The Lion & Crown - Allen

932 Garden Park Drive
Allen TX 75013
(972) 649-4311
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 6:30pm
About The Lion & Crown - Allen

Answer submission form

The Lion & Crown Pub, an English-style pub with a large and varied menu, is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. serving lunch, dinner and daily specials. The pub also offers a wide selection of fine wines and 38 beers on tap. Guests can watch sporting events on one of the many large TV screens or enjoy a nice night out on the patio. Different drink specials are available every day and live music on Friday and Saturday.


Thu Dec 3 2020
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

This week's King Trivia Pub Quiz held at the Lion & Crown pub in
Allen was notably out of the ordinary as evidenced by the hobbled
arrival of Quiz Master Lou, who showed up on crutches! And just
how did this trauma occur, one might ask? Was it an extreme
sport injury? A martial arts mishap? Did I trip while playing
with my cats? Nope. I was flexing my ankle while seated when
suddenly, I heard a "pop"! Pain and swelling followed. Youch.
My visit to the doctor was reminiscent of Rambo's plea to Sheriff
Teasle in First Blood... "I didn't do anything!" Doc just smiled.
Apparently, it happens. But, unlike the USPS motto which doesn't
seem to apply anymore, when it comes to the KTPQ, 'Not rain,
nor snow, nor sprained ankle can keep these Quiz Masters from
their appointed shows.' (I paraphrase.)

Thankfully, Quiz Master Lou's lovely wife Margaret ably assisted
the proceedings with apt attention by passing out the pictures
and handouts to the teams, equipment set up, et al. Much obliged,
my dear!

Pickles on a Plate took top honors again this week with a 55
point win. Ship It! scored second. Newbie team Independent
Slave Co. (???) would have won third place, but they left the
premises prematurely. (Must have been summoned by their
respective masters and mistresses one presumes. Oh well, so
much for independence...)

A big thank you to Pickles and Ship It! whose loyal attendance
is nothing less than extraordinary. Things are going to get
better, you'll see. But there may be some hurdles to clear
before that happens. Trust one.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11827 pickles on a plate 55 2 1.000
2 11504 Ship It 42 1 0.500
3 Independent Slave Co 7 0 0.000


Thu Nov 19 2020
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Things are starting to come back with King Trivia Pub Quiz at
the fabulous Lion & Crown pub in Watter's Creek! Oh, yes! We
had four teams competing and the noise in the pub was reminiscent
of pre-Covid days! Poor Quiz Master Lou forgot about vocal
control and started yelling into the mic. Yikes! Thanks to
Erwin and Junior at the bar for maintaining jukebox discipline.

It was great to see Pickles on a Plate back in action, making a
triumphant return with a first place win. Ship It! made a solid
second place (Thank you, Billy, for your loyal support!). And
a big welcome to newbie team Banana Hammock (you can always change
your team name later...) who came in third, but not last! They
even registered their team! Yay!

Our mirth department got some mileage from our Thursday FB
question asking 'How many miles of blood vessels are in the
average human body?' prompting one wag to ask us to wait while
he measured. The Picture Round challenge of asking the player
to associate a picture, which represented a state capital, to
then name the state the capital city was in, proved too much
for some of our more inebriated competitors, but that's okay.
Why that's funny, I don't know. Quiz Master Lou just calls
'em like he sees 'em. And finally, the Handout Round of matching
the setting to the play was QM Lou's fav (I aced it at home pre-
game with a DoN!) as an old theatre rat meself. Cosmic coinky
dink that Arsenic and Old Lace intersected with our Guess Where
Round's location of the Panama Canal. Perhaps next quiz we'll
have a literary round wherein I can parody Quiz in the Time of
Covid (with apologies to Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez).

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11827 pickles on a plate 46 3 1.000
2 11504 Ship It 37 2 0.667
3 26184 Banana Hammock 22 1 0.333
4 Big Nads 2 0 0.000


Thu Nov 12 2020
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

King Trivia Pub Quiz at the Lion & Crown in Allen resurges for
a second week of reopening glory as the fearless and the faithful
firmly fill their seats with flawless form! (Whew!)

Deadly Alliance took on Ship It! for a second time, acing them
out of a first place prize yet again. Quiz Master Lou's getting
the hang of 'Contactless Scoring' so the process went a lot
smoother this time out. (Seems to me there's a joke in there
somewhere about scoring without contact, but this is a family
edition so we won't go there!)

Our peerless quiz writers out west provided us with yet another
fabulous question set. Style points to Ship It! for best goof
of the night by mistaking the Brawny Guy for Paul Bunyan. (Gracie
Allen would've been proud!)

And furthermore, you do have to get the right Indiana Jones title
to win the point, KY neither has a numeral in it nor has it ever
been inducted into the Int'l Air/Space Hall of Fame and even
Catholics on the team failed to get the Pope tie-in on the
Find-the-Connection Round.

Speaking of Catholics, as Sister Delores once said, "I was thinkin'
let's get some b*tts in the seats." (Sister Act 1992). Hope to
see more of you next week. Let's blow it out before Thanksgiving!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12732 Deadly Alliance 40 1 1.000
2 11504 Ship It 25 0 0.000