Rescue Brewing Company

167 N 2nd Ave
Upland CA 91786
(909) 536-2739
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Rescue Brewing Company

We chose this location in Historic Downtown Upland because it is the heart of Upland. Our goal is to create a space that is family oriented and a place the community can come together by having a relaxing time tasting our specialty craft beers as well as strolling the shops of our neighboring retails stores. Our mission is to give back to our giving a portion of our proceeds from special events, merchandise and beer sales to our local heroes....Law Enforcement, Fire Department, Military, local Charities and Animal Rescues.


Wed Dec 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue...

Loved that my regulars and newbs still came out even in the rain. Great night with great people and teams

The B-sharps took first with O'Trivia Newton John in a close second. There was a tie breaker between In Search of a Whiskey Moment and Periodic Table went head to head in the tie breaker this week. Each team were in Fantasy Land with their answers of 8,000 and 2,000, little did they know it was in fact 31,000 Disneyland employs.

For our beer round we played Blind Pictionary, the drawer was to draw Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeers... I wish I had taken photos of the drawings. They were EPIC not so "bright" tho lol.

Until next week...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13938 Mi Lady Parts 81 6 1.000
2 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 80 5 0.833
3* 10309 In Search of Whiskey Moments 78 3 0.583
3 16802 Periodic Table Dancers 78 3 0.583
5 17523 Public Enemy Obi Wan 76 2 0.333
6 16227 All I want for Quizmas is a Brew 68 1 0.167
7 Ledesert Trio 33 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Nov 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Allison Jaramillo

Rescue Brewery was stuffed to the brim this Thanksgiving eve. Several teams did well in round one but In Search of Whiskey Moments mashed the freakin' potatoes out of everyone else when they went all in with the Double or Nothing AND including their team number, achieving the max amount of points possible right off the bat.

We had a few other teams steal the spotlight throughout the night as well though. TWSS won the beer round by guessing all the song titles and artists from 10 second music clips (all had food in the title). Hopps & Barley made round five look like gravy, baby, with an easy Double or Nothing 20-pointer. And of course, our third, second, and first place teams closed the night out with some impressive scores.

In third, we had In Search of Whiskey Moments (popping up again at the end of the night like your weird aunt Karen to prove they still got it). Release The Hounds came in second with a hefty helping of Double or Nothing under their belt as well. And blowing the stuffing right out of the turkey for first place, was Hopps & Barley with a twelve point lead!

As for my first night as a solo Quizmaster, this group did not disappoint - here's a special thank you to all of you for taking it easy on me. Especially when I pronounced moshing as "mooshing" (but you're welcome for the cute new way to enjoy every concert you ever go to from now on).

Happy Thanksgiving, Rescue!

Yours from the moosh pit, Allison.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17037 Hopps & Barley 83 8 1.000
2 13938 Release The Hounds 71 7 0.875
3 10309 In Search of Whiskey Moments 66 6 0.750
4 Two Girls, One Walt 63 5 0.625
5 Guys in the Corner 52 4 0.500
6 16680 TWSS 49 3 0.375
7 21211 Dirty Penguins 47 2 0.250
8 23753 Pep & Pawps 46 1 0.125
9 19765 Let's Get Quizzical 41 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Nov 20 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at Rescue...

What a week we had here at Rescue... there were a lot of new teams this week and we welcomed them with open arms.

In Search of a Whisket Moment took first this week and 1st 2nd and 3rd were all within 5pts of each other. O'Trivia Newton John took second with the B Sharps close on their heels.

For our beer round this week we played "Left Right" where I read I dialogue and everytime I said left or right that is the way you passed the gift card. This week we had 4 cards in play so we allowed anyone to play. Congrats to the 4 winners on their prize of tasters.

Everyone enjoyed their time this week at Rescue. As always thank you to the Rescue Crew for their hospitality and good spirits

Until next week Rescue...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10309 In Search of a Whiskey Moment 60 10 1.000
2 16523 O’Trivia Newton John 55 9 0.900
3 13938 The Not so Big Sissies 50 8 0.800
4 17037 Hopps&Barley 48 6 0.650
4 18213 I ?Beer 48 6 0.650
6 17523 Bed Bath and Beyonce 43 5 0.500
7 16227 Disney+ and Thrust 38 4 0.400
8 23918 The Beard and the Dame 22 3 0.300
9 69ners 18 2 0.200
10 Panda 16 1 0.100
11 Pritech Neighbors 15 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker