Killarney's Live Irish Pub

352 Town Pl
Fairview TX 75069
(972) 363-039
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
About Killarney's Live Irish Pub

Killarneys Live Irish Pub is a Bar and restaraunt offering a fine selection of Irish whiskeys, Beers, Live Music, and a full menu of from-scratch food.


Tue Aug 14 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

There are questions in life. Big questions and little questions. In the course of human
events, every person will come up against these questions; And in so doing, they will face
their own, personal moment of truth in which they must make a decision, forever establishing
patterns that may dictate their lives ever after... One such question is, should the Quiz
master allow "beer" as the answer to the tenth question on the Find-the-Connection Round when
the scripted answer was alcohol brands/brewers? Such was the dilemma last night at Kilarney's,
when Quizmaster Lou found himself shouting down an angry crowd when it was discovered that
Bacardi Silver was also a malt beverage!

As always, QM Lou tries to be a wise judge, amending decisions to fit the facts on the ground.
After all, fallible humans make mistakes, and when they do, the correct course of action is to
make corrections. And yet, in so doing, even this can affect those who had cast their votes
differently, and those corrections also mitigate their scores. This is particularly true when
Double-or-Nothing's are at stake. QM Lou's histrionics aside, it is entertainment after all,
I apologize for any misunderstanding I communicated in Round Five last night. Despite this, I
know that many of you supported my decision and had nothing but good will towards your Quiz
Master, as many of you came up to me afterwards, professing such sentiments.

That said, a shout out to the Divorcee's, who dropped by last night. It was good to see you
again, even though things didn't quite go your way. As well, welcome to The Louie's, the
newbie team that snagged third place and whose scores picked up noticeably after their female
companions arrived.

Instead of closing with an Irish proverb this week, QM Lou chose an Irish joke. Unfortunately,
it's rather vulgar, so in the interests of brevity, decency and taste, I shall only relate the
punchline: A man asks a short fellow in a green hat, "But, where's the pot of gold?" To which
the latter replies, "Well boyo, don't you think you're a might too old to be believin' in
Leprechauns, now?" I leave the rest to your imagination.

Have a great week everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 70 8 1.000
2* 14903 I’llgoogleit 56 6 0.812
2 16013 The Louie’s 56 6 0.812
4 14027 The Divorcees 50 5 0.625
5 12092 IFFY! 36 2 0.375
5 15262 Wossamotta U 36 2 0.375
5 Team Barflies 36 2 0.375
8 15611 Age and treachery 33 1 0.125
9 14200 Poonswagglers 32 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Aug 7 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Things of note:

1. People really know their cookies!
2. The Romans really did rule the world and we're still living with their influence. (DC Comics
3. Quiz Master Lou is on the marquee at Kilarney's!

Quite a horse race this Tuesday. Age & Treachery went from first, to third, to second, and
ended up back in first place at evening's end. Tequila Mockingbirds held the lead until the
last round to take second. Newly formed home team, the Barflies, the bartending duo of Niko and
Zach, snagged third. Quizmaster Lou supposes that watching the pub quiz week after week, knowing
the answers and not being able to play was too frustrating, so they finally threw their hat in
the ring. Of course, as being on the other side of the line of management, they could not accept
their own prizes and bumped their swag to the fourth place team, I'll Google It! My guess is,
on future, busy evenings, they'll be too preoccupied making drinks to answer questions.

Special mention to newbies, the Vans, who missed the entire first round but still managed to
place 5th out of eight teams. I have a feeling they'll be showing up on time next week, and when
they do, watch out. They could be contenders!

Another special mention to IFFY! because... Well, just because.

Excellent quiz this week as well. Round Six was Quizmaster Lou's fave. I had to guess at what
a 'Meg' was, but I got 'em all right! So did a lot of other folks. Lots of Double-or-Nothing's
that round. But please lay off of Dwayne Johnson for a while. He's getting KTPQ over exposure.

"May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through
your door!"

Have a great week everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15611 Age and treachery 76 7 1.000
2 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 72 6 0.857
3 Team Barflies 71 5 0.714
4 14903 I’llgoogleit 68 4 0.571
5 15912 Van's 59 3 0.429
6 12092 IFFY! 49 2 0.286
7 15262 Wossamotta U 39 1 0.143
8 14200 Poonswagglers 32 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Tue Jul 31 2018
| by Quizmaster Louis Roth

Kilarney's was strangely quiescent last night. I'm told it's an out-of-the-ordinary time of year,
with people on vacation, teachers and students prepping for the return to school and quite
possibly, the break in the heat wave may have had something to do with it.

Only four regular teams showed up, though each was manned to the gills (each team had 6 to 9
people.) However, as the curious wandered in, they wanted to play King Trivia Pub Quiz, even
though the first two rounds had gone by! Welcome to newbies Charlie's Angels, who greatly
pleased Quizmaster Lou and the crowd when they stood up and did the Angel's pose (pistol,
walkie-talkie and karate chop)! And also welcome to the Baumz and the Super Hotties. Good
sports all, who played for fun even though they knew their chances of winning were dismal with
such a late start.

Excellent quiz questions, too. Especially the Winnie the Pooh ringers. Heffalump and Stan
the Woozle caused at least one Double-or-Nothing to crash. (Somebody tagged the Woozle as
Snoop Dog... Must've been the hat.) QM Lou especially liked the Mel Brooks topic in Round 7!
(Did you know Quizmaster Lou was actually in Robin Hood: Men in Tights?)

The ever faithful Poonswagglers performed well but landed just outside the winner's circle,
while fresh team Age & Treachery, last week's winners, hamstrung themselves with a Round 7
Double-or-Nothing fail and ended up in third place! Resident champs, Tequila Mockingbirds
winged their way steadily into second with the IFFY!/Blood, Bath & Beyond Alliance grabbing
an early lead and holding it to the end for first place honors!

As always, at Kilarney's we end with an Irish provreb: "You've got to do your own growing, no
matter how tall your grandfather was!" Have a smooth week, everyone!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12092 IFFY! 63 6 1.000
2 14448 Tequila Mockingbird 59 5 0.833
3 15611 Age and treachery 55 4 0.667
4 14200 Poonswagglers 45 3 0.500
5 15836 Charlie’s Angels 32 2 0.333
6 Baumz 26 1 0.167
7 Super Hotties 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker