Mannheim Social Club

561 1st St
Brentwood CA 94513
(925) 513-2300
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm
About Mannheim Social Club

Mannheim Social club has 24 rotating taps & 300+ bottles to choose from! Great craft beers & wine! Live blues! Tap room & bottle shop!


Thu Jan 2 2020
| by Quizmaster Dave Rezac

What has 4 wheels and flies? My car! After a short 4-hour drive from Bakersfield, I got to see some friendly faces that I haven't seen for a year or more. Sure, I was ten minutes late, but it wasn't my fault. I had to pick up my suit from the cleaners. An old friend came into town. There was an earthquake. Fires! A flood! Locusts!!! You gotta believe me, IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!! OK, Jake Blues I am not. I hope you all had as much fun as I did.

At the end of the night, third place was decided by a tiebreaker, and Watterson came closest to guessing the distance of the France-Spain border length in kilometers after tying with Thacker Pymps at 30. Team Dadio took second with 36. First place went to Prestige World Wide at 40 points, winning them a round of drinks.

I don't know when the next time I'll see you will be, but I'll be happy to see all your smiling faces again. Thanks for making the drive worth it for the guy in the sparkly jacket.

All my love, Dave.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13347 Prestige world wide 40 4 1.000
2 Team Dadio 36 3 0.750
3* 24560 Watterson 30 1 0.375
3 Thacker Pymps 30 1 0.375
5 16855 Sofa King Hoppy 28 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Dec 26 2019
| by Quizmaster Stevie Smith

Four teams came out and we had 24 players in all. Prestige worldwide, the Babadooks, Oster Lick and Uncle Dodsons no no club. The action was fast, furious and competitive until round 5. Prestige took a large lead and never looked back. The final score 45-39-21. Oster lick dropped out after round 5. The winners received a round of beer. Prestige ended the year on a winning note. Great night of gaming!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Prestige worldwide 45 3 1.000
2* Uncle Dodsons nasty no no s 39 2 0.667
3* The Babadooks 29 1 0.333
4 Oster lick 21 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Dec 19 2019
| by Quizmaster Stevie Smith

Los Jerk Offz and Multiple Scoregasms battled fiercely for a 58-51 slugfest won by Los Jerk Offz. LJO took command from round two and never looked back.
The juke box features the very best in blues, the barbecue is boss and the wide selection of craft beers is magnificent. The winners received a free round of beer. The competition was friendly. We began at seven sharply and ended at 920. The venue closes at 10. Fun fun fun.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 12537 Los Jerk 58 1 1.000
2* 21371 Mul 51 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker