The Lion & Crown - Allen

932 Garden Park Drive
Allen TX 75013
(972) 649-4311
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 6:30pm
About The Lion & Crown - Allen

Answer submission form

The Lion & Crown Pub, an English-style pub with a large and varied menu, is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. serving lunch, dinner and daily specials. The pub also offers a wide selection of fine wines and 38 beers on tap. Guests can watch sporting events on one of the many large TV screens or enjoy a nice night out on the patio. Different drink specials are available every day and live music on Friday and Saturday.


Thu Apr 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Our weekly assemblage at the Lion & Crown in Allen was notable by the absence
of the Ninja Turtles and baby mascot. Even so, I believe the deadly alliance
of Stealth Texas, Bar Guys and one member of Ship It! would have still won the
day, which they did. The up and coming Street Smarts scored second while the
enthusiastic newbies No Team (who registered... Several times!) tagged third.

It was nice to see the Hill Toppers and Jarvis again. Likewise, the Rockafellers,
who brought along their young protege. Binge Thinking nearly had the top
honors in their grasp early on, but a couple of Double-or-Nothing's brought
them low. (Well, fourth place...)

Our Thursday question sets were pretty good, too. Diverse and somewhat obscure.
Just the way Quiz Master Lou likes them! Everything from Rap, history, film and
religion got touched upon, causing considerable consideration and much dandruff

Oh. By the way. IFFY! Just because. Next week. As always.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12021 StealthTexas 54 8 1.000
2 17240 STREET SMARTS! 51 7 0.875
3 19123 No team 38 6 0.750
4 17668 Binge Thinking 37 5 0.625
5 12092 IFFY! 36 4 0.500
6 14003 Rockafeller 21 3 0.375
7 Jarvis 16 2 0.250
8 13725 Hilltoppers 13 1 0.125
9 Team Olive 6 0 0.000


Thu Mar 28 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Quiz Master Lou's Spotlight on the Teams! In an effort to give back to those who make it happen, Quiz Master Lou is going to shine a light on the people who play King Trivia Pub Quiz. An interview of sorts, I passed out a short questionnaire (5 questions) to each team to find out a little bit about them. Here are the results...

This week's spotlight is on: STEALTH TEXAS


Team Captain(If there is one): Matthew Hoyt

All Others (by specialty if applicable): Tito Labra

Et al...

How did your team get its name and what does it mean?
People have been calling me "Stealth" for years because I "fly under the radar".

What is your favorite (or top favorites) Round in the King Trivia Pub Quiz? (General Knowledge, Picture Round, Theme Round, Guess Who?, Find-the-Connection, Hand-Out or Round Seven) and why?
Find-the-Connection, because you can work forward and backward.

What was your most memorable moment during a King Trivia Pub Quiz?
Every night that Kito is here! (Kito is one of the premier bartenders at the Lion & Crown.)

What, if any, are the benefits of playing trivia games in pubs?
Beer and fun friends!

Is life pre-destined or do things just happen randomly? And; What changes would you like to see?
As Doc Brown says, "Life is what you make it!"

Bring back the Round Six Answer Sheet!

Quiz Master Lou's Wrap-up:

As I've stated before in a Recap from the past, Matt made his mark by building a quiz team from those who sat at the bar with him. This method has produced startling results over the past year, with Stealth Texas earning a number of wins and always placing near the top. Matt's easy going nature and friendly manor have drawn to him an irregular crew who act effectively as a kind of "flying platoon", who are able to plug gaps in the trivia battles they love to fight. Matt himself is a brainy guy with a wide range of interests from movies to pop culture. He is married with family and drinks, but never gets drunk. Matt also loves to play darts and I have had the personal pleasure of matching flights with him on many occasions. While Matt's crew is fluid, one of the regular irregulars is Tito, who is quite possibly one of the most fun people ever! He has an encyclopedic knowledge of sports and music. Together, they are a sort of Texas pub version of Holmes and Watson. Or maybe Kirk and Spock. Or more like Spock and Scotty.

An appropriate day to post this as Stealth Texas took first place (yet again!) last night. Binge Thinking got a well deserved second while Street Smarts duked it out with Shredder Squad to win third in an exciting Tie Breaker.

Until next week...

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12021 StealthTexas 54 7 1.000
2 17668 Binge Thinking 49 6 0.857
3* 17240 STREET SMARTS! 47 4 0.643
3 11863 Shredder Squad 47 4 0.643
5 12732 Deadly Alliance 44 3 0.429
6 10300 Ninja Turtles 40 2 0.286
7 12092 IFFY! 28 1 0.143
8 14003 Rockafeller 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Thu Mar 21 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Big Pic Movie Directors. Units of measurement. A Classic Movie Star Guess
Who and Classical Art. We had it all at the Lion & Crown in Allen last night!
It was a sparse showing with only eight teams playing, and all of them vets,
but that just made the action smoother.

Some merriment highlights: Quito is the capital of a South American country,
but Kito is our capitol bartender here at the L&C. Zulu knocked out Swahili
in the first round sounds like an African middleweight bout, but that's what
prevented a lot of Double-or-Nothing's across the board. Why anyone would
guess that Clint Eastwood directed Black Panther is a mystery, but one wonders
how different such a venture would have been. (And while we're on the subject,
the Wachowski Siblings!?! Good one, King Trivia! Well played!) Quiz Master
Lou had to reverse himself after announcing the theme round entitled "Measure
for Measure" wasn't about Shakespeare, then substituting the Tempest question!
Quiz Master Lou nearly had a meltdown when one last team couldn't get the two
point clue from the Guess Who Round. I mean, Dorothy... Wizard of Oz... J.G.?!?
Come on, people!

The Ninja Turtles, using their new born infant as their official mascot, defeated
the rest for a first place win. Street Smarts, who have been steadily building up
their trivia skills got a well deserved second place prize while Stealth Texas,
who lost his teammates to alcoholic attrition, still managed a solo win for
third place. (And then, he kicked Quiz Master Lou's keister in a dart game
afterwards! Total winner, he!)

As always, I remain, faithfully... Yours.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10300 Ninja Turtles 39 7 1.000
2 17240 STREET SMARTS! 36 6 0.857
3 12021 StealthTexas 35 5 0.714
4 12732 Deadly Alliance 34 4 0.571
5 15204 Scott’s Tots 31 3 0.429
6 12092 IFFY! 25 2 0.286
7 18001 Fish 12 0 0.071
7 Jarvis 12 0 0.071
* Won Tiebreaker