joey Sanchez

It’s Thursday and that can means a couple of things at Mannheim Social Club. First and foremost, it means trivia night brought to you by King Trivia! It also means a pint night, this week Ol’ Republic Brewing came in with some awesome beers to taste like Cosmic Fly By IPA and Frontier Amber!

We had four teams battling for a free round of drinks. Prestige World Wide and Just For Fun were our returning registers teams, joining them was No Se Puede (the Jerkoff members who didn’t go to AZ) and Players To Be Named Later. I always tell the teams how important it is to register their teams and follow us on social media.  Well tonight it couldn’t be clearer for Players To Be Named Later. They ended up tied with Prestige World Wide at the end of round 7! At the end of the contest though, we add the two point bonus for registering your team name and those two points gave Prestige World Wide the win! Congrats guys!!

See everyone next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13347 Prestige world wide 38 3 1.000
2 Players To Be Named Later 36 2 0.667
3 13348 Just for fun 27 1 0.333
4 No Se Puede! 21 0 0.000