Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Jan 7 2020
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

First quiz of the new year at Killarney's started off perfectly for Quiz Master Lou.
Moderate travel conditions, a manageable number of teams and a great question set made
for a lovely evening.

Newbies BWA (8!+<#3$ with Attitude) adjusted themselves out of the pub after Round Four.
Tequila Mockingbird re-established their "Resident Champion" status with an amazing
come-from-behind Double-or-Nothing in Round Five to put them at the top of the pyramid.
The Deadly Alliance (of Blood, Bath & Beyond/Ship It!) carved themselves out of third
and into a second place win while Seal Team 3 got caught in an avalanche and slid back
for third place honors. The re-branded Incognito (formerly IFFY!) started off strong
in first place with an incredible Double-or-Nothing in Round One, but steadily lost
ground throughout which landed them in fourth, just outside the winner's circle.
Wossa Matta-U, Pickles on a Plate and the Poonswagglers usually perform better than
they did, but didn't. Nevertheless, fun was had by all.

A funtastic question set from our quiz overlords out in Cali-forni-aay completed the
pleasantries. Most folks knew about Life of Pi, but the source of coriander remained
a mystery. After the Tuesday FaceBook question, this quizmaster will definitely have
all his martinis made with vodka. (Don't ask!) The theme round titled Marthupials
are Thuper! emptied a few pouches when only the oldies (yours truly included) knew the
title to Rolf Harris' song, which Quiz Master Lou tried to lead in a rousing sing-along,
but was met with crickets at the refrain, "All together now..."! (Oh, the ignominy
of it all...) Finally, more DoN's were to be had on our Find-the-Connection Round than
all the other combined because... Well, BBQ = Texas, right? Nuff said...

Stay safe and hope to see you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 71 7 1.000
2 12732 Deadly Alliance 68 6 0.857
3 16940 Seal Team 3 57 5 0.714
4 24319 Incognito 39 4 0.571
5 11827 pickles on a plate 38 3 0.429
6 15262 Wossamotta U 36 2 0.286
7 14200 Poonswagglers 29 1 0.143
8 BWA 19 0 0.000


Tue Dec 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

What a big night at Killarney's! Fifteen teams of sixty-five players kept this quiz
master hopping, I can tell you! Some newbie teams joined in the triviality of course,
so we send out welcomes to Parent's Night Out, Win or Booze, Quiz in My Pants and Team
X. Herzlich willkommen! Trinken Sie etwas und denken Sie nach!

New team but old faces? Incognito decided that some members of IFFY! would rather
play under their own banner. Let it fly, ladies! The formidible Dallas Booler's Club,
home for winter break from their university schedule, got in a few jabs. And another
team we haven't seen in a while, the Mighty Mellons, showed up to get their trivia jollies
in before the end of the old year goes out. Great to see you!

Tequila Mockingbird dominated as in old days past with a stunning 67 point victory. The
theatrical bunch of Poonswagglers dramatically seized second place while Seal Team 3 took
third place honors. Happy, happy, happy!

One highlight of the evening came when Quiz Master Lou, upon revealing the identity of
Shoeshine Boy, led the audience in a baseline of the Underdog theme song while he sang
the lyrics to the opening stanza. I flubbed it, but the idea got across anyway... The
Picture Round Challenge was particularly interesting with the deciding factor being who
could identify Bond villainess Xenia Onatopp. Only one team managed it (Pickles on a
Plate) while the following guesses made the mirth list:

Alexa Roxanne Madame X Minx Extra Sexy X-Tasy

Another wrong guess list from those who've never played Mortal Kombat II, but went for
style points anyway:

Killer Joe Kamakazie Ken Muscles McGoo Flamethrower Fred

King Trivia Pub Quiz will not be running on either Tuesday Dec. 24th or Dec. 31st, so
Quiz Master Lou won't be seeing any of you Killarney's folks until next year! Please
have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, happy, happy, New Year!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 67 14 1.000
2 14200 Poonswagglers 60 13 0.929
3 16940 Seal Team 3 52 12 0.857
4 12732 Deadly Alliance 45 11 0.786
5 19780 Dallas Boolers Club 38 10 0.714
6 15071 One Left in the Chamber 34 8 0.607
6 11827 pickles on a plate 34 8 0.607
8 17364 Mighty Mellons 33 7 0.500
9 24319 Incognito 30 6 0.429
10 Quiz in my Pants 29 5 0.357
11 24321 Cooper Crew 24 4 0.286
12 Team X 20 3 0.214
13 16283 The Bar Flies 12 2 0.143
14 24360 Win or Booze 10 0 0.036
14 Parents Night Out 10 0 0.036


Tue Dec 10 2019
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

"My name is Quiz Master Lou. You answered my question. Prepare to quiz!"
This was inspired of course, by one of the questions in last night's KTPQ at
Killarney's. I was riffing on the Princess Bride, which was the answer to one of
the Round Five Find-the-Connection queries. It was an all around, great quiz
with a good balance of pop culture and general knowledge material.

The place was packed (I'm told by Raytheon, holding their year end holiday
feast). But there were enough trivia teams to compensate with one newbie and
a rookie team to boot. Russell G.W. held their own with the Junior League
Wonder Women and the rest of the vets. Our old friends, the Deadly Alliance
of Ship It!/Blood, Bath & Beyond, held sway from round one till the very end
until, in a true dramatic climax, Seal Team 3 jumped the queue for a win by a
one point margin! This, coming off of a victory dance from last week to boot!
Seal Team 3... Enjoy. This is your championship season!

Tequila Mockingbird squeezed into a third place win while Wossa Matta-U sallied
fourth. Poonswagglers, Pickles and Iffy!... I mention you honorably.

From our mirth department come these moments born of a question set that was
written not too wisely, but too well... The cooking technique called Poaching
was worded in such a way that Sous-vide also fit the description and so was
allowed by this Quiz Master. Couple that with this... "When leading but not
riding a horse, what headgear would you use?" Confusion arose from whether the
headgear was meant for the horse or the human. Given that, under the circumstances,
both are interchangeable, it was an equine enigma equally equitable with an
equestrian equation.

Until next week, I remain...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16940 Seal Team 3 69 8 1.000
2 11504 Ship It 68 7 0.875
3 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 59 6 0.750
4 15262 Wossamotta U 45 5 0.625
5 11827 pickles on a plate 41 3 0.438
5 12092 IFFY! 41 3 0.438
7 Russell G.W. 30 2 0.250
8 14200 Poonswagglers 23 0 0.062
8 24236 JLCC Trivia Team 23 0 0.062