Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Sep 4 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

The atmosphere at Kilarney's was a little on the sedate side last night. It may have been the
muggy weather; Or, it could have been the aftermath of the long Labor Day weekend or a combination
of both. Whatever the cause, only the faithful showed up and that means Quiz Master Lou was
playing to a seasoned and experienced crowd. This had the effect of streamlining game play to
minimum round time and shorthand guidance. Rules? Got it! Round format? Been there, done
that! It was like the weekly poker game you have at home with your buddies. Cozy. Friendly.
Relaxed. All we had to do was play the game.

The Quiz was pretty tough though. Some very hard questions. But that's a good thing. The only
possible shortcoming may have been that if Cate Blanchett is going to be the subject of a Guess
Who Round, it would be pertinent to at least mention in the two point clue that she played Galadriel
in the Lord of the Rings saga. Just sayin'...

Style points were awarded for those who couldn't remember the name of Abe Sapien from Hellboy. We
got Fish Boy, Blue Boy, Blue Devil and Aquaman. As Round Seven was MLB based and Kilarney's is an
Irish pub, it was only fitting that QM Lou tell an Irish joke about Baseball... Pat and Mike
were best friends who loved baseball. They loved it so much that they reasoned (whiskey reasoning)
that there must be baseball in Heaven. Promises were made and the first one to die would make
it a priority to report back to the survivor. As fate would have it, Pat passed away the very
next day! A few nights later, Mike awoke in the middle of the night by the appearance of Pat's
ghost! After overcoming the shock of seeing his late best friend, Mike asked, "Well, what's the
answer?" Pat's eerie voice spoke. "Well, I've got good news and bad news. We were right!
There's baseball in heaven! They've got a terrific team!" Mike was heartened but confused.
"What's the bad news, then?" To which Pat replied, "There's a game tomorrow night and you're

Have a great week everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14200 Poonswagglers 40 4 1.000
2 16283 The Bar Flies 33 3 0.750
3 12092 IFFY! 32 2 0.500
4 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 31 0 0.125
4 15262 Wossamotta U 31 0 0.125


Tue Aug 28 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

The action at Kilarney's this Tuesday was pretty evenly divided through the first half of the
quiz. All teams were fairly neck-and-neck until Round Three when we had some breakouts. Resident
champs Tequila Mockingbirds took the lead then, but lost it in the Guess Who round. Up and
comers Wossamata-U prevailed for a steady lead all the way to the end for a first place win,
something they've been working at for a long time. Congratulations to the old school!

Age & Treachery scored second place honors for the second time in a row. In scoring parlance,
this does not make them two for two, but it does double their pleasure, double their fun! One
could even say they have a pair on them, but that would be crude. One of our pub faves, the
Poonswagglers, swaggled right into third place easily. One of our other pub faves, IFFY!, not so

Shout outs to newbie teams Dirty Mike and the Boys, placing well for first timers and style points
to Daddy Says I Love You with His Belt for their enthusiasm and provocative team name. Even if you
don't win at Kilarney's, it's always fun to play. As an old Irish proverb goes, "If G-d shuts
one door, he opens another." Have a great week everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15262 Wossamotta U 51 7 1.000
2 15611 Age and treachery 48 6 0.857
3 14200 Poonswagglers 43 5 0.714
4 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 40 4 0.571
5 16191 Dirty Mike and the boys 38 3 0.429
6 12092 IFFY! 34 2 0.286
7 16190 Daddy says I love you with his belt 26 1 0.143
8 Barfly 23 0 0.000


Tue Aug 21 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Patrick and Colleen packed up the kids and headed out to Shannon Airport for their vacation from
their home in Ireland to a relaxing two weeks in Australia. Patrick thought it would be a good
idea to take some pictures and brought along his old camera for some snaps, not being one to
indulge in this latest cell phone cam fad. As they waited for their flight, Patrick grabbed a
nearby tourist and asked him if he would take a picture of the family. The gentleman gladly
obliged and while he fiddled with Patrick's ancient Nikon, the family patiently waited for the
picture to be taken. After a while, they grew fidgety and Colleen asked her husband, "Why's
he takin' so long, Pat?" To which Patrick replied, "He's got to focus, first." Colleen's
mouth dropped open and she exclaimed, "What?!? All of us?!?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was Quizmaster Lou's Irish joke (in honor of Kilarney's) which
started off the evening. Fortunately, the rest of the evening went exceedingly well, with the
addition of a new team, Not Safe For Work, who dominated the pub with numbers and managed to
snag a third place win. Age & Treachery took second while the long absent Alcoballics returned
to win first place.

A shout out to the AFCF (aka the Allen Fairview Chamber Friends) who prodigally returned as
well. Ship It! dropped by while local faves Poonswagglers and Tequila Mockingbirds suffered from
DONS. (That's Double-or-Nothing Syndrome). Oh, IFFY! and Wossamatta-U vied evenly and ended up
just outside the winner's circle.

Great stuff, everyone. Have an equally great week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14109 Alcoballics 50 9 1.000
2 15611 Age and treachery 46 8 0.889
3 16106 Not Safe For Work 41 7 0.778
4 15262 Wossamotta U 38 6 0.667
5 12092 IFFY! 37 5 0.556
6 15071 One Left in the Chamber 36 4 0.444
7 The Barflies 27 3 0.333
8 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 26 2 0.222
9 14200 Poonswagglers 22 1 0.111
10 11504 Ship It 20 0 0.000