Rescue Brewing Company

167 N 2nd Ave
Upland CA 91786
(909) 536-2739
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Rescue Brewing Company

We chose this location in Historic Downtown Upland because it is the heart of Upland. Our goal is to create a space that is family oriented and a place the community can come together by having a relaxing time tasting our specialty craft beers as well as strolling the shops of our neighboring retails stores. Our mission is to give back to our giving a portion of our proceeds from special events, merchandise and beer sales to our local heroes....Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, local Charities and Animal Rescues.


Wed Mar 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue...

WHAT AN AWESOME WEEK!!! We got ALL teams registered this week! BOOYA. 11 teams played and 11 teams were registered King Trivia teams! My Quizmaster heart was happy and full.

This may have been a low score week but that didn't make anyone give up of anything it made them really start thinking about the questions and their answers. The B-Sharps pulled the win this week with SNAFU close on their tail with just a 2 point difference.

We had a battle of RoShamBo with the teams but let me just say the team member from K 9-5's never lost! She is a true RoShamBo Champion.

Great week as always at Rescue, even my dog Holly got much love from all the players. Thank you Rescue for having us every week as well as having me.

Until next week...



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13938 The B-Sharps 62 10 1.000
2 14156 SNAFU Worldwide 60 9 0.900
3 17613 A Lannister always pays his tab 53 8 0.800
4 16227 Are you the quiz master? I am the gate keeper 41 7 0.700
5 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 39 5 0.550
5 16230 Dino Babes 39 5 0.550
7 17232 Three’s Company 34 4 0.400
8 18951 Sleep Deprived 32 3 0.300
9 11638 No Clue 29 2 0.200
10 17036 K 9-5s 26 1 0.100
11 17649 Cheers, Mate! 17 0 0.000


Wed Mar 20 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week seemed to show to be a bit tough on all teams but O'Trivia Newton John took the win by 1 point. The whole game it was neck and neck with them and Rick Manmeat but only 1 can win.

The b-sharps and A Lanister Always Pays were tied for 3rd and had trouble with the tie breaker question. Guessing how many letters all together in the US States names seemed to be a challenge but "A Lanister.." finally got the closest number.

We had a few new teams this week that did awesome and we hope to see them next week.

Thank you as always for being awesome and we shall see you next week Rescue.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16529 Joedaddy 66 9 1.000
2 16227 Rick Manmeat 65 8 0.889
3 17613 A Lannister always pays his tab 61 6 0.722
3 13938 The B-Sharps 61 6 0.722
5 17037 Hopps&Barley 37 5 0.556
6 S&K 35 4 0.444
7 1 lung lo 31 3 0.333
8 Milk chocolate 21 2 0.222
9 18783 Team Gonzalez 18 1 0.111
10 17649 Cheers, Mate! 15 0 0.000


Wed Mar 13 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue...

What a fun and loud week. It seemed as if a daycare was in the brewery this week, it was LOUD!! Let me tell you, once we started the parents helped quiet their kids and played trivia with us, kudos and much thanks to you.

It was a somewhat low scoring week for Rescue this week which I do sometimes love to see, it was a challenge for all those who played. A lot of wrong double downs and some correct double downs.

Two teams tied for 1st place, SNAFU Worldwide (Your Mother) and A Lanister Always Pays Their Tab but only 1 can claim the victor. In the tie break 1 from each team answered "how many words are in the Gettysburg Address?" We play Price is Right Rules and SNAFU won with a guess of 200. The Lanisters guessed 300 and weren't happy to see that the answer was 272 words.

Our beer round we let all who wanted to partake in a round of basketball/beer pong, only 1 made it near the cup and on the table, a member from Hops and Barley.

All teams Rocked as always and thank you to all those who continue to return each week to Rescue myself and the bar staff appreciate you all.

Until next week


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14156 Your Mother 59 9 0.950
1 17613 A Lannister always pays his tab 59 9 0.950
3 16230 Dino Babes 56 8 0.800
4 17232 Three’s Company 54 7 0.700
5 13938 The B-Sharps 47 6 0.600
6 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 42 5 0.500
7 17037 Hopps&Barley 32 3 0.350
7 Master debaters 32 3 0.350
9 Girl Scout Troop 1084 24 2 0.200
10 18213 I ?Beer 22 0 0.050
10 18603 Four Play 22 0 0.050