Mannheim Social Club

561 1st St
Brentwood CA 94513
(925) 513-2300
  • PUB QUIZ—Thursdays @ 7:00pm
About Mannheim Social Club

Mannheim Social club has 24 rotating taps & 300+ bottles to choose from! Great craft beers & wine! Live blues! Tap room & bottle shop!


Thu Aug 31 2017
| by Quizmaster Buffy Almendares

This game was an eventful one, that I know none of us will forget. Coming in one first place, Smegheads! With a super close second our very own Team Pup & Suds! The game was so close, we moved onto an additional round with the answering referring to the beloved Game of Thrones star. Kudos to all teams in the running for 10k! Thanks for playing!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11404 Smegheads 34 2 1.000
2 12312 Team pup and suds 31 1 0.500
3 The Dirtbag$ 23 0 0.000


Thu Aug 24 2017
| by Quizmaster Buffy Almendares

Jeffery Dahmer's House of Ribs laid it down on the grill this week, proving yet again that they are in it 'til the very end! Followed up by the Twin Towers who prove to be worthy opponents (catch them at the pool table too, they'll give you a run for your money)! Very funny to witness grown party people who knew right away that the famous name was Harry Styles! For those of you who still don't know who it is:  ehh, no one blames you. See you fabulous humans next week for another exciting night hosted by King Trivia, Mannheim's Social Club, and myself of course!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11521 Jeffrey Dahmer's House of Ribs 38 1 1.000
2 Twin Towers 35 0 0.000


Thu Aug 17 2017
| by Quizmaster Buffy Almendares

JUST WOW. This week at Mannheim's was something worth watching. Teams wanting to join up, to teams whispering to each others as softly as possible to ensure a win, and then to have our reigning champs "Jeffery Dahmer's House of Ribs" winning! Close call but they came up on top! We had persistent and super funny teams making my time at Mannheim's so special! Not to mention, Mannheim's is now serving some delicious food! Even our bartenders had a great time watching our players try to pull random knowledge from memory!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11521 Jeffrey Dahmer's House of Ribs 48 4 1.000
2 Twin Towers 42 3 0.750
3 12312 Team pup and suds 36 2 0.500
4 12310 BS 34 1 0.250
5 Trilogy 33 0 0.000