The Lion & Crown - Allen

932 Garden Park Drive
Allen TX 75013
(972) 649-4311
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 6:30pm
About The Lion & Crown - Allen

Answer submission form

The Lion & Crown Pub, an English-style pub with a large and varied menu, is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. serving lunch, dinner and daily specials. The pub also offers a wide selection of fine wines and 38 beers on tap. Guests can watch sporting events on one of the many large TV screens or enjoy a nice night out on the patio. Different drink specials are available every day and live music on Friday and Saturday.


Thu Dec 26 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

You know, it's that time of year after Christmas and before the new year begins that a
certain kind of melancholy sets in. It's a sort of break or breather if you will, when
the excitement and hectic rush up to December 25th, a date that's more about the self
imposed deadline of economic consumerism than it is about the birth of a spiritual
savior; And, the short gap we give ourselves until January 1st brings a new annum to us.
Presumably, we get that brief interlude to look back at ourselves, our decisions and our
actions, not only individually, but as a nation, a culture and as human beings. After a
curt tip of the hat to contemplation, we then stupefy our selves with inebriants, usher in
the next set of numbers which represent man's puny dominance over the march of time, then
carry on without any change in our routine. Reflect, rinse, repeat. If that makes you
melancholy, then do what we do... Play Trivia! It isn't trivial at all!

Pickles on a Plate took top honors in last night's, year end King Trivia Pub Quiz at the
Lion & Crown in Allen. With a 43 point victory, they beat out Deadly Alliance (aka Blood,
Bath & Beyond/Ship It!), who staked out second place while Street Smarts closed third.
IPMP just barely got shut out of the winners by one point, but they're getting better!
Newbies Blonde Malibu did well for first timers. We hope to see them back. And welcome
back to Too Drunk to Remember, who did remember to come back and play!

Only one team managed to suss out that Michelle Pfeiffer was the object of desire in our
Find-the-Connection Round and the countries that made the list of top beef consumers in
the world surprised all. (The Republic of Texas was left out, and that confused a lot of

Quiz Master Lou will return in 2020! Happy New Year, everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11827 pickles on a plate 43 6 1.000
2 12732 Deadly Alliance 39 5 0.833
3 17240 STREET SMARTS! 37 4 0.667
4 17564 I PMP 36 3 0.500
5 13783 Too Drunk to Remember 35 2 0.333
6 Blonde Malibu 25 1 0.167
7 16832 Saints and sinners 16 0 0.000


Thu Dec 19 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Twas the night before... Nope. Not gonna do it. Quiz Master Lou has gone to that well
before, so no poem parodies this year. Instead, I'd just like to give some heartfelt
thanks to all in the King Trivia Pub Quiz world who have made this enterprise so fulfilling
to this particular quizmaster.

First of all, there are the teams. It is you regulars who make up the ranks that fill
seats and keep sustenance in QM Lou's belly. I also include those who frequent Killarney's
as well as the Lion & Crown... Bar Flies, Beer Logic, Blood-Bath&Beyond, Hooligans,
IPMP, IFFY!, Ninja Turtles, NSFW, One Left in the Chamber, Pickles on a Plate,
Poonswagglers, Rockafellers, Royal Flush, Scott's Tots, Seal Team 3, Ship It!, Shredder
Squad, Smart A$$es, Stealth Texas, Tequila Mockingbird, Wossa Matta-U and Irish
Whiskeypedia. I also extend this to all the irregulars who poke their heads in from
time to time, too numerous to mention here but here are a few standouts... Age & Treachery,
Alcoballics, Bastard Barristers, Bumble Bees, Foot Clan, Mighty Mellons, Pilarinsky,
Snowmen, Bar Guys, Dallas Boolers Club and the Divas. And finally, all you newbie teams
who make one night stands (sometimes two)! Thanks for playing. It is a pleasure and an
honor to quiz master for you.

Most important of all, I'd like to thank Josh, Dave, Sara and all the folks at King Trivia
Pub Quiz who have given me this chance to live out this slice of show biz life. And for
enriching that part of my brain that stores tidbits of factoids, esoteric knowledge and,
well... Trivia!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Solstice and any other holidays
which come to minds (National Coquito Day, being one that just trivia'd itself into my
trivia canon!) I'll be back at the L&C on Boxing Day! Hope to see you then!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10300 Ninja Turtles 59 12 1.000
2 17240 STREET SMARTS! 41 11 0.917
3 11581 Beer Logic 39 10 0.833
4 15204 Scott’s Tots 38 9 0.750
5 23060 The divas 36 8 0.667
6 23297 Snowmen 32 7 0.583
7 12021 StealthTexas 30 6 0.500
8 Sticky Bandits 28 5 0.417
9 13187 Memo y Bandito 27 4 0.333
10 13783 Too Drunk to Remember 25 2 0.208
10 11504 Ship It 25 2 0.208
12 Buzz Cut 14 1 0.083
13 Wombats 2 0 0.000


Thu Dec 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Holiday madness has already descended upon the Lion & Crown in Allen as shown by
the crowds that populated the pub last night. Packed and pulsating, our KTPQ
produced a baker's dozen of teams including two newbies. Welcome to Samshaws,
who played well but had to leave early, and also to the Cooper Crew, who did
well for playing as a duo.

Thursday's game also included some familiar faces we haven't seen in a while.
Jarvis, Royal Flush and the superlative Shredder Squad showed up for their
irregular visits with the latter team flexing their big brain muscles into a
first place win. That's Shredder Squad's style. Only show up once a quarter
and then take home the top prize. The Deadly Alliance (aka Ship It!/Blood,
Bath & Beyond) took second and Stealth Texas won third place honors.

Some interestingly worded questions produced some equally amusing answers.
The Days of Wonder board game company was the subject of one such query with
their railway travel based recreation called Ticket to Ride, which just happens
to be a Beatles song by the Monkees titled Last Train to Clarksville?!? Amusing,
but wrong... The Picture Round of Harvard graduates made for some interesting
spelling examples of Pete Buttigieg's last name, some of which may have been
intentional but nonetheless identified the presidential hopeful. What's a
quizmaster to do? And finally, the question "Which 33rd U.S. president had a
wife named Bess?" begs the inquiry of how many 33rd presidents do we have?
(And, was he a 33rd level Mason? Shhh...)

Next week is the penultimate week before the Christmas holidays begin, so
everyone chill out and relax and don't let that stress get to you. Tell 'em
Quiz Master Lou said so! See ya!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11863 Shredder Squad 58 12 1.000
2 11504 Ship It 53 11 0.917
3 12021 StealthTexas 49 10 0.833
4 14003 Rockafeller 44 8 0.708
4 17564 I PMP 44 8 0.708
6 24321 Cooper Crew 37 7 0.583
7 17240 STREET SMARTS! 36 5 0.458
7 23060 The divas 36 5 0.458
9 11581 Beer Logic 33 4 0.333
10 13725 Hilltoppers 30 3 0.250
11 11586 Royal Flush 29 2 0.167
12 Jarvis 15 1 0.083
13 Samshaws 10 0 0.000