Fatte Albert's Pizza Co.

110 E. 7th Street
Hanford CA 93230
(559) 585-0220
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
About Fatte Albert's Pizza Co.

With over 30 years of restaurant experience between them, Steve and Wendy feel right at home in the pizza kitchen at Fatte Albert’s Pizza Company in downtown Hanford.  Just as Wendy grew up in her family’s pizzeria, their four children can be seen regularly hanging out at the downtown Hanford pizza shop sitting next to Dad as he hand rolls every fresh dough ball, or folding pizza boxes with Mom on the counter.

Born in Hanford and raised in local farming and agriculture communities, Steve and Wendy decided to make Hanford their home and felt that downtown Hanford was the perfect setting for what they had envisioned for the pizzeria they had long dreamed of.

With their kids in local schools and Steve a Marine Corps veteran, giving back to the community that gives so much to them is priority number one.  Shopping local and utilizing local produce, meats, cheese and dairy has always been important to the integrity of Fatte Albert’s Pizza Company.

As other pizza restaurants take short cuts with frozen dough balls, processed meats, cheeses and frozen veggies, we pay more and put more time and effort into our prep process which begins hours before we open our doors.  With that said keep in mind that we are not a fast food establishment.  Everything is made right when you order it, so sit back and enjoy an ice cold pint or a cream soda and watch your dough being hand-tossed and created into a pizza masterpiece from our family to yours!


Wed Jul 31 2019
| by Quizmaster Anthony Jalapeño

Double or Nothing can make or break you in this game we call, KING TRIVIA!!!

It may have only been 6 teams, but it was a packed house at Fatte Alberts in Hanford.

What's left of the Avengers went for double or nothing in Round #2 which gave them the early lead. Then again in round #5 which secured them the 1st Place win. The Schultilanos came in with a late start, but that is never enough to keep them from scoring big and coming in 2nd Place. Last weeks winners, A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem held their own and finished 3rd Place. A special shout out to a new team Pretendables, whose excitement and enthusiasm was just as amazing as their game play. I expect great things and killer competition from them in the future.

This Weeks Bonus Round was called "Make a run for the Border". Our teams were given 60 seconds to write down as many current menu items as they could think of from the Taco Bell Menu. In the end, it was the newcomers, Pretendables who named 17 items and won the free Pitcher of Beer and a $10 Taco Bell gift card.

It was defiantly a fun night for all.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15101 What’s left of the Avengers 77 5 1.000
2 10787 schultilanos 56 4 0.800
3 14564 A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem 51 3 0.600
4 10245 War Moose 50 2 0.400
5 21648 The Pretendables 46 1 0.200
6 21654 The Queens 41 0 0.000


Wed Jul 24 2019
| by Quizmaster Anthony Jalapeño

This Jalapeno was off his game

Last night we had seven teams show up to battle it out for

Round #1: Hoot n Hollar came out hard by putting faith in their answer of question 4 as "Inferno". Unfortunately, they learned the hard way what "Double or Nothing truly means. What's Left of the Avengers and A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem played it safe and it paid off for them as they tied for first place.

Round #2: What's Left of the Avengers and A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem knew their Pixel art characters and both teams were successful with a double and continued to be tied for first place. Most of the other teams managed to only get 7 out of 8 correct and thought (Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama) was (Mr. Crabs from Sponge Bob).

Round #3: A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem got all six answers right but did go for double since one was a guess, but that still gave them a 1-point lead and ending the tie with What's Left of the Avengers. Newcomers Groove Guys and Clueless got 5 out of 6 questions right as they seemed to get into their groove.

Round #4: Groove Guys guessed the answer was Jennifer Lawrence on the 8-point clue only to find out they were wrong. A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem had a "Frozen" fan on their team who figured out the answer was Elsa on the 6-point clue. The rest of the teams figured it out by the 4-point clue. Like me, most of the teams were not fans of Frozen.

Round #5: Four teams got 8 out of 10 questions right, but it was only Clueless and Groove Guys who knew that Marvin Gaye was the King of Soul. "We believe in Harvey Dent" ..., but one team who shall remain nameless, showed their age as they thought Batman villain "Two-Face's" real name was Billy D. Williams. Talk about a 1989 Batman throwback.

Round #6: Out of nowhere, Clueless was the only team to get all 10 answers correct and they even went for the double earning them applause from the other teams.

Round #7: NFL and oh, how I scored an "F" for this round. All of the teams went for double or nothing and in a sense so did I. Thanks to a scoring error by everyone's favorite Jalapeno, we saw all teams successful with 20 points. That is until, I realized I read the answers wrong "Ugh". In the end, A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem, What's Left of the Avengers, War Moose and Hoot n Hollar managed to get the successful double for the round.

When the dust cleared, A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem took 1st Place. What's Left of the Avengers came in 2nd Place and War Moose finished in 3rd Place.

The Bonus Round was called "Mix and Match", Where I played a mix of 2 songs and the first team to correctly identify both the band and song tittle won. The Queens went for it, but only managed to get one of the songs correct. In the end, it was Groove Guys who had the extensive music background to hear Journey: Faithfully and The Doors: L.A. Woman were mixed together.

Groove Guys (Pictured with yours truly) showed me lots of love after the game since I was feeling down about my scoring error. Thanks guys, for the Jalapeno love.

We are here each and every week, errors or not, we laugh and always have a blast.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14564 A Drinking Team with a Trivia Problem 76 6 1.000
2 15101 What’s left of the Avengers 75 5 0.833
3 10245 War Moose 64 4 0.667
4 20472 Hoot n Hollar 57 3 0.500
5 Clueless 49 2 0.333
6 Groove Guys 29 1 0.167
7 The Queens 27 0 0.000


Wed Jul 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Anthony Jalapeño

"I am inevitable" ...

Last night was the return of The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek who showed no rust on their King Trivia Game. Right out the gate we saw The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek take a 1-point lead over What's left of the Avengers. The Avengers stayed 1-point right behind The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek that was until the Guess who round where The Avengers fell short in their knowledge of the Legend that was King Arthur. The Avengers began to make up the lost points in the following rounds. The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek began to lose traction and ended the game in a tie with The Avengers. In the End, The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek had the closer guess as to when the first Starbucks Coffee shop opened, (1971 guys, not the 1990's SMH). A Tale of Two TT's were back in the house and they showed they were still able to play with the big boys come in 3rd Place and only 3 points behind the leaders.

Last nights bonus round had the teams fill in the blank on our Tony Stark Endgame Snap picture. A Tale of Two TT's won the free Pitcher of Beer hands down with their "Goodbye Devin- Snap" stab at out former Quizmaster and leader of The Geeks (Pause for a Dab) on Fleek.

As always, no one "ate yellow snow" and we will see you all again next week.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 19233 The Geeks (pause for dab) on Fleek 48 3 0.875
1 15101 What’s left of the Avengers 48 3 0.875
3 12629 A Tale of Two T. T.s 43 2 0.500
4 15862 Currently in First Place 33 1 0.250
5 The Queens 31 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker