Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Jun 11 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Interesting sums it up. As summer unfolds and the regulars begin their seasonal
holiday vacations, the changing face of the crowd at the pub on trivia night
begins to get interesting. The return of the Mozart's and the creation of Wild
Willy set the tone as King Trivia Pub Quiz got underway at Killarney's.

Interesting results from some curious questions abounded. Bob McFadden's Boris
Karloff impression got more widely associated with Count Chocula than it did
with Franken Berry. More people went with quality rather than quantity with a
stab at Stoli's instead of Smirnoff with the vodka question. And no team
guessed the correct Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon. Got a lot of the other
planets, though. Just remember, when in doubt, Saturn has rings! The Guess
Who Round was a gimme. Five out of seven teams got it on the first clue! Only
one team missed it due to impatience and the last team in got it on the second
clue! Of course, this made Quiz Master Lou's job a lot easier, only having to
read the remaining clues as a courtesy. That's a print! Moving on! The Find-
the-Connection Round worked best, with some really great questions, the majority
getting correct answers, but the shark motif remaining elusive on Q10. Well
done, quiz overlords!

Interestingly, Wossamatta-U took an early lead but got pushed to third by a pair
of Double-or-Nothing's in round six by Tequila Mockingbird and One Left in the
Chamber. Interesting...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15071 One Left in the Chamber 67 6 1.000
2 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 65 5 0.833
3 15262 Wossamotta U 61 4 0.667
4 11827 pickles on a plate 54 3 0.500
5 12092 IFFY! 45 2 0.333
6 20413 Wild Willy 24 1 0.167
7 16439 Mozart 20 0 0.000


Tue Jun 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

An awesome question set from our quiz writers at King Trivia Pub Quiz HQ as we
embarked once again into the breach at Killarney's last night. The General
Knowledge round was easy enough to get but just difficult enough to dissuade a
Double-or-Nothing. It must've been the isthmus.

The Visual Round was daunting. Too many teams went Rocky 2 instead of Rocky 3
and Troy got pegged as either The Scorpion King or 300. The Year of the Dragon
Theme round was also inspired. Only two out of ten teams knew who Gary Gygax
was, but the question of who co-created D&D elicited some great style point
answers! I offer you:

Al Gore
Ron Jeremy
Seymour @$$#$
Nerd in the 70's who couldn't get a date

Too bad Killarney's doesn't do drinking rounds. Dang!

Once they figured out that the Guess Who persona in Round Four was a fictional
character, the right answers came rolling in. Everyone scored something on that
one. Find-the-Connection Round was the toughest, with only two teams correctly
nailing The Beatles as the connection. Some really tough questions there. The
Castles in Round Six seemed deceptively simple until you got to Syria, but lots of
correct answers as well lots of failed DoN's, too! And finally, Round Seven
dipped into Jeopardy territory with its multi-word state capitals question.

All in all, a great quiz and great teams. Welcome back to the lost Mighty
Mellons and kudos to the Barflies, who managed another 11th hour win, adding
to their legend and spreading the wealth yet again.

Quiz Master Lou signing off!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16283 The Bar Flies 60 9 1.000
2 12092 IFFY! 54 8 0.889
3 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 52 7 0.778
4 16940 Seal Team 3 47 6 0.667
5 11827 pickles on a plate 46 5 0.556
6 15262 Wossamotta U 44 4 0.444
7 17364 Mighty Mellons 42 3 0.333
8 14200 Poonswagglers 38 2 0.222
9 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 33 1 0.111
10 15071 One Left in the Chamber 30 0 0.000


Tue May 28 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

"Well, when the questions are in your wheelhouse..." Seemed to be the answer
last night at Killarney's when our waitstaff team, The Barflies stepped up to
the plate and hit home run after home run. The Barflies dominated from Round
One with a Double-or-Nothing and stayed in the lead all the way to the finish,
ending with an eleven point lead over every other team in the pub!

Of course, as employees, they are not allowed to keep the prizes awarded, so
that means Wossamatta-U's second place winning got the first place prize while
third place rankers the Dallas Booler's Club received a second place prize.
And IFFY!? As a fourth place non winner, they got a prize, too! That's called
"trickle down" win-onomics.

Seems like everyone was a winner last noght though, judging by the high spirits and
cheerful camaraderie. Even our last place team, the Poonswagglers, demonstrated
some esprit de corps with a raspberries cheer. Some of last night's questions
opened the way for some ribald humor. Plato's Ship of Fools got renamed to a
cruder euphemism involving male genitalia. And while one team knew about Scream
Queens' as the Chanels, more than one team decided that their monikers
are closer to that which we call a female dog or a drug addict. Style points to
the team that came up with Aquari-Yum as the alternate flavor for Ben & Jerry's
Phish Food ice cream! And while we're at it, let's mention newbie team the
Periodic Table Dancers for a great creative label.

Until next week, I remain... Quiz Master Lou!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16283 The Bar Flies 56 10 1.000
2 15262 Wossamotta U 45 9 0.900
3 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 42 8 0.800
4 12092 IFFY! 41 7 0.700
5 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 39 5 0.550
5 12732 Deadly Alliance 39 5 0.550
7 15071 One Left in the Chamber 36 2 0.300
7 20125 Periodic Table Dancers 36 2 0.300
7 16940 Seal Team 3 36 2 0.300
10 16106 Not Safe For Work 33 1 0.100
11 14200 Poonswagglers 31 0 0.000